blob: 5c4cbad69af6501462d170896de9f9cece16cf8e [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Johannes Kepler University, Institute for
// Integrated Circuits (H. Pretl, L. Blagojevic, M. Esen, K. Freinberger,
// M. Golser, M. Hackl, A. Hinterdorfer, O. Kara, D. Kellerer, P. Kotek,
// J. Mayrhofer, M. Meingast, T. Pankratz, J. Ratschenberger, R. Reddy.Mitta,
// P. Schmidt, S. Seidl, I. Shala, M. Zöbl)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// second order delta-sigma modulator, stage 1
module stud_second_order_modulator
parameter BITWIDTH = 16 // audio data input width
input n_rst_i, // active low synchronous reset
input clk_i, // clock input
input [BITWIDTH - 1 : 0] data_i, // audio data input (unsigned)
output reg [1 : 0] mod_o // 2 bit modulator output
// counter to realize fs / 4 sampling rate
reg [1 : 0] counter;
reg [1 : 0] counter_next;
// sampling strobe, triggered every 4 cycles
reg sampling_strb;
reg sampling_strb_next;
// feedback line 1
reg [BITWIDTH - 1 : 0] fb1;
reg [BITWIDTH - 1 : 0] fb1_next;
// feedback line 2
reg [BITWIDTH - 1 : 0] fb2;
reg [BITWIDTH - 1 : 0] fb2_next;
// accumulator
reg [BITWIDTH + 1: 0] acc;
reg [BITWIDTH + 1: 0] acc_next;
// modulator output
reg [1 : 0] mod_next;
// counter and sampling strobe combinatorics
always @* begin
// default assignments
counter_next = counter;
sampling_strb_next = 1'b0;
if (counter == 2'd3) begin
// reset counter on overflow and trigger strobe
counter_next = 2'b0;
sampling_strb_next = 1'b1;
end else begin
// increment counter
counter_next = counter + 2'd1;
// modulator combinatorics
always @* begin
// default assignments
fb1_next = fb1;
fb2_next = fb2;
acc_next = acc;
mod_next = mod_o;
// only update registers every sampling interval (4 clock cycles)
if (sampling_strb) begin
// fb2 is the (n - 2) least significant bits of the accumulator
// delayed by 2 sampling intervals (8 clock cycles)
fb2_next = fb1;
// fb1 is the (n - 2) least significant bits of the accumulator
// delayed by 1 sampling interval (4 clock cycles)
fb1_next = acc[BITWIDTH - 1 : 0];
// accumulator value = audio data input + 2 * fb1 + (-1) * fb2
// in order to prevent underflows, an offset of 2 ^ BITWIDTH has to be added to (-1) * fb2
acc_next = {2'b0, data_i} + ({2'b0, fb1} << 1) + {1'b0, {1'b1, {BITWIDTH {1'b0}}} - {1'b0, fb2}};
// 2 most significant bits of the accumulator become the output
mod_next = acc[BITWIDTH + 1 : BITWIDTH];
// registers
always @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (!n_rst_i) begin
// synchronously reset register values
counter <= 2'd3; // ensure counter overflow at the start
sampling_strb <= 1'b0;
fb1 <= {BITWIDTH {1'b0}};
fb2 <= {BITWIDTH {1'b0}};
acc <= {BITWIDTH + 2 {1'b0}};
mod_o <= 2'b0;
end else begin
counter <= counter_next;
sampling_strb <= sampling_strb_next;
fb1 <= fb1_next;
fb2 <= fb2_next;
acc <= acc_next;
mod_o <= mod_next;