blob: 042319ce8a5fdc16469ffb5e63a767bcf606c39c [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
//// ////
//// SPI Master Top Module ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the YIFive cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// SPI Master Top module ////
//// There are two seperate Data path managed here ////
//// with seperate command and response memory ////
//// Master-0 : This is targetted for CORE IMEM request ////
//// and expect only Read access ////
//// Master-1: This is targetted to CORE DMEM or ////
//// Indirect Memory access, Both Write and Read ////
//// accesss are supported. ////
//// Upto 255 Byte Read/Write Burst supported ////
//// Limitation: ////
//// 1. Write/Read FIFO Abort case not managed M1 port, ////
//// expect user to clearly close the busrt request ////
//// 2. Wishbone Request abort not yet supported. ////
//// 3. Write access through M0 Port not supported ////
//// 4. When Pre fetch feature used and both port m0 and ////
//// m1 used, user need to make sure that data pre fetch////
//// count is withing 8DW, less Read path can hang due ////
//// to response FIFO full from one master port ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// 1. Add support for WishBone request timout ////
//// 2. Add Pre-fetch feature for M0 Port ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// V.0 - June 8, 2021 ////
//// V.1 - June 25, 2021 ////
//// Pad logic is brought inside the block to avoid ////
//// logic at digital core level for caravel project ////
//// V.2 - July 6, 2021 ////
//// Added Hold fix cell for SPI data out signal to ////
//// met interface hold ////
//// V.3 - July 13, 2021 ////
//// Data Prefetch feature added in M0 port, If Only ////
//// M0 Read used, then Prefetch read can be 255 Byte, ////
//// But if the Both M0 and M1 read access enabled, ////
//// then user need to make sure that M0 Prefetch is ////
//// with in 8DW or 32 Byte, else there is chance ////
//// data path can hang due to response FIFO full due ////
//// to partial reading of data ////
//// V.4 - July 26, 2021 ////
//// QDDR (0xED) supported is added ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module spim_top
#( parameter WB_WIDTH = 32)
input logic mclk,
input logic rst_n,
input logic wbd_stb_i, // strobe/request
input logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_adr_i, // address
input logic wbd_we_i, // write
input logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_dat_i, // data output
input logic [3:0] wbd_sel_i, // byte enable
output logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_dat_o, // data input
output logic wbd_ack_o, // acknowlegement
output logic wbd_err_o, // error
output logic [31:0] spi_debug,
// PAD I/f
input logic [3:0] io_in ,
output logic [5:0] io_out ,
output logic [5:0] io_oeb
logic [7:0] spi_clk_div ;
// Master 0 Configuration
logic cfg_m0_fsm_reset ;
logic [3:0] cfg_m0_cs_reg ; // Chip select
logic [1:0] cfg_m0_spi_mode ; // Final SPI Mode
logic [1:0] cfg_m0_spi_switch; // SPI Mode Switching Place
logic [3:0] cfg_m0_spi_seq ; // SPI SEQUENCE
logic [1:0] cfg_m0_addr_cnt ; // SPI Addr Count
logic [1:0] cfg_m0_dummy_cnt ; // SPI Dummy Count
logic [7:0] cfg_m0_data_cnt ; // SPI Read Count
logic [7:0] cfg_m0_cmd_reg ; // SPI MEM COMMAND
logic [7:0] cfg_m0_mode_reg ; // SPI MODE REG
logic [3:0] cfg_m1_cs_reg ; // Chip select
logic [1:0] cfg_m1_spi_mode ; // Final SPI Mode
logic [1:0] cfg_m1_spi_switch; // SPI Mode Switching Place
logic [1:0] cfg_cs_early ; // Amount of cycle early CS asserted
logic [1:0] cfg_cs_late ; // Amount of cycle late CS de-asserted
// Towards Reg I/F
logic spim_reg_req ; // Reg Request
logic [3:0] spim_reg_addr ; // Reg Address
logic spim_reg_we ; // Reg Write/Read Command
logic [3:0] spim_reg_be ; // Reg Byte Enable
logic [31:0] spim_reg_wdata ; // Reg Write Data
logic spim_reg_ack ; // Read Ack
logic [31:0] spim_reg_rdata ; // Read Read Data
// Towards m0 Command FIFO
logic m0_cmd_fifo_full ; // Command FIFO full
logic m0_cmd_fifo_empty ; // Command FIFO empty
logic m0_cmd_fifo_wr ; // Command FIFO Write
logic m0_cmd_fifo_rd ; // Command FIFO read
logic [33:0] m0_cmd_fifo_wdata ; // Command FIFO WData
logic [33:0] m0_cmd_fifo_rdata ; // Command FIFO RData
// Towards m0 Response FIFO
logic m0_res_fifo_full ; // Response FIFO Empty
logic m0_res_fifo_empty ; // Response FIFO Empty
logic m0_res_fifo_wr ; // Response FIFO Write
logic m0_res_fifo_rd ; // Response FIFO Read
logic [31:0] m0_res_fifo_wdata ; // Response FIFO WData
logic [31:0] m0_res_fifo_rdata ; // Response FIFO RData
// Towards m1 Command FIFO
logic m1_cmd_fifo_full ; // Command FIFO full
logic m1_cmd_fifo_empty ; // Command FIFO empty
logic m1_cmd_fifo_wr ; // Command FIFO Write
logic m1_cmd_fifo_rd ; // Command FIFO Write
logic [33:0] m1_cmd_fifo_wdata ; // Command FIFO WData
logic [33:0] m1_cmd_fifo_rdata ; // Command FIFO RData
// Towards m0 Response FIFO
logic m1_res_fifo_full ; // Response FIFO Empty
logic m1_res_fifo_empty ; // Response FIFO Empty
logic m1_res_fifo_wr ; // Response FIFO Read
logic m1_res_fifo_rd ; // Response FIFO Read
logic [31:0] m1_res_fifo_wdata ; // Response FIFO WData
logic [31:0] m1_res_fifo_rdata ; // Response FIFO RData
logic m0_res_fifo_flush ; // m0 response fifo flush
logic m1_res_fifo_flush ; // m0 response fifo flush
// SPI Debug monitoring
// ----------------------------------------------------
logic [8:0] spi_ctrl_status ;
logic [3:0] m0_state ;
logic [3:0] m1_state ;
logic [3:0] ctrl_state ;
assign spi_debug = {m0_res_fifo_flush,m1_res_fifo_flush,spi_init_done,
ctrl_state[3:0], m0_state[3:0],m1_state[3:0],spi_ctrl_status[8:0]};
// SPI Interface moved inside to support carvel IO pad
// -------------------------------------------------------
logic spi_clk;
logic spi_csn0;
logic spi_csn1;
logic spi_csn2;
logic spi_csn3;
logic [1:0] spi_mode;
logic spi_sdo0;
logic spi_sdo1;
logic spi_sdo2;
logic spi_sdo3;
logic spi_sdi0;
logic spi_sdi1;
logic spi_sdi2;
logic spi_sdi3;
logic spi_en_tx;
logic spi_init_done;
logic spi_sdo0_out;
logic spi_sdo1_out;
logic spi_sdo2_out;
logic spi_sdo3_out;
logic spi_sdo0_dl;
logic spi_sdo1_dl;
logic spi_sdo2_dl;
logic spi_sdo3_dl;
assign spi_sdi0 = io_in[0];
assign spi_sdi1 = io_in[1];
assign spi_sdi2 = io_in[2];
assign spi_sdi3 = io_in[3];
assign io_out[0] = spi_clk;
assign io_out[1] = spi_csn0;// No hold fix for CS#, as it asserted much eariler than SPI clock
assign #1 io_out[2] = spi_sdo0_out;
assign #1 io_out[3] = spi_sdo1_out;
assign #1 io_out[4] = spi_sdo2_out;
assign #1 io_out[5] = spi_sdo3_out;
// ADDing Delay cells for Interface hold fix
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_d1),.A(spi_sdo0));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_d2),.A(spi_sdo0_d1));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_out),.A(spi_sdo0_d2));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_d1),.A(spi_sdo1));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_d2),.A(spi_sdo1_d1));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_out),.A(spi_sdo1_d2));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_d1),.A(spi_sdo2));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_d2),.A(spi_sdo2_d1));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_out),.A(spi_sdo2_d2));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay1_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_d1),.A(spi_sdo3));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlygate4sd3_1 u_delay2_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_d2),.A(spi_sdo3_d1));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_out),.A(spi_sdo3_d2));
assign io_oeb[0] = 1'b0; // spi_clk
assign io_oeb[1] = 1'b0; // spi_csn
assign #1 io_oeb[2] = !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio0
assign #1 io_oeb[3] = !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio1
assign #1 io_oeb[4] = (spi_mode == 0) ? 1 'b0 : !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio2
assign #1 io_oeb[5] = (spi_mode == 0) ? 1 'b0 : !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio3
spim_if #( .WB_WIDTH(WB_WIDTH)) u_wb_if(
.mclk (mclk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.wbd_stb_i (wbd_stb_i ), // strobe/request
.wbd_adr_i (wbd_adr_i ), // address
.wbd_we_i (wbd_we_i ), // write
.wbd_dat_i (wbd_dat_i ), // data output
.wbd_sel_i (wbd_sel_i ), // byte enable
.wbd_dat_o (wbd_dat_o ), // data input
.wbd_ack_o (wbd_ack_o ), // acknowlegement
.wbd_err_o (wbd_err_o ), // error
// Configuration
.cfg_fsm_reset (cfg_m0_fsm_reset ),
.cfg_mem_seq (cfg_m0_spi_seq ), // SPI MEM SEQUENCE
.cfg_addr_cnt (cfg_m0_addr_cnt ), // SPI Addr Count
.cfg_dummy_cnt (cfg_m0_dummy_cnt ), // SPI Dummy Count
.cfg_data_cnt (cfg_m0_data_cnt ), // SPI Read Count
.cfg_cmd_reg (cfg_m0_cmd_reg ), // SPI MEM COMMAND
.cfg_mode_reg (cfg_m0_mode_reg ), // SPI MODE REG
.spi_init_done (spi_init_done ), // SPI internal Init completed
// Towards Reg I/F
.spim_reg_req (spim_reg_req ), // Reg Request
.spim_reg_addr (spim_reg_addr ), // Reg Address
.spim_reg_we (spim_reg_we ), // Reg Write/Read Command
.spim_reg_be (spim_reg_be ), // Reg Byte Enable
.spim_reg_wdata (spim_reg_wdata ), // Reg Write Data
.spim_reg_ack (spim_reg_ack ), // Read Ack
.spim_reg_rdata (spim_reg_rdata ), // Read Read Data
// Towards Command FIFO
.cmd_fifo_empty (m0_cmd_fifo_empty ), // Command FIFO empty
.cmd_fifo_wr (m0_cmd_fifo_wr ), // Command FIFO Write
.cmd_fifo_wdata (m0_cmd_fifo_wdata ), // Command FIFO WData
// Towards Response FIFO
.res_fifo_empty (m0_res_fifo_empty ), // Response FIFO Empty
.res_fifo_rd (m0_res_fifo_rd ), // Response FIFO Read
.res_fifo_rdata (m0_res_fifo_rdata ), // Response FIFO Data
.state (m0_state )
.mclk (mclk ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.fast_sim_mode (1'b0 ),
.spi_clk_div (spi_clk_div ),
.spi_init_done (spi_init_done ),
.spi_debug (spi_debug ),
.cfg_m0_fsm_reset (cfg_m0_fsm_reset ),
.cfg_m0_cs_reg (cfg_m0_cs_reg ), // Chip select
.cfg_m0_spi_mode (cfg_m0_spi_mode ), // Final SPI Mode
.cfg_m0_spi_switch (cfg_m0_spi_switch ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
.cfg_m0_spi_seq (cfg_m0_spi_seq ), // SPI SEQUENCE
.cfg_m0_addr_cnt (cfg_m0_addr_cnt ), // SPI Addr Count
.cfg_m0_dummy_cnt (cfg_m0_dummy_cnt ), // SPI Dummy Count
.cfg_m0_data_cnt (cfg_m0_data_cnt ), // SPI Read Count
.cfg_m0_cmd_reg (cfg_m0_cmd_reg ), // SPI MEM COMMAND
.cfg_m0_mode_reg (cfg_m0_mode_reg ), // SPI MODE REG
.cfg_m1_cs_reg (cfg_m1_cs_reg ), // Chip select
.cfg_m1_spi_mode (cfg_m1_spi_mode ), // Final SPI Mode
.cfg_m1_spi_switch (cfg_m1_spi_switch ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
.cfg_cs_early (cfg_cs_early ),
.cfg_cs_late (cfg_cs_late ),
// Towards Reg I/F
.spim_reg_req (spim_reg_req ), // Reg Request
.spim_reg_addr (spim_reg_addr ), // Reg Address
.spim_reg_we (spim_reg_we ), // Reg Write/Read Command
.spim_reg_be (spim_reg_be ), // Reg Byte Enable
.spim_reg_wdata (spim_reg_wdata ), // Reg Write Data
.spim_reg_ack (spim_reg_ack ), // Read Ack
.spim_reg_rdata (spim_reg_rdata ), // Read Read Data
// Towards Command FIFO
.cmd_fifo_full (m1_cmd_fifo_full ), // Command FIFO empty
.cmd_fifo_empty (m1_cmd_fifo_empty ), // Command FIFO empty
.cmd_fifo_wr (m1_cmd_fifo_wr ), // Command FIFO Write
.cmd_fifo_wdata (m1_cmd_fifo_wdata ), // Command FIFO WData
// Towards Response FIFO
.res_fifo_full (m1_res_fifo_full ), // Response FIFO Empty
.res_fifo_empty (m1_res_fifo_empty ), // Response FIFO Empty
.res_fifo_rd (m1_res_fifo_rd ), // Response FIFO Read
.res_fifo_rdata (m1_res_fifo_rdata ), // Response FIFO Data
.state (m1_state )
// Master 0 Command FIFO
spim_fifo #(.W(34), .DP(2)) u_m0_cmd_fifo (
.clk (mclk ),
.reset_n (rst_n ),
.flush (1'b0 ),
.wr_en (m0_cmd_fifo_wr ),
.wr_data (m0_cmd_fifo_wdata ),
.full (m0_cmd_fifo_full ),
.afull ( ),
.rd_en (m0_cmd_fifo_rd ),
.empty (m0_cmd_fifo_empty ),
.aempty ( ),
.rd_data (m0_cmd_fifo_rdata )
// Master 0 Response FIFO
spim_fifo #(.W(32), .DP(8)) u_m0_res_fifo (
.clk (mclk ),
.reset_n (rst_n ),
.flush (m0_res_fifo_flush ),
.wr_en (m0_res_fifo_wr ),
.wr_data (m0_res_fifo_wdata ),
.full (m0_res_fifo_full ),
.afull ( ),
.rd_en (m0_res_fifo_rd ),
.empty (m0_res_fifo_empty ),
.aempty ( ),
.rd_data (m0_res_fifo_rdata )
// Master 1 Command FIFO
spim_fifo #(.W(34), .DP(4)) u_m1_cmd_fifo (
.clk (mclk ),
.reset_n (rst_n ),
.flush (1'b0 ),
.wr_en (m1_cmd_fifo_wr ),
.wr_data (m1_cmd_fifo_wdata ),
.full (m1_cmd_fifo_full ),
.afull ( ),
.rd_en (m1_cmd_fifo_rd ),
.empty (m1_cmd_fifo_empty ),
.aempty ( ),
.rd_data (m1_cmd_fifo_rdata )
// Master 1 Response FIFO
spim_fifo #(.W(32), .DP(8)) u_m1_res_fifo (
.clk (mclk ),
.reset_n (rst_n ),
.flush (m1_res_fifo_flush ),
.wr_en (m1_res_fifo_wr ),
.wr_data (m1_res_fifo_wdata ),
.full (m1_res_fifo_full ),
.afull ( ),
.rd_en (m1_res_fifo_rd ),
.empty (m1_res_fifo_empty ),
.aempty ( ),
.rd_data (m1_res_fifo_rdata )
spim_ctrl u_spictrl
.clk (mclk ),
.rstn (rst_n ),
.spi_clk_div (spi_clk_div ),
.spi_status (spi_ctrl_status ),
.cfg_m0_cs_reg (cfg_m0_cs_reg ), // Chip select
.cfg_m0_spi_mode (cfg_m0_spi_mode ), // Final SPI Mode
.cfg_m0_spi_switch (cfg_m0_spi_switch ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
.cfg_m1_cs_reg (cfg_m1_cs_reg ), // Chip select
.cfg_m1_spi_mode (cfg_m1_spi_mode ), // Final SPI Mode
.cfg_m1_spi_switch (cfg_m1_spi_switch ), // SPI Mode Switching Place
.cfg_cs_early (cfg_cs_early ),
.cfg_cs_late (cfg_cs_late ),
.m0_cmd_fifo_empty (m0_cmd_fifo_empty ),
.m0_cmd_fifo_rd (m0_cmd_fifo_rd ),
.m0_cmd_fifo_rdata (m0_cmd_fifo_rdata ),
.m0_res_fifo_flush (m0_res_fifo_flush ),
.m0_res_fifo_empty (m0_res_fifo_empty ),
.m0_res_fifo_full (m0_res_fifo_full ),
.m0_res_fifo_wr (m0_res_fifo_wr ),
.m0_res_fifo_wdata (m0_res_fifo_wdata ),
.m1_cmd_fifo_empty (m1_cmd_fifo_empty ),
.m1_cmd_fifo_rd (m1_cmd_fifo_rd ),
.m1_cmd_fifo_rdata (m1_cmd_fifo_rdata ),
.m1_res_fifo_flush (m1_res_fifo_flush ),
.m1_res_fifo_empty (m1_res_fifo_empty ),
.m1_res_fifo_full (m1_res_fifo_full ),
.m1_res_fifo_wr (m1_res_fifo_wr ),
.m1_res_fifo_wdata (m1_res_fifo_wdata ),
.ctrl_state (ctrl_state ),
.spi_clk (spi_clk ),
.spi_csn0 (spi_csn0 ),
.spi_csn1 (spi_csn1 ),
.spi_csn2 (spi_csn2 ),
.spi_csn3 (spi_csn3 ),
.spi_mode (spi_mode ),
.spi_sdo0 (spi_sdo0 ),
.spi_sdo1 (spi_sdo1 ),
.spi_sdo2 (spi_sdo2 ),
.spi_sdo3 (spi_sdo3 ),
.spi_sdi0 (spi_sdi0 ),
.spi_sdi1 (spi_sdi1 ),
.spi_sdi2 (spi_sdi2 ),
.spi_sdi3 (spi_sdi3 ),
.spi_en_tx_out (spi_en_tx )