blob: be14f8137a4570789c8127b8ffcec5fd16a73694 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the Elpis processor project.
* Copyright © 2020-present. All rights reserved.
* Authors: Aurora Tomas and Rodrigo Huerta.
* This file is licensed under both the BSD-3 license for individual/non-commercial
* use. Full text of both licenses can be found in LICENSE file.
`default_nettype none
// NOP defined as: add $0,$0,$0
`define NOP 32'h00000033
// PC Initial direction
`define PC_INITIAL 32'h00000000
// PC Exceptions
`define PC_EXCEPTIONS 32'h00002000
// ALU Opcodes
`define ALU_OP_ADD 4'b0000
`define ALU_OP_SUB 4'b0001
`define ALU_OP_BRANCH 4'b0010
`define ALU_OP_AND 4'b0011
`define ALU_OP_OR 4'b0100
`define ALU_OP_XOR 4'b0101
`define ALU_OP_SRA 4'b0110
`define ALU_OP_SRL 4'b0111
`define ALU_OP_SLL 4'b1000
// Decode constants for move instructions
`define MOV_RM_TO_REGULAR 2'b01
`define MOV_REGULAR_TO_RM 2'b10
// Instruction opcode RISC-V
`define OPCODE_AL 7'b0110011
`define OPCODE_ALI 7'b0010011
`define OPCODE_LD 7'b0000011
`define OPCODE_ST 7'b0100011
`define OPCODE_JUMP 7'b1101111 // JAL encoding of RISCV but used as jump in ppt. Ex: jump x3
`define OPCODE_BRANCH 7'b1100011
`define OPCODE_MOV 7'b0101111
`define OPCODE_TLBWRITE 7'b0101110
`define OPCODE_IRET 7'b1111111
`define OPCODE_IO 7'b1111101
`define OPCODE_ECALL 7'b1110011 // "ECALL" encoding. It uses inmediates for the system behavior.
// FUNCT3 for RISC-V instructions opcode
`define FUNCT3_OP_ADD_SUB 3'b000
`define FUNCT3_OP_SLL 3'b001
`define FUNCT3_OP_XOR 3'b100
`define FUNCT3_OP_SRL_SRA 3'b101
`define FUNCT3_OP_OR 3'b110
`define FUNCT3_OP_AND 3'b111
`define FUNCT3_OP_LB 3'b000
`define FUNCT3_OP_LH 3'b001
`define FUNCT3_OP_LW 3'b010
`define FUNCT3_OP_SB 3'b000
`define FUNCT3_OP_SH 3'b001
`define FUNCT3_OP_SW 3'b010
`define FUNCT3_BRANCH_BEQ 3'b000
`define FUNCT3_BRANCH_BNE 3'b001
`define FUNCT3_BRANCH_BLT 3'b100
`define FUNCT3_BRANCH_BGE 3'b101
`define FUNCT3_BRANCH_NO 3'b111
// FUNCT7 for RISC-V instructions opcode
`define FUNCT7_OP_ADD 7'b0000000
`define FUNCT7_OP_SUB 7'b0100000
`define FUNCT7_OP_MUL 7'b0000001
`define FUNCT7_OP_SRL 7'b0000000
`define FUNCT7_OP_SRA 7'b0100000
// FUNCT7 for move instructions
`define FUNCT7_MOV_RM_TO_REGULAR 7'b0000000
`define FUNCT7_MOV_REGULAR_TO_RM 7'b0000001
// FUNCT7 for IO instructions
`define FUNCT7_IO_PRINT_HEX 7'b0000001
`define FUNCT7_IO_READ_SW 7'b0000010
// Constants for memory
`define MEMORY_SIZE 512 // 2^20 - 2^5 = 2^15.
// Constants for cache
`define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 128
`define CACHE_TAG_SIZE 26
`define IDLE_STATE 3'b000
`define ALLOCATE_STATE 3'b001
`define WRITE_BACK_STATE 3'b010
// Constants for arbiter
`define ARB_IDLE_STATE 3'b000
`define ARB_DCACHE_REQUEST 3'b001
`define ARB_ICACHE_REQUEST 3'b010
`define ARB_DCACHE_WAIT 3'b011
`define ARB_ICACHE_WAIT 3'b100
// Constants for IO arbiter
`define ARB_IO_IDLE_STATE 2'b00
`define ARB_IO_CORE1_USE 2'b01
// Exception codes
`define EXC_OVERFLOW 3'b001
`define EXC_UNDERFLOW 3'b010
`define EXC_ILLEGAL_INST 3'b011
`define EXC_ITLB_MISS 3'b100
`define EXC_DTLB_MISS 3'b101
// IO codes
`define IO_PRINT_HEX 3'b110
`define IO_READ_SW 3'b111
// Constants for store buffer
`define SB_NUM_ENTRIES 3'd4
// Cache types
`define CACHE_TYPE_DCACHE 1'b0
`define CACHE_TYPE_ICACHE 1'b1
// Offset of data space at OS
`define OFFSET_OS_DATA_CORE0 8'h00
// Constants for TLB
`define ITLB_BASE_ADDRESS_SHIFT_CORE0 16'h1000 // 1024
`define DTLB_BASE_ADDRESS_SHIFT_CORE0 16'h4000 // 4096
`define NUM_TLB_LINES 5'd16
// Constants for History File
`define HF_NUM_ENTRIES 5'd16
// Constants for FIFO coherence response states
`define FIFO_COH_NOT_SENT 2'b00
`define FIFO_COH_FIRST_SENT 2'b01
// Implementation of ceiling log2
`define CLOG2(x) \
((x <= 0) ? -1 : \
(x == 1) ? 0 : \
(x <= 2) ? 1 : \
(x <= 4) ? 2 : \
(x <= 8) ? 3 : \
(x <= 16) ? 4 : \
(x <= 32) ? 5 : \
(x <= 64) ? 6 : \
(x <= 128) ? 7 : \
(x <= 256) ? 8 : \
(x <= 512) ? 9 : \
(x <= 1024) ? 10 : \
(x <= 2048) ? 11 : \
(x <= 4096) ? 12 : \
(x <= 8192) ? 13 : )