upated layout picture
1 file changed
tree: 4e5a81d524cd24d2bd9bfccf9527b41009b2efcf
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. gds/
  4. mag/
  5. netgen/
  6. openlane/
  7. verilog/
  8. xschem/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitmodules
  11. info.yaml
  13. Makefile
  14. README.md

8-bit SAR-ADC with offset calibration

This is a mixed-mode project featuring a 8-bit SAR-ADC, with offset calibration. The logic section is synthesized using the openlane digital flow.


The adc is composed of a top-plate sampled CDAC, with a capacitor array of mimimum sized MIM caps.

The comparator is a single-stage regenerative comparator, with a MOM array for trimming ADC offset.


The simulation is carried out using ngspice using the mixed-mode xspice capabilities. The digital section is synthesized using yosys that can then be bridged to/from the analog section.


The layout is created using magic as a pcell generator and drc checker, while the connection of the design is done using klayout.