blob: 930a627b9fcb0f8ae827c485694a08c9e47a2525 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Tamas Hubai
`default_nettype none
Central processing unit (single core)
Has two general-purpose registers and a carry flag and executes an instruction on every clock cycle.
Fetches instructions via the progctr (out) and opcode (in) ports. Each opcode instructs te cpu to
take two values from registers, memory or other sources, feed them through the ALU and put the
results in a register or memory cell or use it as a jump target.
Opcode structure assumes `INSTR_WIDTH=32. Changing it requires substantial edits to the code below.
Opcodes have 32 bits and use the following format:
A = source for ALU input 1
B = source for ALU input 2
C = reset carry flag used as ALU input
D = extra options, see below
E = ALU opcode
F = target for ALU result
G = immediate value, can be used as a source
Possible values for sources A & B:
000 use register 1
001 use register 2
010 use program counter
011 read value from memory address previously specified
100 use immediate value
101 use high (A) or low (B) 8 bits of immediate value
110 use timer (A) or prng (B)
111 use cpu number (A) or the constant 1 (B)
Possible values for target F:
000 ignore
001 set register 1
010 set register 2
011 set program counter (jump)
100 set memory read address
101 set memory write address
110 set spread value for memory write
111 write value to memory address previously specified
Possible values for ALU opcode E and how they use/set the carry flag are described in the
ALU source header.
Extra options in D were chosen to make classic Random Access Machine operations more
succinct. They are:
00 business as usual
01 set carry to highest bit of input 1 (specified as source A)
then replace input 1 with the immediate value;
also toggle this carry flag if C was set (and don't clear it, of course)
10 read value from memory and store it in register 1
(if the instruction uses register 1 as the target, store it in register 2 instead)
11 set memory write address/spread/data based on the immediate value
(if write data is set in this operation, it also triggers a memory write)
if F==101 (address set from alu out): D ssss ddddddddddd = immediate
if F==110 (spread set from alu out): D aaaaaaaa ddddddd = immediate
otherwise: A aaaaaaaaaaa ssss = immediate
if the D or A bit is present, use register 1 for data/address instead
and use the rest of the immediate value for the other part (aaa/sss/ddd)
Example opcodes to implement Random Access Machine instructions:
* M[i] = 0 // set memory slot i to zero
000 000 1 11 0010 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000
* M[i] = M[i] + 1 // increment value in memory slot i
100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
011 111 1 11 1010 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000
* M[i] = M[i] - 1 // decrement value in memory slot i
100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
011 111 1 11 1011 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000
* M[i] = M[i] + M[j] // add value in memory slot j to memory slot i
100 000 1 00 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
100 000 1 10 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
011 000 1 11 1010 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000
* M[i] = M[i] - M[j] // subtract value in memory slot j from memory slot i
100 000 1 00 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
100 000 1 10 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
011 000 1 11 1011 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000
* M[M[i]] = M[j] // set memory pointed to by slot i to value in slot j
100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
100 000 1 10 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
011 000 1 11 0011 111 1000000000000000
* M[i] = M[M[j]] // set value in slot i to memory pointed to by slot j
100 000 1 00 0011 100 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
011 000 1 00 0011 100 0000000000000000
011 000 1 11 0011 111 0iiiiiiiiiii0000
* if M[i] < 0 goto j // conditional jump
100 000 1 00 0011 100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
011 010 1 01 0011 011 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
module cpu_core (
input clk, // clock signal
input rst_n, // reset, active low
input [`INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] opcode, // opcode to be executed & immediate args
input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata, // connected to 'rdata' of memory module
input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_num, // id to differentiate cpu cores
input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prng_in, // random number from prng
input [1:0] debug_mode, // debug: 00 = no change, 01 = single step, 10 = run, 11 = stop
input [3:0] debug_sel, // debug: cpu status register to query or modify
input debug_we, // debug: modify selected status register
input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_wdata, // debug: new value of selected status register
output [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] progctr, // program counter
output mem_we, // +-
output [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_waddr, // | connected to
output [`SPREAD_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wspread, // | corresponding ports
output [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wdata, // | of memory module
output [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_raddr, // +-
output debug_stopped, // debug: read back whether core is stopped
output [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_rdata // debug: current value of selected status register
reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg1; // general-purpose registers
reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg2;
reg carry; // carry flag
reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pc; // register for program counter
reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] timer; // clock ticks since last reset
reg [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] raddr; // next read address
reg we; // write to memory on next cycle
reg [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] waddr; // next write address
reg [`SPREAD_WIDTH-1:0] wspread; // next write spread
reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata; // next write data
reg stopped; // cpu core is stopped
assign progctr = pc;
assign mem_we = we;
assign mem_waddr = waddr;
assign mem_wspread = wspread;
assign mem_wdata = wdata;
assign mem_raddr = raddr;
// opcode subdivision
wire [2:0] op_in1; // input 1 source
wire [2:0] op_in2; // input 2 source
wire op_rst_carry; // reset carry flag
wire [1:0] op_extra; // extra steps before alu processing
wire [3:0] op_alu; // send this opcode (and in1, in2, carry) to the alu
wire [2:0] op_target; // target for alu result
wire [15:0] op_immed; // hardcoded value(s) to use as an input source
assign {op_in1, op_in2, op_rst_carry, op_extra, op_alu, op_target, op_immed} = opcode;
wire op_extra_carry = op_extra == 1; // set carry based on in1, replace in1 with immediate
wire op_extra_rdata = op_extra == 2; // copy rdata to reg1 (or reg2 if reg1 is the target)
wire op_extra_waddr = op_extra == 3; // fill waddr & wspread from immediate
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] next_pc = pc + 1;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sources1[7:0];
assign sources1[0] = reg1;
assign sources1[1] = reg2;
assign sources1[2] = next_pc;
assign sources1[3] = mem_rdata;
assign sources1[4] = op_immed;
assign sources1[5] = op_immed[15:8];
assign sources1[6] = timer;
assign sources1[7] = cpu_num;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sources2[7:0];
assign sources2[0] = reg1;
assign sources2[1] = reg2;
assign sources2[2] = next_pc;
assign sources2[3] = mem_rdata;
assign sources2[4] = op_immed;
assign sources2[5] = op_immed[7:0];
assign sources2[6] = prng_in;
assign sources2[7] = 1;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] in1_orig = sources1[op_in1]; // data to use as alu input 1, unless overridden by op_extra_carry
wire in1_oh = in1_orig[`DATA_WIDTH-1]; // highest bit of in1_orig
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] in1 = op_extra_carry ? op_immed : in1_orig; // data to use as alu input 1
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] in2 = sources2[op_in2]; // data to use as alu input 2
wire carry_def = op_rst_carry ? 0 : carry; // carry to use as alu input, unless overridden by op_extra_carry
wire carry_ovr = op_rst_carry ? ~in1_oh : in1_oh; // override value if op_extra_carry is set
wire alu_cin = op_extra_carry ? carry_ovr : carry_def; // consolidated carry input for alu
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] alu_out; // data output from alu
wire alu_cout; // carry output from alu
alu alu_inst (
wire op_target_reg1 = op_target == 1;
wire op_target_reg2 = op_target == 2;
wire op_target_pc = op_target == 3;
wire op_target_raddr = op_target == 4;
wire op_target_waddr = op_target == 5;
wire op_target_wspread = op_target == 6;
wire op_target_wdata = op_target == 7;
// extract values from immediate to prepare for op_extra_waddr case
wire immed_ovr = op_immed[15];
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_hi4 = immed_ovr ? op_immed[14:0] : op_immed[14:11];
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d_lo11 = immed_ovr ? reg1 : op_immed[10:0];
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] a_hi8 = immed_ovr ? op_immed[14:0] : op_immed[14:7];
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d_lo7 = immed_ovr ? reg1 : op_immed[6:0];
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] a_hi11 = immed_ovr ? reg1 : op_immed[14:4];
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_lo4 = immed_ovr ? op_immed[14:0] : op_immed[3:0];
// update target with alu output
// if op_extra_rdata is set, also write mem_rdata to reg1 (if target is reg1, use reg2 instead)
// if op_extra_waddr is set, also fill waddr & wspread with immediate (if target is waddr/wspread, replace with wdata)
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg1_mod = op_target_reg1 ? alu_out : (op_extra_rdata ? mem_rdata : reg1);
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] reg2_mod = op_target_reg2 ? alu_out : ((op_extra_rdata && op_target_reg1) ? mem_rdata : reg2);
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pc_mod = op_target_pc ? alu_out : next_pc;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] raddr_mod = op_target_raddr ? alu_out : raddr;
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] waddr_mod = op_target_waddr ? alu_out :
(op_extra_waddr ? (op_target_wspread ? a_hi8 : a_hi11) : waddr);
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wspread_mod = op_target_wspread ? alu_out :
(op_extra_waddr ? (op_target_waddr ? s_hi4 : s_lo4) : wspread);
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_mod = op_target_wdata ? alu_out :
(op_extra_waddr ? (op_target_wspread ? d_lo7 : (op_target_waddr ? d_lo11 : wdata)) : wdata);
wire we_mod = op_target_wdata || (op_extra_waddr && (op_target_waddr || op_target_wspread));
// debug interface
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_reg[15:0];
assign debug_reg[0] = pc;
assign debug_reg[1] = opcode[31:16];
assign debug_reg[2] = opcode[15:0];
assign debug_reg[3] = reg1;
assign debug_reg[4] = reg2;
assign debug_reg[5] = carry;
assign debug_reg[6] = alu_out;
assign debug_reg[7] = alu_cout;
assign debug_reg[8] = timer;
assign debug_reg[9] = prng_in;
assign debug_reg[10] = raddr;
assign debug_reg[11] = mem_rdata;
assign debug_reg[12] = we;
assign debug_reg[13] = waddr;
assign debug_reg[14] = wspread;
assign debug_reg[15] = wdata;
assign debug_rdata = debug_reg[debug_sel];
assign debug_stopped = stopped;
wire stopped_mod = debug_mode[1] ? debug_mode[0] : stopped;
// sequential logic
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
reg1 <= 0;
reg2 <= 0;
carry <= 0;
pc <= 0;
timer <= 0;
raddr <= 0;
we <= 0;
waddr <= 0;
wspread <= 0;
wdata <= 0;
stopped <= 0;
end else begin
if (debug_we) begin
// don't run instructions on cycles with debug writes
case (debug_sel)
// wires can't be changed, only regs
0: pc <= debug_wdata;
// opcode high & low skipped
3: reg1 <= debug_wdata;
4: reg2 <= debug_wdata;
5: carry <= debug_wdata;
// alu_out & alu_cout skipped
8: timer <= debug_wdata;
// prng_in skipped
10: raddr <= debug_wdata;
// mem_rdata skipped
12: we <= debug_wdata;
13: waddr <= debug_wdata;
14: wspread <= debug_wdata;
15: wdata <= debug_wdata;
end else if (!stopped_mod || debug_mode == 2'b01) begin
// running or single stepping
reg1 <= reg1_mod;
reg2 <= reg2_mod;
carry <= alu_cout;
pc <= pc_mod;
timer <= timer + 1;
raddr <= raddr_mod;
we <= we_mod;
waddr <= waddr_mod;
wspread <= wspread_mod;
wdata <= wdata_mod;
stopped <= stopped_mod;
`default_nettype wire