blob: 37fd001695e13ccf76a8f7820789e06f03ad9630 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "defines.h"
#define STDOUT 0xd0580000
// Code to execute
.section .text
.global _start
//Prime numbers in a given range
// li x1, 0x5f555555
// csrw 0x7c0, x1
csrw minstret, zero
csrw minstreth, zero
li x4, 4 // Neccessary for terminating code
csrw 0x7f9 ,x4 // Neccessary for terminating code
//Multiplication table
li s0,5 // Number for table generation: INPUT expected result= 5 10 15 20 25 30
li s1,6 // Number of times of table: INPUT
li t1,0 // counter i
li t2,0xf0040000 // memory base adress
li t3,STDOUT
addi t1,t1,1 // i++
mul t0,s0,t1 // t0=4*i
sw t0,0(t2) // store t0
sw t0,0(t3) // store t0 to tb
addi t2,t2,4 // increment word adress
addi t3,t3,4 // increment word adress
bne t1,s1,LOOP
// Write 0xff to STDOUT for TB to termiate test.
li x3, STDOUT
addi x5, x0, 0xff
sb x5, 0(x3)
beq x0, x0, _finish
.rept 100