blob: caffbb76919dbce98700c208e7075846de4d799e [file] [log] [blame]
module lbist_top
#(parameter SCW = 8 // SCAN CHAIN WIDTH
// Wishbone Reg I/F
input logic wb_clk,
input logic wb_rst_n,
input logic wb_cs,
input logic [1:0] wb_addr,
input logic wb_wr,
input logic [31:0] wb_wdata,
input logic [3:0] wb_be,
output logic [31:0] wb_rdata,
output logic wb_ack,
output logic wb_err,
input logic lbist_clk,
input logic lbist_clk_skew, // bist clock with additional clock skew
// Scan Control Signal
output logic scan_clk,
output logic scan_rst_n,
output logic scan_mode,
output logic scan_en,
output logic [SCW-1:0] scan_in,
input logic [SCW-1:0] scan_out
// Local Decleration
// ---------------------------------------------
logic lbist_rst_n ;
logic lbist_reg_cs ;
logic [1:0] lbist_reg_addr ;
logic lbist_reg_wr ;
logic [31:0] lbist_reg_wdata ;
logic [3:0] lbist_reg_be ;
logic [31:0] lbist_reg_rdata ;
logic lbist_reg_ack ;
logic cfg_lbist_srst ;
logic cfg_lbist_start ; // lbist start
logic cfg_lbist_rsb ; // lbist reset scan compare bypass
logic [15:0] cfg_lbist_pat ; // Total Scan pattern to be run
logic [15:0] cfg_chain_depth ; // Scan chain depth
logic lbist_done ;
logic [31:0] lbist_sig ;
// LBIST Reset Synchronizer
// -----------------------------------
reset_sync u_lbist_reset (
.scan_mode (1'b0 ),
.dclk (lbist_clk_skew), // Destination clock domain
.arst_n (wb_rst_n ), // active low async reset
.srst_n (lbist_rst_n )
// -------------------------------------------------
// Wishbone to LBIST register Synchronizer
// ------------------------------------------------
async_reg_bus #(.AW(2)) u_async_reg (
// Initiator declartion
.in_clk (wb_clk),
.in_reset_n (wb_rst_n),
// Reg Bus Master
// outputs
.in_reg_rdata (wb_rdata),
.in_reg_ack (wb_ack),
.in_reg_timeout (wb_err),
// Inputs
.in_reg_cs (wb_cs),
.in_reg_addr (wb_addr),
.in_reg_wdata (wb_wdata),
.in_reg_wr (wb_wr),
.in_reg_be (wb_be),
// Target Declaration
.out_clk (lbist_clk_skew),
.out_reset_n (lbist_rst_n),
// Reg Bus Slave
// output
.out_reg_cs (lbist_reg_cs),
.out_reg_addr (lbist_reg_addr),
.out_reg_wdata (lbist_reg_wdata),
.out_reg_wr (lbist_reg_wr),
.out_reg_be (lbist_reg_be),
// Inputs
.out_reg_rdata (lbist_reg_rdata),
.out_reg_ack (lbist_reg_ack)
// LBIST local Register
// ----------------------------
lbist_reg u_reg (
.mclk (lbist_clk_skew ),
.reset_n (lbist_rst_n ),
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
.reg_cs (lbist_reg_cs ),
.reg_wr (lbist_reg_wr ),
.reg_addr (lbist_reg_addr ),
.reg_wdata (lbist_reg_wdata ),
.reg_be (lbist_reg_be ),
// Outputs
.reg_rdata (lbist_reg_rdata ),
.reg_ack (lbist_reg_ack ),
.cfg_lbist_rst (cfg_lbist_srst ),
.cfg_lbist_start (cfg_lbist_start ), // lbist start
.cfg_lbist_rsb (cfg_lbist_rsb ), // lbist reset scan bypass
.cfg_lbist_pat (cfg_lbist_pat ), // Total Scan pattern to be run
.cfg_chain_depth (cfg_chain_depth ), // Scan Chain Depth
.lbist_done (lbist_done ),
.lbist_sig (lbist_sig )
// LBIST core manges all the scan sequence
u_lbist_core (
.mclk (lbist_clk ),
.mclk_skew (lbist_clk_skew ),
.rst_n (lbist_rst_n ),
.srst (cfg_lbist_srst ), // software reset
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
.lbist_start (cfg_lbist_start ),// ltest start
.cfg_lbist_rsb (cfg_lbist_rsb ), // lbist reset scan bypass
.cfg_lbist_pat (cfg_lbist_pat ),// Total Scan pattern to be run
.cfg_chain_depth (cfg_chain_depth ), // Scan Chain Depth
.lbist_done (lbist_done ),// End of Ltest
.lbist_sig (lbist_sig ),// scan signature
// Scan Control Signal
.scan_clk (scan_clk ),
.scan_rst_n (scan_rst_n ),
.scan_mode (scan_mode ),
.scan_en (scan_en ),
.scan_in (scan_in ),
.scan_out (scan_out )