Create L2_cache_subset.v
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/L2_cache_subset.v b/verilog/rtl/L2_cache_subset.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2bd67e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/L2_cache_subset.v
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+module L2_cache_subset(clk,reset,msb_index,find_start,L2_found_in_cache,hit_way,found_in_cache,cache_hit_count4,cache_hit_count8,cache_hit_count16,hit_source,updated);
+    parameter way = 16;
+    parameter block_size_byte = 16;
+    parameter set_size = 512;   
+    parameter set_index = $rtoi($ln(set_size)/$ln(2));
+    parameter way_width = $rtoi($ln(way)/$ln(2));
+    input clk,find_start,reset,L2_found_in_cache;
+    input [way_width:0] hit_way;
+    input [set_index:0] msb_index;
+    output reg found_in_cache;
+    // this needs to get parameterized based on number of max associativity
+    output reg [19:0] cache_hit_count4;
+    output reg [19:0] cache_hit_count8;
+    output reg [19:0] cache_hit_count16;
+    output reg updated;
+    output reg [way_width:0] hit_source;
+    reg msb_indexbit,msb_update,mask_update;
+    reg [set_index-1:0] index;        
+    reg [way_width:0] way_index; 
+    reg mask0 [0:set_size-1][0:way-1];
+    reg mask1 [0:set_size-1][0:way-1];
+    reg [1:0] source [0:set_size-1][0:way-1];
+    reg [1:0] temp_data;
+    reg temp_source;
+    reg [way_width:0] count;
+    //reg [19:0] hit_count [way-1:0];
+    reg [1:0]find_state;
+    reg done;    
+    integer i,j;
+    initial
+    begin
+        found_in_cache = 0;
+        cache_hit_count4 = 0;        
+        cache_hit_count8 = 0;
+        cache_hit_count16 = 0;
+        //cache_miss_count = 0;        
+        find_state = 0;
+        temp_data = 0;   
+        msb_update = 0;  
+        mask_update = 0;   
+        for (i=0;i<set_size;i=i+1)
+        begin
+            for (j=0;j<way;j=j+1)
+            begin
+                source[i][j] = 0;
+                mask0[i][j] = 0;
+                mask1[i][j] = 0;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    always @ (posedge clk)
+    begin
+        if (reset)
+        begin
+            found_in_cache = 0;
+            cache_hit_count4 = 0;        
+            cache_hit_count8 = 0;
+            cache_hit_count16 = 0;                    
+            find_state = 0;
+            temp_data = 0;            
+            for (i=0;i<set_size;i=i+1)
+            begin
+                for (j=0;j<way;j=j+1)
+                begin
+                    source[i][j] = 0;
+                    mask0[i][j] = 0;
+                    mask1[i][j] = 0;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        else
+        begin
+            case (find_state)
+                2'b00: begin          
+                        if(find_start)
+                        begin
+                            found_in_cache = 1'b0;
+                            find_state = 2'b01;                        
+                            done = 1'b0;                        
+                        end                            
+                       end
+                2'b01: begin
+                       if (done)
+                       begin
+                           find_state = 2'b10;
+                           count = 0;
+                       end     
+                       else
+                       begin
+                          // to check if there is hit in cache 
+                          msb_indexbit = msb_index[set_index];
+                          index[set_index-1:0] = msb_index[set_index-1:0];                          
+                          if (L2_found_in_cache)
+                          begin
+                              if (msb_indexbit)
+                              begin                          
+                                 if(mask1[index][hit_way])
+                                 begin                            
+                                    temp_source = 1'b1;                         
+                                    found_in_cache = 1'b1;
+                                 end                               
+                              end
+                              else if (!msb_indexbit)
+                              begin                                                    
+                                 if(mask0[index][hit_way]) // mask0[0][16]
+                                 begin                           
+                                    temp_source = 1'b0;
+                                    found_in_cache = 1'b1;
+                                 end   
+                              end
+                              if (found_in_cache)                      
+                              begin                         
+                                 way_index = 0;
+                                 if(temp_source)
+                                 begin
+                                    for(way_index=0;way_index<way;way_index=way_index+1)
+                                    begin
+                                        if(source[index][way_index]==2'b11&&count<hit_way+1)
+                                            count = count + 1;
+                                        if(count==hit_way+1)
+                                        begin                                    
+                                            temp_data =  source[index][way_index]; 
+                                            hit_source = way_index;
+                                            count = count + 1;
+                                        end                                    
+                                    end               
+                                 end
+                                 else if (!temp_source)
+                                 begin
+                                    for(way_index=0;way_index<way;way_index=way_index+1)
+                                    begin
+                                        if(source[index][way_index]==2'b10&&count<hit_way+1)
+                                            count = count + 1;
+                                        if(count==hit_way+1)
+                                        begin                                    
+                                            temp_data =  source[index][way_index]; 
+                                            hit_source = way_index;
+                                            count = count + 1;
+                                        end                                    
+                                    end                                                   
+                                 end                                                         
+                                    if (hit_source>=0 && hit_source<4)
+                                    begin
+                                        cache_hit_count4 = cache_hit_count4 + 1;
+                                        cache_hit_count8 = cache_hit_count8 + 1;
+                                        cache_hit_count16 = cache_hit_count16 + 1;
+                                    end
+                                    else if (hit_source>=4 && hit_source<8)
+                                    begin
+                                        cache_hit_count8 = cache_hit_count8 + 1;
+                                        cache_hit_count16 = cache_hit_count16 + 1;
+                                    end
+                                    else if (hit_source>=8 && hit_source<16)
+                                    begin                                    
+                                        cache_hit_count16 = cache_hit_count16 + 1;
+                                    end
+                                 way_index = hit_source;
+                                 done = 1'b1;                              
+                            end
+                            else
+                            begin                                                          
+                             hit_source = way;
+                             done = 1'b1;      
+                            end
+                          end
+                          else
+                          begin                            
+                             hit_source = way;
+                             done = 1'b1;      
+                          end
+                       end     
+                       end
+               2'b10: begin
+                      if(updated)
+                      begin
+                        find_state = 2'b00;
+                        updated = 1'b0;
+                        count = 0;
+                      end
+                      else
+                      begin
+                        if(found_in_cache)
+                        begin
+                           if(msb_indexbit && !msb_update && !mask_update)
+                           begin
+                              if(way_index != 0)
+                              begin
+                                mask1[index][way_index] = mask1[index][way_index-1];
+                                way_index = way_index - 1;
+                              end
+                              else
+                              begin            
+                                mask1[index][0] = 1'b1;
+                                msb_update = 1'b1;
+                              end                                                                                                                               
+                           end
+                           else if (!msb_indexbit && !msb_update && !mask_update)
+                           begin
+                              if(way_index != 0)
+                              begin
+                                mask0[index][way_index] = mask0[index][way_index-1];
+                                way_index = way_index - 1;
+                              end
+                              else
+                              begin            
+                                mask0[index][0] = 1'b1;
+                                msb_update = 1'b1;                                
+                              end                                                                                                                               
+                           end
+                           if (msb_update && !mask_update)
+                           begin
+                            for(way_index=0;way_index<way;way_index=way_index+1)
+                            begin
+                                if(mask0[index][way_index])
+                                    count = count + 1;
+                                if(mask1[index][way_index])
+                                    count = count + 1;    
+                            end                                                       
+                            // if count>way then we have to change one of mask from 1 to 0 based on LRU
+                            if(count>way)
+                            begin
+                                if(source[index][way-1] == 2'b11)
+                                begin
+                                    way_index = way-1;
+                                    while(way_index>0 && !mask1[index][way_index])
+                                        way_index = way_index - 1;
+                                    mask1[index][way_index] = 1'b0;                                   
+                                end
+                                else if (source[index][way-1] == 2'b10)
+                                begin
+                                    way_index = way-1;
+                                    while(way_index>0 && !mask0[index][way_index])
+                                        way_index = way_index - 1;
+                                    mask0[index][way_index] = 1'b0;                                
+                                end    
+                            end
+                            mask_update = 1'b1;
+                            way_index = hit_source;
+                            msb_update = 1'b0;
+                           end
+                           if(mask_update)
+                           begin
+                               if(way_index != 0)
+                               begin
+                                    source[index][way_index] = source[index][way_index-1];
+                                    way_index = way_index - 1;
+                               end
+                               else
+                               begin
+                                    mask_update = 1'b0;                                           
+                                    source[index][0] = temp_data;
+                                    updated = 1'b1;
+                               end                                                                                                                               
+                           end                                                      
+                        end                   
+                        else // cache miss
+                        begin
+                            // update mask register
+                            if(msb_indexbit)
+                            begin
+                                for(way_index=way-2;way_index>0;way_index=way_index-1)                                         
+                                    mask1[index][way_index+1] = mask1[index][way_index];
+                                mask1[index][1] = mask1[index][0];
+                                mask1[index][0] = 1'b1;                                  
+                            end
+                            else
+                            begin
+                                for(way_index=way-2;way_index>0;way_index=way_index-1)                                         
+                                    mask0[index][way_index+1] = mask0[index][way_index];
+                                mask0[index][1] = mask0[index][0];
+                                mask0[index][0] = 1'b1;           
+                            end
+                            // after updating  the mask registers check count of 1's in both mask 0 and 1                        
+                            for(way_index=0;way_index<way;way_index=way_index+1)
+                            begin
+                                if(mask0[index][way_index])
+                                    count = count + 1;
+                                if(mask1[index][way_index])
+                                    count = count + 1;    
+                            end                                                       
+                            // if count>way then we have to change one of mask from 1 to 0 based on LRU
+                            if(count>way)
+                            begin
+                                if(source[index][way-1] == 2'b11)
+                                begin
+                                    way_index = way-1;
+                                    while(way_index>0 && !mask1[index][way_index])
+                                        way_index = way_index - 1;
+                                    mask1[index][way_index] = 1'b0;                                   
+                                end
+                                else if (source[index][way-1] == 2'b10)
+                                begin
+                                    way_index = way-1;
+                                    while(way_index>0 && !mask0[index][way_index])
+                                        way_index = way_index - 1;
+                                    mask0[index][way_index] = 1'b0;                                
+                                end    
+                            end
+                             // update source register
+                            for(way_index=way-2;way_index>0;way_index=way_index-1)                                         
+                                source[index][way_index+1] = source[index][way_index];                                                                                               
+                            source[index][1] = source[index][0];
+                            source[index][0] = {1'b1,msb_indexbit};                               
+                            updated = 1'b1;
+                        end
+                      end
+                      end
+            endcase
+         end                 
+    end    