| * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
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| |
| * SKY130 Spice File. |
| .param sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_l1m1m2_noshield__slope = 0.0 |
| * statistics { |
| * mismatch { |
| * vary sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_l1m1m2_noshield__slope dist=gauss std=0.00731 |
| * } |
| * } |
| .subckt sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_l1m1m2_noshield c0 c1 b |
| + |
| .param mult = 1.0 |
| + |
| + ctot_a = {9.81e-15*sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_l1m1m2_noshield__cor+1.05870/sqrt(mult/0.356498)*MC_MM_SWITCH*AGAUSS(0,0.00731,1)*9.81e-15*sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_l1m1m2_noshield__cor} |
| + c0_sub = {1.528e-15*cli2s_vpp} |
| + c1_sub = {0.440e-15*cli2s_vpp} |
| + rat_m2 = 0.447 |
| + rat_m1 = 0.320 |
| + rat_li = 0.233 |
| + cap_m2 = {rat_m2*ctot_a} |
| + cap_m1 = {rat_m1*ctot_a} |
| + cap_li = {rat_li*ctot_a} |
| + lm2 = 1.585 |
| + wm2 = 0.140 |
| + nfm2 = 24.0 |
| + nvia_c0 = 40.0 |
| + nvia_c1 = 18.0 |
| + lm1 = 1.665 |
| + wm1 = 0.140 |
| + nfm1 = 20.0 |
| + ncon_c0 = 42.0 |
| + ncon_c1 = 8.0 |
| + ll1 = 1.555 |
| + wl1 = 0.170 |
| + nfl1 = 20.0 |
| rm21 c0 a1 r = {rm2*lm2/wm2*(1/3)*(1/nfm2)} |
| ccmvpp4p4x4p6 a1 c1 c = {cap_m2} |
| rvia1 c0 d0 r = {rcvia/nvia_c0} |
| rvia2 c1 d1 r = {rcvia/nvia_c1} |
| rm11 d0 b1 r = {rm1*lm1/wm1*(1/3)*(1/nfm1)} |
| cm1 b1 d1 c = {cap_m1} |
| rcon1 d0 e0 r = {rcl1/ncon_c0} |
| rcon2 d1 e1 r = {rcl1/ncon_c1} |
| rli1 e0 f1 r = {rl1*ll1/wl1*(1/3)*(1/nfl1)} |
| cli f1 e1 c = {cap_li} |
| cli1_b e0 b c = {c0_sub} |
| cli2_b e1 b c = {c1_sub} |
| .ends sky130_fd_pr__cap_vpp_04p4x04p6_l1m1m2_noshield |