blob: 85fe821b2aaaaa31e27011ec5c1fc82793fb8c48 [file] [log] [blame]
// SQ_root of number
#include "defines.h"
#define STDOUT 0xd0580000
// Code to execute
.section .text
.global _start
csrw minstret, zero
csrw minstreth, zero
li x4, 4 // Neccessary for terminating code
csrw 0x7f9 ,x4 // Neccessary for terminating code
li x8, 0xf0040000 // dccm address
li x3, STDOUT // axi address
li x13, 0 // initial value
li x12, 25 // sqrt number
addi x6, x0, 0 // counter
li x11, 200
addi x6, x6, 1
mul x9, x6, x6
beq x11, x6, _finish
bne x12, x9, sq_root
sw x6, 0(x8)
sw x6, 0(x3)
// Write 0xff to STDOUT for TB to termiate test.
li x3, STDOUT
addi x5, x0, 0xff
sb x5, 0(x3)
beq x0, x0, _finish
.rept 100