blob: 441334315de4358ab1ddb0d71b79c395dcb50865 [file] [log] [blame]
# delay calc example with parasitics
read_liberty $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE)
read_verilog $::env(yosys_result_file_tag)_scancell.v
link_design $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
#To display all registers
set mylist [all_registers]
for { set si_index 0 } { $si_index < $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS) } { incr si_index } {
set scan_in($si_index) "scan_si[$si_index]"
set si_index 0
puts "Info: Connecting Scan Chain Si => FF => FF .. FF .. => SO"
foreach elem $mylist {
set Inst [get_full_name $elem]
#Disconnect the Net to scan enable Pin
set net1 [get_full_name [get_nets -of_objects $Inst/SCE]]
disconnect_pin $net1 $Inst/SCE
# Connect Scan Enable
connect_pin scan_en $Inst/SCE
#Disconnect Scan In
set net1 [get_full_name [get_nets -of_objects $Inst/SCD]]
disconnect_pin $net1 $Inst/SCD
# Connect Scan Enable
connect_pin $scan_in($si_index) $Inst/SCD
puts "Info: Connecting $scan_in($si_index) $Inst/SCD "
# Current cell Q pin Became Scan in for next FF
set scan_in($si_index) [get_full_name [get_nets -of_objects $Inst/Q]]
incr si_index
if {$si_index == $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS) } {
set si_index 0
incr si_depth
## Calculate scan depth based on total scan cell & total scan chain
set si_depth [expr [expr [llength $mylist] + $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS)] / $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS)]
puts "Info: Total Scan FF: [llength $mylist]"
puts "Info: Total Scan Chain: $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS)"
puts "Info: Scan Depth: $si_depth"
# Delete the Tie Low cell connect to scan_so
for { set si_index 0 } { $si_index < $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS) } { incr si_index } {
set mylist [get_fanin -to scan_so[$si_index] -only_cells -trace_arcs all]
foreach elem $mylist {
set Inst [get_full_name $elem]
if {$Inst ne ""} then {
puts "Info: Deleting $Inst Instance Connected to scan_so[$si_index] "
delete_instance $Inst
puts "Info: Create a Buffer at Scan SO and connect Last FF SO to scan_so .."
for { set si_index 0 } { $si_index < $::env(SCAN_TOTAL_CHAINS) } { incr si_index } {
make_instance u_scan_so_$si_index sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80/sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_8
connect_pin $scan_in($si_index) u_scan_so_$si_index/A
connect_pin scan_so[$si_index] u_scan_so_$si_index/X
write_verilog $::env(yosys_result_file_tag).v