blob: 92c1ff25503c213815bc06189938ce4ceeba404e [file] [log] [blame]
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Harald Pretl
* Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Integrated Circuits
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* AUDIODAC -- 16b Delta-Sigma Modulator with Single-Bit Output
`default_nettype none
module audiodac_dsmod(
input [15:0] audio_i, // audio data from FIFO
output wire audio_rd_o, // indicates a read from FIFO
input rst_n_i,
input clk_i,
input mode_i, // 0 = 1st order, 1 = 2nd order SD-modulator
input [3:0] volume_i, // 0 = off, 15 = max volume
input [1:0] osr_i, // 0 = 32; 1 = 64, 2 = 128, 3 = 256
output reg ds_o, // single-bit SD-modulator output
output wire ds_n_o // plus the complementary output
reg [15:0] accu1;
reg [15:0] accu2;
reg [1:0] accu3;
wire [15:0] audio_scaled; // audio data treated with volume control
reg [7:0] fetch_ctr; // clock divideid by osr
reg [1:0] mod2_ctr; // clk divide by 4 for 1st stage of 2nd order mod.
reg [1:0] mod2_out; // output 1st stage
localparam [7:0] CTR_OSR32 = 8'd31;
localparam [7:0] CTR_OSR64 = 8'd63;
localparam [7:0] CTR_OSR128 = 8'd127;
localparam [7:0] CTR_OSR256 = 8'd255;
localparam [1:0] OSR32 = 2'd0;
localparam [1:0] OSR64 = 2'd1;
localparam [1:0] OSR128 = 2'd2;
localparam [1:0] OSR256 = 2'd3;
localparam ORD1 = 1'd0;
localparam ORD2 = 1'd1;
// provide out and out_n to make levelshifter easier
assign ds_n_o = ~ds_o;
// we provide volume control in 6dB steps, 0=min (off), 15=max
assign audio_scaled = (volume_i === 4'd0) ? 16'b0 : audio_i >> (4'd15 - volume_i);
// the fetch counter controls the read of the next sample from the FIFO
// counter runs down so decoding is easier for different counter
// cycles
assign audio_rd_o = (fetch_ctr === 8'd0);
always @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (!rst_n_i) begin
// reset all registers
accu1 <= 16'b0;
accu2 <= 16'b0;
accu3 <= 2'b0;
ds_o <= 1'b0;
fetch_ctr <= 8'b0;
mod2_ctr <= 2'b0;
mod2_out <= 2'b0;
end else begin
// sd-modulator is running
if (fetch_ctr === 8'd0) begin
// fetch_ctr finished, restart with proper cycle count
// depending on osr
case (osr_i)
OSR32: fetch_ctr <= CTR_OSR32;
OSR64: fetch_ctr <= CTR_OSR64;
OSR128: fetch_ctr <= CTR_OSR128;
OSR256: fetch_ctr <= CTR_OSR256;
default: fetch_ctr <= 8'bx;
end else
//just keep counting down
fetch_ctr <= fetch_ctr - 1'b1;
if (mode_i === ORD1) begin
// delta-sigma modulator 1st order
// this simple structure works if everything
// is UINT
{ds_o,accu1} <= audio_scaled + accu1;
end else if (mode_i === ORD2) begin
// delta-sigma modulator 2nd order
// the first stage runs on clk/4, the second
// stage runs on clk
if (mod2_ctr === 2'b0) begin
// this only happens every 4th clk
// cycle
{mod2_out,accu1} <= {2'b00,audio_scaled}
+ {1'b0,accu1,1'b0}
+ 18'h10000
- {2'b0,accu2};
accu2 <= accu1;
// this is the clk divider for the 1st stage
mod2_ctr <= mod2_ctr + 1'b1;
// this simple structure is the 2nd stage
// running on clk
{ds_o,accu3} <= mod2_out + accu3;
endmodule // audiodac_dsmod
`default_nettype wire