blob: c6191caf71ea5cae0c26ba1238ea8d8ecb731a3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Company : SMDP-C2SD //
// Create Date : 10 AUG 2021 //
// Design Name : Feature Extraction Engine //
// Target Devices : ASIC (SCL-180nm) : ZedBoard (FPGA-ZC702) //
// Tool versions : Cadence Genus : Vivado //
// //
// Project Co-Ordinator : Dr NOOR MAHAMMAD SK //
Exponent Mantissa Object
0 0 Zero
0 Nonzero Denormalized number*
1-254 Anything +/- FP number
255 0 + / - infinity
255 Nonzero NaN
Type Sign Actual Exp Exp (biased) Exponent field Fraction field Value
Zero 0 −126 0 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0.0
Negative zero 1 −126 0 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 −0.0
One 0 0 127 0111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1.0
Minus One 1 0 127 0111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 −1.0
Smallest denormalized number * −126 0 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 ±2−23 × 2−126 = ±2−149 ≈ ±1.4×10−45
"Middle" denormalized number * −126 0 0000 0000 100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ±2−1 × 2−126 = ±2−127 ≈ ±5.88×10−39
Largest denormalized number * −126 0 0000 0000 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 ±(1−2−23) × 2−126 ≈ ±1.18×10−38
Smallest normalized number * −126 1 0000 0001 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ±2−126 ≈ ±1.18×10−38
Largest normalized number * 127 254 1111 1110 111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 ±(2−2−23) × 2127 ≈ ±3.4×1038
Positive infinity 0 128 255 1111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 +∞
Negative infinity 1 128 255 1111 1111 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 −∞
Not a number * 128 255 1111 1111 non zero NaN
module fxd2flot(a, b, zro);
parameter in = 19; // input resolution
parameter man = 23; // Mantisa resolution in bits without hidden bit
parameter exp = 8; // Exponent Resolution
input [in-1:0] a; // 1 18 (sign Magnitude)
output [exp+man:0] b; // Floating Point 1 8 23;
output zro;
wire [4:0] o;
wire [7:0] o1;
wire x;
pe24 t({{(man-in+2){1'b0}}, a[in-2:0]}, o, zro);
assign b[exp+man] = a[in-1];
assign o1 = zro ? {3'b0, o} : 8'd255;
adder #(exp) t0(8'd127, o1, 1'b0, {x, b[man+exp-1:man]});
assign b[man-1:0] = {{(man-in+2){1'b0}}, a[in-2:0]}<<(5'd23-o);
`define DSPoperator
module adder(p, q, mode, sum);
parameter num = 25;
output [num:0] sum;
input [num-1:0] p,q;
input mode;
wire [num:0] temp, temp1;
`ifdef DSPoperator
wire [num:0] temp2, temp3;
assign temp2[num:0] = p[num-1] ? -{2'b0, p[num-2:0]}:{1'b0,p};
assign temp3[num:0] = q[num-1] ? -{2'b0, q[num-2:0]}:{1'b0,q};
assign temp[num:0] = mode ? temp2-temp3 : temp2+temp3;
wire [2*num+1:0] x [0:$clog2(num+1)];
wire [num:0] a1, b1, a, b;
assign a1 = {(num+1){p[num-1]}}^{2'b0, p[num-2:0]};
assign b1 = {(num+1){mode^q[num-1]}}^{2'b0, q[num-2:0]};
assign a[0] = a1[0];
assign b[0] = b1[0];
assign b[1] = p[num-1]&(q[num-1]^mode);
assign a[num] = a1[num]^b1[num];
assign x[0][1:0]={2{p[num-1]^q[num-1]^mode}}; // Input carry
genvar i, j;
begin:ha_fa //halfadder
for(i=1; i<num; i=i+1) begin
halfadd t0({a1[i],b1[i]}, a[i], b[i+1]);
begin: kgp_gen // kgp generation
for (i=0; i<num; i=i+1) begin
kgp t(a[i], b[i], x[0][2*i+3:2*i+2]);
begin:recursiveStg //recursive
for (i=0; i<$clog2(num+1); i=i+1)
assign x[i+1][(2**(i+1))-1:0]=x[i][(2**(i+1))-1:0];
for(j=(2**(i+1)); j<2*num+1; j=j+2)
recursive_stage1 s(x[i][j+1-(2**(i+1)):j-(2**(i+1))],x[i][j+1:j],x[i+1][j+1:j]);
begin:addition // SUM Calculation
for(i=0; i<num+1; i=i+1) begin
assign temp[i] = a[i]^b[i]^x[$clog2(num)][2*i];
assign temp1 = -temp;
assign sum = temp[num] ? ({temp[num], temp1[num-1:0]}) : (temp);
`ifdef DSPoperator
module kgp(a,b,y);
input a,b; output [1:0] y;
assign y[0]=a | b;
assign y[1]=a & b;
module recursive_stage1(a,b,y);
input [1:0] a,b; output [1:0] y;
wire [1:0] y;
wire b0;
not n1(b0,b[1]);
wire f,g0,g1;
and a1(f,b[0],b[1]);
and a2(g0,b0,b[0],a[0]);
and a3(g1,b0,b[0],a[1]);
or o1(y[0],f,g0);
or o2(y[1],f,g1);
module halfadd(x, sum, carry);
output sum,carry;
input [1:0] x;
assign sum = x[1] ^ x[0];
assign carry = x[1] & x[0];
module fulladd(x, sum, carry);
output sum,carry;
input [2:0] x;
wire w;
assign w = x[2] ^ x[1];
assign sum = w ^ x[0];
assign carry = (x[2] & x[1])|(w & x[0]);
module pe24(a,b,az);
input [23:0] a;
output [4:0] b;
output az;
wire [17:0] o;
wire [4:0] o1;
wire [7:0] o2;
pe4 t0(a[3:0],o[1:0],o[12]);
pe4 t1(a[7:4],o[3:2],o[13]);
pe4 t2(a[11:8],o[5:4],o[14]);
pe4 t3(a[15:12],o[7:6],o[15]);
pe4 t4(a[19:16],o[9:8],o[16]);
pe4 t5(a[23:20],o[11:10],o[17]);
pe4 t6(o[15:12], o1[1:0], o1[3]);
assign o1[2] = o[17];
assign o1[4] = |o[17:16];
mux4x1 t7(o1[1:0], o[7:0], o2[3:0]);
assign o2[5:4] = o1[2] ? o[11:10]:o[9:8];
assign o2[7:6] = {1'b0, o1[2]};
assign b[4] = o1[4];
assign b[3:0] = o1[4] ? o2[7:4] : o2[3:0];
assign az = o1[4] ? o1[4] : o1[3];
module pe4(a,b,o);
input [3:0] a;
output [1:0] b;
output o;
assign o = |a;
assign b[1] = |a[3:2];
assign b[0] = b[1] ? (a[3]) : (a[1]);
module mux4x1(sel, a , y);
parameter n=2;
input [4*n-1:0] a;
input [1:0] sel;
output [n+1:0] y;
wire [n-1:0] y1;
assign y1 = sel[1] ? (sel[0] ? (a[4*n-1:3*n]) : (a[3*n-1:2*n])) : (sel[0] ? (a[2*n-1:n]) : (a[n-1:0]));
assign y = {sel, y1};