| Reading file /root/icd_fast_nu_mpw4/gds/user_analog_project_wrapper.gds for cell user_analog_project_wrapper |
| dbu=0.001 |
| cell user_analog_project_wrapper dbu-bbox(ll;ur)=(-4000,-4000;2924000,3524000) |
| cell user_analog_project_wrapper dbu-bbox(left,bottom,right,top)=(-4000,-4000,2924000,3524000) |
| cell user_analog_project_wrapper dbu-size(width,height)=(2928000,3528000) |
| cell user_analog_project_wrapper micron-bbox(left,bottom,right,top)=(-4.0,-4.0,2924.0,3524.0) |
| cell user_analog_project_wrapper micron-size(width,height)=(2928.0,3528.0) |
| Done. |
| |
| Magic 8.3 revision 245 - Compiled on Tue Dec 28 15:10:32 UTC 2021. |
| Starting magic under Tcl interpreter |
| Using the terminal as the console. |
| Using NULL graphics device. |
| Processing system .magicrc file |
| Sourcing design .magicrc for technology sky130A ... |
| 2 Magic internal units = 1 Lambda |
| Input style sky130(vendor): scaleFactor=2, multiplier=2 |
| Scaled tech values by 2 / 1 to match internal grid scaling |
| Loading sky130A Device Generator Menu ... |
| Loading "/opt/checks/xor_check/erase_box.tcl" from command line. |
| CIF input style is now "sky130(vendor)" |
| Warning: Calma reading is not undoable! I hope that's OK. |
| Library written using GDS-II Release 3.0 |
| Library name: user_analog_project_wrapper |
| Reading "sky130_fd_sc_hd__tap_1". |
| CIF file read warning: CIF style sky130(vendor): units rescaled by factor of 5 / 1 |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_LJ5JLG". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_4". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_S6VVQT". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_WXTTNJ". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_2_D7CHNQ". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_9FS993". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_BG9PLE". |
| Reading "PA_BUFF". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_HYBPL5". |
| Reading "Switch". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5_WW7YB9". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_EN8PG3". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_MGFMH8". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_USGZYX". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_VCU74W". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_V3QVRN". |
| Reading "LNA_2ndstage". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_KVAFL2". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_BKUEL6". |
| Reading "LNA_Buff". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_C43HKJ". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_H2P3K4". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_A4PB2C". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p35_PGG99R". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_high_po_0p69_D8BZCP". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_9WNFGV". |
| Reading "cascode". |
| Reading "cascode_PMOS". |
| Reading "ForwardAmp". |
| Reading "LNA". |
| Reading "Top". |
| Reading "TopModule_VSW". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_EEU9S7". |
| Reading "PMOS_Load". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_RC9KLY". |
| Reading "CurrentMirror_layout". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_6YBK2C". |
| Reading "DiffPair_layout". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_TQVBRR". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_WFBLZ7". |
| Reading "PMOS2". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_N3PKNJ". |
| Reading "OpampM_PL". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_4QDPGG". |
| Reading "pmos20". |
| Reading "pmos40". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_ZP6U3S". |
| Reading "cap225_layout". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_BPY4AF". |
| Reading "nmos20". |
| Reading "recitifer_layout". |
| Reading "RX_layout". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8_lvt_8K7EBA". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8_lvt_4QC8GG". |
| Reading "Comparator_jafar". |
| Reading "FINAL". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__cap_mim_m3_1_LQCLLG". |
| Reading "cap_30_layout". |
| Reading "FINAL_without_ind". |
| Reading "WITHOUT_IND". |
| Reading "INDUCTOR_layout". |
| Reading "FINAL_2nov". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_6WVZEH". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__rf_pnp_05v5_W3p40L3p40". |
| Reading "BJT". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__res_xhigh_po_0p35_47C2TB". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__nfet_g5v0d10v5_CPNAJY". |
| Reading "bgr_nmos". |
| Reading "sky130_fd_pr__pfet_g5v0d10v5_9HRSSM". |
| Reading "bgr_pmos2". |
| Reading "bgr_pmos". |
| Reading "step1bgr". |
| Reading "user_analog_project_wrapper". |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 42.88 x 3520.00 (-42.88, 0.00 ), ( 0.00, 3520.00) 150937.59 |
| lambda: 4288.00 x 352000.00 (-4288.00, 0.00 ), ( 0.00, 352000.00) 1509376000.00 |
| internal: 8576 x 704000 ( -8576, 0 ), ( 0, 704000) 6037504000 |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 42.50 x 3520.00 ( 2920.00, 0.00 ), ( 2962.50, 3520.00) 149600.00 |
| lambda: 4250.00 x 352000.00 ( 292000.00, 0.00 ), ( 296250.00, 352000.00) 1496000000.00 |
| internal: 8500 x 704000 ( 584000, 0 ), ( 592500, 704000) 5984000000 |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 3005.38 x 37.53 (-42.88, -37.53), ( 2962.50, 0.00 ) 112791.91 |
| lambda: 300538.00 x 3753.00 (-4288.00, -3753.00), ( 296250.00, 0.00 ) 1127919104.00 |
| internal: 601076 x 7506 ( -8576, -7506 ), ( 592500, 0 ) 4511676456 |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 3005.38 x 37.21 (-42.88, 3520.00), ( 2962.50, 3557.21) 111830.19 |
| lambda: 300538.00 x 3721.00 (-4288.00, 352000.00), ( 296250.00, 355721.00) 1118301952.00 |
| internal: 601076 x 7442 ( -8576, 704000), ( 592500, 711442) 4473207592 |
| Generating output for cell xor_target |
| |
| Magic 8.3 revision 245 - Compiled on Tue Dec 28 15:10:32 UTC 2021. |
| Starting magic under Tcl interpreter |
| Using the terminal as the console. |
| Using NULL graphics device. |
| Processing system .magicrc file |
| Sourcing design .magicrc for technology sky130A ... |
| 2 Magic internal units = 1 Lambda |
| Input style sky130(vendor): scaleFactor=2, multiplier=2 |
| Scaled tech values by 2 / 1 to match internal grid scaling |
| Loading sky130A Device Generator Menu ... |
| Loading "/opt/checks/xor_check/erase_box.tcl" from command line. |
| CIF input style is now "sky130(vendor)" |
| Warning: Calma reading is not undoable! I hope that's OK. |
| Library written using GDS-II Release 6.0 |
| Library name: user_analog_project_wrapper_empty |
| Reading "user_analog_project_wrapper". |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 42.88 x 3520.00 (-42.88, 0.00 ), ( 0.00, 3520.00) 150937.59 |
| lambda: 4288.00 x 352000.00 (-4288.00, 0.00 ), ( 0.00, 352000.00) 1509376000.00 |
| internal: 8576 x 704000 ( -8576, 0 ), ( 0, 704000) 6037504000 |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 42.50 x 3520.00 ( 2920.00, 0.00 ), ( 2962.50, 3520.00) 149600.00 |
| lambda: 4250.00 x 352000.00 ( 292000.00, 0.00 ), ( 296250.00, 352000.00) 1496000000.00 |
| internal: 8500 x 704000 ( 584000, 0 ), ( 592500, 704000) 5984000000 |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 3005.38 x 37.53 (-42.88, -37.53), ( 2962.50, 0.00 ) 112791.91 |
| lambda: 300538.00 x 3753.00 (-4288.00, -3753.00), ( 296250.00, 0.00 ) 1127919104.00 |
| internal: 601076 x 7506 ( -8576, -7506 ), ( 592500, 0 ) 4511676456 |
| Root cell box: |
| width x height ( llx, lly ), ( urx, ury ) area (units^2) |
| |
| microns: 3005.38 x 37.21 (-42.88, 3520.00), ( 2962.50, 3557.21) 111830.19 |
| lambda: 300538.00 x 3721.00 (-4288.00, 352000.00), ( 296250.00, 355721.00) 1118301952.00 |
| internal: 601076 x 7442 ( -8576, 704000), ( 592500, 711442) 4473207592 |
| Generating output for cell xor_target |
| Reading /mnt/uffs/user/u5616_i201304/design/icd_fast_nu_mpw4/jobs/mpw_precheck/058cb0e3-baf5-4914-9745-e0c721128d4f/outputs/user_analog_project_wrapper_erased.gds .. |
| Reading /mnt/uffs/user/u5616_i201304/design/icd_fast_nu_mpw4/jobs/mpw_precheck/058cb0e3-baf5-4914-9745-e0c721128d4f/outputs/user_analog_project_wrapper_empty_erased.gds .. |
| --- Running XOR for 69/20 --- |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 494 (flat) 494 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 494 (flat) 494 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.000s Memory: 523.00M |
| "^" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| XOR differences: 0 |
| "output" in: xor.rb.drc:43 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| --- Running XOR for 70/20 --- |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 184 (flat) 184 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.000s Memory: 523.00M |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 184 (flat) 184 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| "^" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| XOR differences: 0 |
| "output" in: xor.rb.drc:43 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.000s Memory: 523.00M |
| --- Running XOR for 72/20 --- |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 6 (flat) 6 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.020s Memory: 523.00M |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 6 (flat) 6 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.000s Memory: 523.00M |
| "^" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| XOR differences: 0 |
| "output" in: xor.rb.drc:43 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| --- Running XOR for 81/14 --- |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 1 (flat) 1 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.000s Memory: 523.00M |
| "input" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 1 (flat) 1 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| "^" in: xor.rb.drc:39 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.010s Memory: 523.00M |
| XOR differences: 0 |
| "output" in: xor.rb.drc:43 |
| Polygons (raw): 0 (flat) 0 (hierarchical) |
| Elapsed: 0.000s Memory: 523.00M |
| Writing layout file: /mnt/uffs/user/u5616_i201304/design/icd_fast_nu_mpw4/jobs/mpw_precheck/058cb0e3-baf5-4914-9745-e0c721128d4f/outputs/user_analog_project_wrapper.xor.gds .. |
| Total elapsed: 0.120s Memory: 523.00M |