blob: 622757e9707a31590d8fc6d6d9ec8bcdcc055487 [file] [log] [blame]
** sch_path: /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/xschem/3-stage_cs-vco_tb.sch
**.subckt 3-stage_cs-vco_tb vctrl out buf16_out
*.iopin vctrl
*.iopin out
*.iopin buf16_out
x1 net1 net2 out vctrl x3-stage_cs-vco_dp7
V2 vdd GND 1.8
Vmeas_current_vdd vdd net1 0
Vmeas_current_gnd net2 GND 0
x2 vdd out GND fdiv2_loadmodel
x3 out GND GND vdd vdd buf1_out sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1
x4 buf1_out GND GND vdd vdd net4 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2
x5 net4 GND GND vdd vdd net5 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4
x6 net5 GND GND vdd vdd net3 sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8
x7 net3 GND GND vdd vdd buf16_out sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16
**** begin user architecture code
.lib /usr/local/share/pdk/sky130A/ tt
.include /usr/local/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hd.spice
*V1 vctrl GND 0.9
V1 vctrl GND pwl(0, 0, 1n, 0, 1.1n, 0.9, 2n, 0.9, 2.1n, {vcontrol_par})
*.options savecurrents
*Trying to get the syntax right for probing M26 and M7 current:
*POST-LAYOUT current probes:
.probe tran all @m.x1.xxm26.x0.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id]
.save tran all @m.x1.xxm26.x0.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id]
.probe tran all @m.x1.xxm16.x0.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id]
.save tran all @m.x1.xxm16.x0.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id]
.probe tran all @m.x1.xxm16b.x0.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id]
.save tran all @m.x1.xxm16b.x0.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id]
*Instantiate Ring Osc Parasitic Caps:
*This worked BUT it gave slightly different Fvco numbers, some gmin convergence.
*Better to put the parasitic caps inside the VCO subcircuit.
*Cnet10 x1.net10 x1.vss {paracap}
*Cnet9 x1.net9 x1.vss {0.686*paracap}
*Cnet8 x1.net8 x1.vss {0.628*paracap}
let do_vctrl_sweep = 1
let do_dimensions_sweep = 0
let do_2dimensions_sweep = 0
let do_paracap_sweep = 0
.param vcontrol_par = 0.9
.param paracap = 2.93f
*DP5 dimensions:
.param W_delay_pmos = 0.5
.param W_delay_nmos = 0.36
.param M21_W = 0.58
.param M22_W =0.36
.param L_of_mirrors = 0.18
.param W_of_mirrors = 2.4
.param W_of_input_mirror = 1
*DP6 dimensions:
.param W_delay_pmos = 0.5
.param W_delay_nmos = 0.36
*.param M5_and_M6_multiple = 1
*Strong M5 M6:
.param M5_and_M6_multiple = 4
.param L_of_mirrors = 0.18
*.param W_of_mirrors = 2.4
.param W_of_mirrors = 19.2
.param W_of_input_mirror = 1
*DP6 with M5/M6 optimization:
.param W_delay_pmos = 0.5
.param W_delay_nmos = 0.36
*.param M5_and_M6_multiple = 1
*Strong M5 M6:
.param M5_and_M6_multiple = 4
.param L_of_mirrors = 0.18
.param W_of_mirrors = 2.4
.param W_of_input_mirror = 1
.param W_m5 = 0.5
.param W_m6 = 0.36
*This is to parameterize transient step/stop/start times
*using variables:
set t_start = 0
set t_step = 10p
let expected_frequency_vec = 1G
let nperiods_vec = 70
let t_stop_vec = nperiods_vec / expected_frequency_vec
set t_stop = $&t_stop_vec
*Trying to sync the params with the variables:
*Just for the measure statements:
.param t_start_par = 0
.param t_step_par = 10p
.param t_stop_par = 100n
alterparam t_start_par = $t_start
alterparam t_step_par = $t_step
alterparam t_stop_par = $t_stop
if do_vctrl_sweep = 1
*-------- WHILE LOOP FOR VCTRL SWEEP-----------------
let start_vctrl = 0.0
let stop_vctrl = 1.81
let increment = 0.1
let vctrl_next = start_vctrl
let debug_1 = 1234
let debug_2 = 5678
let iteration = 1
while vctrl_next le stop_vctrl
*alter V1 dc = vctrl_next
set vctrl_next_var = $&vctrl_next
alterparam vcontrol_par = $vctrl_next_var
*This for fast frequencies:
*tran 10ps 100ns
*This for slow frequencies:
*tran 1000ps 100000ns
*This is using the (set) variables:
tran $t_step $t_stop $t_start
*This is to TRY to parameterize the tran
*using the global params BUT it doesn't seem
*to work if the tran is inside the .control.
*tran 't_step_par' 't_stop_par'
let vctrl_next = vctrl_next + increment
let iteration = iteration + 1
set appendwrite true
write 3-stage_cs-vco_tb_WITH_APPENDWRITE.raw all
*-------- END WHILE LOOP FOR VCTRL SWEEP-----------------
end $end the if do_vctrl_sweep = 1
if do_dimensions_sweep = 1
*-------- WHILE LOOP FOR DIMENSIONS SWEEP-----------------
let start_w = 1
let stop_w = 8.1
let increment = 1
let w_next = start_w
*let w_next_extra_for_the_nmos = 0.36
let iteration = 1
while w_next le stop_w
set w_next_var = $&w_next
*Trying to see if wider delay cell devices can charge parasitic caps better
*set w_next_var_extra_for_the_nmos = $&w_next_extra_for_the_nmos
*alterparam W_delay_pmos = $w_next_var
*alterparam W_delay_nmos = $w_next_var_extra_for_the_nmos
*Maybe I should increase the Para Cap when I increase the devices...
*The RESET is required after the alterparam (manual says)
*Trying to see if making M5 and M6 stronger helps
alterparam M5_and_M6_multiple = $w_next_var
*alterparam W_delay_pmos = 0.42
*alterparam W_delay_nmos = 0.36
*alterparam M21_W = 2.88
*alterparam M22_W = 1.44
*alterparam M21_W = $w_next_var
*alterparam M22_W = {$w_next_var / 2}
*alterparam W_delay_pmos = 0.5
*alterparam W_delay_nmos = 0.36
*alterparam M21_W = 0.58
*alterparam M22_W = 0.36
*Trying to extend Vctrl range:
*alterparam W_delay_pmos = 0.5
*alterparam W_delay_nmos = 0.36
*alterparam W_of_mirrors = $w_next_var
*alterparam W_of_input_mirror = { $w_next_var * 1.01 / 2.4 }
*alterparam vcontrol_par = 0.7
*Measure M26 current at Vctrl 0.7 in DP5
*alterparam W_delay_pmos = 0.5
*alterparam W_delay_nmos = 0.36
*alterparam W_of_mirrors = 2.4
*alterparam W_of_input_mirror = 1.01
*alterparam vcontrol_par = 0.7
*Trying more current in mirrors to see if that can charge para caps faster
*alterparam W_of_mirrors = $w_next_var
tran $t_step $t_stop $t_start
*tran 't_step_par' 't_stop_par'
print iteration
echo Width_In_This_Iteration = $w_next_var
let w_next = w_next + increment
*let w_next_extra_for_the_nmos = w_next_extra_for_the_nmos + increment
let iteration = iteration + 1
set appendwrite true
write 3-stage_cs-vco_tb_WITH_APPENDWRITE.raw all
*-------- END WHILE LOOP FOR VCTRL SWEEP-----------------
end $end the if do_dimensions_sweep = 1
if do_paracap_sweep = 1
let start_paracap = 0f
let stop_paracap = 3.1f
let increment = 1f
let paracap_next = start_paracap
let iteration = 1
while paracap_next le stop_paracap
set paracap_next_var = $&paracap_next
alterparam paracap = $paracap_next_var
tran $t_step $t_stop $t_start
*tran 't_step_par' 't_stop_par'
print iteration
echo paracap = $paracap_next_var
let paracap_next = paracap_next + increment
let iteration = iteration + 1
set appendwrite true
write 3-stage_cs-vco_tb_WITH_APPENDWRITE.raw all
*-------------- END SWEEP PARA CAP -----------------
if do_2dimensions_sweep = 1
*-------- WHILE LOOP FOR 2 DIMENSIONS SWEEP-----------------
let start_w_pmos = 0.6
let stop_w_pmos = 2.61
let increment_w_pmos = 0.2
let w_next_pmos = start_w_pmos
let start_w_nmos = 0.6
let stop_w_nmos = 1.61
let increment_w_nmos = 0.2
let w_next_nmos = start_w_nmos
let iteration = 1
set w_next_pmos_var = $&start_w_pmos
set w_next_nmos_var = $&start_w_nmos
while w_next_pmos le stop_w_pmos
while w_next_nmos le stop_w_nmos
alterparam W_m5 = $w_next_pmos_var
alterparam W_m6 = $w_next_nmos_var
tran $t_step $t_stop $t_start
print iteration
echo Width_PMOS_In_This_Iteration = $w_next_pmos_var
echo Width_NMOS_In_This_Iteration = $w_next_nmos_var
let w_next_nmos = w_next_nmos + increment_w_nmos
set w_next_nmos_var = $&w_next_nmos
let iteration = iteration + 1
set appendwrite true
write 3-stage_cs-vco_tb_WITH_APPENDWRITE.raw all
end $ end inner nmos while loop
let w_next_pmos = w_next_pmos + increment_w_pmos
set w_next_pmos_var = $&w_next_pmos
let w_next_nmos = start_w_nmos
set w_next_nmos_var = $&w_next_nmos
end $ end outer pmos while loop
end $end the IF do_2dimensions_sweep = 1
*-------- END LOOP FOR 2 DIMENSIONS SWEEP-----------------
.meas tran Tvco_OUTSIDE_WHILE TRIG v(out) VAL=0.5*1.8 RISE=50 TARG v(out) VAL=0.5*1.8 RISE=51
*.meas tran Tvco_OUTSIDE_WHILE TRIG v(out) VAL=0.5*1.8 RISE=4 TARG v(out) VAL=0.5*1.8 RISE=5
.meas tran Supply_current_rms_OUTSIDE_WHILE RMS i(vmeas_current_vdd) FROM=10e-9 TO=40e-9
.meas tran Ground_current_rms_OUTSIDE_WHILE RMS i(vmeas_current_gnd) FROM=10e-9 TO=40e-9
.meas tran vctrl_avg_OUTSIDE_WHILE AVG v(vctrl) FROM=10e-9 TO=20e-9
.meas tran vhigh_OUTSIDE_WHILE MAX v(out) FROM=10e-9 TO=20e-9
.meas tran vlow_OUTSIDE_WHILE MIN v(out) FROM=10e-9 TO=20e-9
.meas tran peak_to_peak_OUTSIDE_WHILE PARAM='vhigh_OUTSIDE_WHILE-vlow_OUTSIDE_WHILE'
.meas tran supply_current_rms RMS i(vmeas_current_vdd) FROM='t_start_par' TO='t_stop_par'
*IF NORMAL circuit: (couldn't wrap this inside an if)
*.meas tran m26_current_rms RMS @m.x1.xm26.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id] FROM='t_stop_par/2' TO='t_stop_par'
*.meas tran m7_current_rms RMS @m.x1.xm7.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8[id] FROM='t_stop_par/2' TO='t_stop_par'
*IF LVT circuit: (couldn't wrap this inside an if)
*.meas tran m26_lvt_current_rms RMS @m.x1.xm26.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt[id] FROM='t_stop_par/2'
+ TO='t_stop_par'
*.meas tran m7_lvt_current_rms RMS @m.x1.xm7.msky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt[id] FROM='t_stop_par/2' TO='t_stop_par'
**** end user architecture code
*This is the FULL POST-LAYOUT netlist for DP7:
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp7/3-stage_cs-vco_dp7.spice
*This is DP8 LAYOUT which is like DP7 but with just one 4.8um mirror instead of 2x, to make it less abrupt
*since it appeared like faster in layout that in Sch.
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp7/3-stage_cs-vco_dp8.spice
*This is DP_GUTFEEL layout as it looked decent on SCH sim with paracaps (y eso que era a ojillo)
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp7/3-stage_cs-vco_dpgutfeel.spice
*This is DP_GUTFEEL_v2 layout which is same as GUTFEEL but just 1x 4.8um mirror overall, like DP8 in that sense
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp7/3-stage_cs-vco_dpgutfeel_v2.spice
*This is DP_GUTFEEL_v3 layout which is same as GUTFEEL and _V2 but just 1x 2.4um mirror overall,
*like this would be 0.5x the current of GUTFEEL_V2, the goal is to save current.
.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp7/3-stage_cs-vco_dpgutfeel_v3.spice
*These are netlists to debug the cap on which net degrades the speed (net10, net9, net8):
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_NET10_CAPS_COMMENTED_OUT.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_NET9_CAPS_COMMENTED_OUT.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_NET8_CAPS_COMMENTED_OUT.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_NET10_NET9_NET8_CAPS_COMMENTED_OUT.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_ALL_TOP_LEVEL_SUBCKT_CAPS_COMMENTED_OUT.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_ALL_CAPS_COMMENTED_OUT.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_ONLY_DELAY_CELL_TRANS_SUBCKT_CAPS_INSERTED.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_ONLY_NET10_NET9_NET8_TOP_LEVEL_SUBCKT_CAPS_INSERTED.spice
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_ONLY_NET10_NET9_NET8_TOP_LEVEL_AND_TRANSISTOR_SUBCKT_CAPS_INSERTED.spice
*This is Layout with LI on delay cells, full extracted layout:
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_li/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_li.spice
*This is Layout with LI on delay cells (v2 is with rotated FETs on delay cells, some more LI, etc), full extracted layout:
*.include /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/mag/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_li_v2/3-stage_cs-vco_dp5_li_v2.spice
* expanding symbol: fdiv2_loadmodel.sym # of pins=3
** sym_path: /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/xschem/fdiv2_loadmodel.sym
** sch_path: /home/darunix/GitSandboxes/VCO/vco/xschem/fdiv2_loadmodel.sch
.subckt fdiv2_loadmodel vdd clk vss
*.ipin clk
*.iopin vdd
*.iopin vss
XM3 vdd clk vdd vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 L=0.15 W=0.72 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
+ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
+ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
XM4 vss clk vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 L=0.15 W=0.36 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
+ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
+ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
XM14 vss clk vss vss sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 L=0.15 W=0.84 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
+ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
+ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1
XM9 vdd clk vdd vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 L=0.15 W=0.42 nf=1 ad='int((nf+1)/2) * W/nf * 0.29' as='int((nf+2)/2) * W/nf * 0.29'
+ pd='2*int((nf+1)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' ps='2*int((nf+2)/2) * (W/nf + 0.29)' nrd='0.29 / W' nrs='0.29 / W'
+ sa=0 sb=0 sd=0 mult=1 m=1