| // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
| // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Tamas Hubai |
| |
| `default_nettype none |
| |
| /* |
| Central processing unit (single core) |
| |
| Has two general-purpose registers and a carry flag and executes an instruction on every clock cycle. |
| Fetches instructions via the progctr (out) and opcode (in) ports. Each opcode instructs te cpu to |
| take two values from registers, memory or other sources, feed them through the ALU and put the |
| results in a register or memory cell or use it as a jump target. |
| |
| Opcode structure assumes `INSTR_WIDTH=32. Changing it requires substantial edits to the code below. |
| |
| Opcodes have 32 bits and use the following format: |
| A = source for ALU input 1 |
| B = source for ALU input 2 |
| C = reset carry flag used as ALU input |
| D = extra options, see below |
| E = ALU opcode |
| F = target for ALU result |
| G = immediate value, can be used as a source |
| |
| Possible values for sources A & B: |
| 000 use register 1 |
| 001 use register 2 |
| 010 use program counter |
| 011 read value from memory address previously specified |
| 100 use immediate value |
| 101 use high (A) or low (B) 8 bits of immediate value |
| 110 use timer (A) or prng (B) |
| 111 use cpu number (A) or the constant 1 (B) |
| |
| Possible values for target F: |
| 000 ignore |
| 001 set register 1 |
| 010 set register 2 |
| 011 set program counter (jump) |
| 100 set memory read address |
| 101 set memory write address |
| 110 set spread value for memory write |
| 111 write value to memory address previously specified |
| |
| Possible values for ALU opcode E and how they use/set the carry flag are described in the |
| ALU source header. |
| |
| Extra options in D were chosen to make classic Random Access Machine operations more |
| succinct. They are: |
| 00 business as usual |
| 01 set carry to highest bit of input 1 (specified as source A) |
| then replace input 1 with the immediate value; |
| also toggle this carry flag if C was set (and don't clear it, of course) |
| 10 read value from memory and store it in register 1 |
| (if the instruction uses register 1 as the target, store it in register 2 instead) |
| 11 set memory write address/spread/data based on the immediate value |
| (if write data is set in this operation, it also triggers a memory write) |
| if F==101 (address set from alu out): D ssss ddddddddddd = immediate |
| if F==110 (spread set from alu out): D aaaaaaaa ddddddd = immediate |
| otherwise: A aaaaaaaaaaa ssss = immediate |
| if the D or A bit is present, use register 1 for data/address instead |
| and use the rest of the immediate value for the other part (aaa/sss/ddd) |
| |
| Example opcodes to implement Random Access Machine instructions: |
| |
| * M[i] = 0 // set memory slot i to zero |
| 000 000 1 11 0010 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000 |
| |
| * M[i] = M[i] + 1 // increment value in memory slot i |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
| 011 111 1 11 1010 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000 |
| |
| * M[i] = M[i] - 1 // decrement value in memory slot i |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
| 011 111 1 11 1011 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000 |
| |
| * M[i] = M[i] + M[j] // add value in memory slot j to memory slot i |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj |
| 100 000 1 10 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
| 011 000 1 11 1010 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000 |
| |
| * M[i] = M[i] - M[j] // subtract value in memory slot j from memory slot i |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj |
| 100 000 1 10 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
| 011 000 1 11 1011 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000 |
| |
| * M[M[i]] = M[j] // set memory pointed to by slot i to value in slot j |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
| 100 000 1 10 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj |
| 011 000 1 11 0011 111 1000000000000000 |
| |
| * M[i] = M[M[j]] // set value in slot i to memory pointed to by slot j |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj |
| 011 000 1 00 0011 100 0000000000000000 |
| 011 000 1 11 0011 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000 |
| |
| * if M[i] < 0 goto j // conditional jump |
| 100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
| 011 010 1 01 0011 011 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj |
| |
| */ |
| |
| module cpu_core ( |
| input clk, // clock signal |
| input rst_n, // reset, active low |
| input [`INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] opcode, // opcode to be executed & immediate args |
| input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata, // connected to 'rdata' of memory module |
| input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_num, // id to differentiate cpu cores |
| input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prng_in, // random number from prng |
| input [1:0] debug_mode, // debug: 00 = no change, 01 = single step, 10 = run, 11 = stop |
| input [3:0] debug_sel, // debug: cpu status register to query or modify |
| input debug_we, // debug: modify selected status register |
| input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_wdata, // debug: new value of selected status register |
| output [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] progctr, // program counter |
| output mem_we, // +- |
| output [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_waddr, // | connected to |
| output [`SPREAD_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wspread, // | corresponding ports |
| output [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wdata, // | of memory module |
| output [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_raddr, // +- |
| output debug_stopped, // debug: read back whether core is stopped |
| output [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_rdata // debug: current value of selected status register |
| ); |
| |
| reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg1; // general-purpose registers |
| reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg2; |
| reg carry; // carry flag |
| reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pc; // register for program counter |
| reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] timer; // clock ticks since last reset |
| reg [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] raddr; // next read address |
| reg we; // write to memory on next cycle |
| reg [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] waddr; // next write address |
| reg [`SPREAD_WIDTH-1:0] wspread; // next write spread |
| reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata; // next write data |
| reg stopped; // cpu core is stopped |
| |
| assign progctr = pc; |
| assign mem_we = we; |
| assign mem_waddr = waddr; |
| assign mem_wspread = wspread; |
| assign mem_wdata = wdata; |
| assign mem_raddr = raddr; |
| |
| // opcode subdivision |
| wire [2:0] op_in1; // input 1 source |
| wire [2:0] op_in2; // input 2 source |
| wire op_rst_carry; // reset carry flag |
| wire [1:0] op_extra; // extra steps before alu processing |
| wire [3:0] op_alu; // send this opcode (and in1, in2, carry) to the alu |
| wire [2:0] op_target; // target for alu result |
| wire [15:0] op_immed; // hardcoded value(s) to use as an input source |
| assign {op_in1, op_in2, op_rst_carry, op_extra, op_alu, op_target, op_immed} = opcode; |
| |
| wire op_extra_carry = op_extra == 1; // set carry based on in1, replace in1 with immediate |
| wire op_extra_rdata = op_extra == 2; // copy rdata to reg1 (or reg2 if reg1 is the target) |
| wire op_extra_waddr = op_extra == 3; // fill waddr & wspread from immediate |
| |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] next_pc = pc + 1; |
| |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sources1[7:0]; |
| assign sources1[0] = reg1; |
| assign sources1[1] = reg2; |
| assign sources1[2] = next_pc; |
| assign sources1[3] = mem_rdata; |
| assign sources1[4] = op_immed; |
| assign sources1[5] = op_immed[15:8]; |
| assign sources1[6] = timer; |
| assign sources1[7] = cpu_num; |
| |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sources2[7:0]; |
| assign sources2[0] = reg1; |
| assign sources2[1] = reg2; |
| assign sources2[2] = next_pc; |
| assign sources2[3] = mem_rdata; |
| assign sources2[4] = op_immed; |
| assign sources2[5] = op_immed[7:0]; |
| assign sources2[6] = prng_in; |
| assign sources2[7] = 1; |
| |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] in1_orig = sources1[op_in1]; // data to use as alu input 1, unless overridden by op_extra_carry |
| wire in1_oh = in1_orig[`DATA_WIDTH-1]; // highest bit of in1_orig |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] in1 = op_extra_carry ? op_immed : in1_orig; // data to use as alu input 1 |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] in2 = sources2[op_in2]; // data to use as alu input 2 |
| wire carry_def = op_rst_carry ? 0 : carry; // carry to use as alu input, unless overridden by op_extra_carry |
| wire carry_ovr = op_rst_carry ? ~in1_oh : in1_oh; // override value if op_extra_carry is set |
| wire alu_cin = op_extra_carry ? carry_ovr : carry_def; // consolidated carry input for alu |
| |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] alu_out; // data output from alu |
| wire alu_cout; // carry output from alu |
| |
| alu alu_inst ( |
| .opcode(op_alu), |
| .in1(in1), |
| .in2(in2), |
| .carry(alu_cin), |
| .out(alu_out), |
| .carry_out(alu_cout) |
| ); |
| |
| wire op_target_reg1 = op_target == 1; |
| wire op_target_reg2 = op_target == 2; |
| wire op_target_pc = op_target == 3; |
| wire op_target_raddr = op_target == 4; |
| wire op_target_waddr = op_target == 5; |
| wire op_target_wspread = op_target == 6; |
| wire op_target_wdata = op_target == 7; |
| |
| // extract values from immediate to prepare for op_extra_waddr case |
| wire immed_ovr = op_immed[15]; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_hi4 = immed_ovr ? op_immed[14:0] : op_immed[14:11]; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d_lo11 = immed_ovr ? reg1 : op_immed[10:0]; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] a_hi8 = immed_ovr ? op_immed[14:0] : op_immed[14:7]; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d_lo7 = immed_ovr ? reg1 : op_immed[6:0]; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] a_hi11 = immed_ovr ? reg1 : op_immed[14:4]; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_lo4 = immed_ovr ? op_immed[14:0] : op_immed[3:0]; |
| |
| // update target with alu output |
| // if op_extra_rdata is set, also write mem_rdata to reg1 (if target is reg1, use reg2 instead) |
| // if op_extra_waddr is set, also fill waddr & wspread with immediate (if target is waddr/wspread, replace with wdata) |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg1_mod = op_target_reg1 ? alu_out : (op_extra_rdata ? mem_rdata : reg1); |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg2_mod = op_target_reg2 ? alu_out : ((op_extra_rdata && op_target_reg1) ? mem_rdata : reg2); |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pc_mod = op_target_pc ? alu_out : next_pc; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] raddr_mod = op_target_raddr ? alu_out : raddr; |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] waddr_mod = op_target_waddr ? alu_out : |
| (op_extra_waddr ? (op_target_wspread ? a_hi8 : a_hi11) : waddr); |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wspread_mod = op_target_wspread ? alu_out : |
| (op_extra_waddr ? (op_target_waddr ? s_hi4 : s_lo4) : wspread); |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_mod = op_target_wdata ? alu_out : |
| (op_extra_waddr ? (op_target_wspread ? d_lo7 : (op_target_waddr ? d_lo11 : wdata)) : wdata); |
| wire we_mod = op_target_wdata || (op_extra_waddr && (op_target_waddr || op_target_wspread)); |
| |
| // debug interface |
| wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_reg[15:0]; |
| assign debug_reg[0] = pc; |
| assign debug_reg[1] = opcode[31:16]; |
| assign debug_reg[2] = opcode[15:0]; |
| assign debug_reg[3] = reg1; |
| assign debug_reg[4] = reg2; |
| assign debug_reg[5] = carry; |
| assign debug_reg[6] = alu_out; |
| assign debug_reg[7] = alu_cout; |
| assign debug_reg[8] = timer; |
| assign debug_reg[9] = prng_in; |
| assign debug_reg[10] = raddr; |
| assign debug_reg[11] = mem_rdata; |
| assign debug_reg[12] = we; |
| assign debug_reg[13] = waddr; |
| assign debug_reg[14] = wspread; |
| assign debug_reg[15] = wdata; |
| assign debug_rdata = debug_reg[debug_sel]; |
| assign debug_stopped = stopped; |
| wire stopped_mod = debug_mode[1] ? debug_mode[0] : stopped; |
| |
| // sequential logic |
| always @ (posedge clk) begin |
| if (!rst_n) begin |
| reg1 <= 0; |
| reg2 <= 0; |
| carry <= 0; |
| pc <= 0; |
| timer <= 0; |
| raddr <= 0; |
| we <= 0; |
| waddr <= 0; |
| wspread <= 0; |
| wdata <= 0; |
| stopped <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| if (debug_we) begin |
| // don't run instructions on cycles with debug writes |
| case (debug_sel) |
| // wires can't be changed, only regs |
| 0: pc <= debug_wdata; |
| // opcode high & low skipped |
| 3: reg1 <= debug_wdata; |
| 4: reg2 <= debug_wdata; |
| 5: carry <= debug_wdata; |
| // alu_out & alu_cout skipped |
| 8: timer <= debug_wdata; |
| // prng_in skipped |
| 10: raddr <= debug_wdata; |
| // mem_rdata skipped |
| 12: we <= debug_wdata; |
| 13: waddr <= debug_wdata; |
| 14: wspread <= debug_wdata; |
| 15: wdata <= debug_wdata; |
| endcase |
| end else if (!stopped_mod || debug_mode == 2'b01) begin |
| // running or single stepping |
| reg1 <= reg1_mod; |
| reg2 <= reg2_mod; |
| carry <= alu_cout; |
| pc <= pc_mod; |
| timer <= timer + 1; |
| raddr <= raddr_mod; |
| we <= we_mod; |
| waddr <= waddr_mod; |
| wspread <= wspread_mod; |
| wdata <= wdata_mod; |
| stopped <= stopped_mod; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| `default_nettype wire |
| |