blob: 9abc600c7fabc4665a12011461af12e1935b21e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Tamas Hubai
`default_nettype none
Microcontroller unit
Combines the cpu cores with their corresponding instruction memories and prng's,
the memory mesh, io filter and programming multiplexer into a single package
|||||| ||| |||
+--------------+ +-----------+
| |=======================================| pads & la |
| | +--------------+ +-----------+
| wb mux |===================| entropy pool |=+ |||
| | +-----------+ +--------------+ | +-----------+
| |===| debug mux | | | io filter |
+--------------+ +-----------+ +------+ | +-----------+
|||| ||| +----------+ +=| prng |=+ |||
+------+ +-----------+ ||+=| cpu core |=+ +------+ | +-----------+
| |==| instr mem |=====| w/alu |===============| |
| | | | || +----------+ +------+ | | |
| | | - - - - - | || +----------+ +=| prng |=+ | |
| prog | | | |+==| cpu core |=+ +------+ | | |
| mux |==| instr mem |=====| w/alu |===============| mem mesh |
| | | | | +----------+ +------+ | | |
| | | - - - - - | | +----------+ +=| prng |=+ | |
| | | | +===| cpu core |=+ +------+ | |
| |==| instr mem |=====| w/alu |===============| |
+------+ +-----------+ +----------+ +-----------+
module mcu (
input wb_clk_i, // wishbone clock
input wb_rst_i, // wb reset, active high
input wbs_stb_i, // wb strobe
input wbs_cyc_i, // wb cycle
input wbs_we_i, // wb write enable
input [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_adr_i, // wb address
input [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_i, // wb input data
output wbs_ack_o, // wb acknowledge
output [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_o, // wb output data
input [`LOGIC_PROBES-1:0] la_data_in, // logic analyzer probes input
output [`LOGIC_PROBES-1:0] la_data_out, // la probes output
input [`LOGIC_PROBES-1:0] la_oenb, // la probes direction, 0=input (write by la), 1=output (read by la)
input [`IO_PADS-1:0] io_in, // io pads input
output [`IO_PADS-1:0] io_out, // io pads output
output [`IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb // io pads direction, 0=output (write by mcu), 1=input (read by mcu)
localparam SPREAD_WIDTH = $clog2(2 + SPREAD_LAYERS);
localparam MEM_IO_PORTS = 2 + `IO_PINS;
// clock and reset signals, set by io_pads using wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i and logic probes
wire clk;
wire rst_hard_n;
wire rst_soft_n;
wire rst_prng_n;
// between io pads and io filter
wire [`IO_PINS-1:0] pin_dir; // pads > iof
wire [`IO_PINS-1:0] pin_data_in; // pads > iof
wire [`IO_PINS-1:0] pin_data_out; // pads < iof
// between cpu core and instruction memory (unpacked version for cpu core)
wire [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] im_raddr[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu > im
wire [`INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] im_rdata[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu < im
// between cpu core and instruction memory (packed version for instruction memory)
wire [`CORES*`PC_WIDTH-1:0] im_raddr_raw; // cpu > im
wire [`CORES*`INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] im_rdata_raw; // cpu < im
// between cpu core and memory mesh (unpacked versions for cpu cores)
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu < mesh
wire mem_we[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu > mesh
wire [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_waddr[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu > mesh
wire [SPREAD_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wspread[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu > mesh
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wdata[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu > mesh
wire [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_raddr[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu > mesh
// between cpu core and memory mesh (packed versions for memory mesh)
wire [`CORES*`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_rdata_raw; // cpu < mesh
wire [`CORES-1:0] mem_we_raw; // cpu > mesh
wire [`CORES*`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_waddr_raw; // cpu > mesh
wire [`CORES*SPREAD_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wspread_raw; // cpu > mesh
wire [`CORES*`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_wdata_raw; // cpu > mesh
wire [`CORES*`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] mem_raddr_raw; // cpu > mesh
// between cpu core and corresponding prng
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prng_random[`CORES-1:0]; // cpu < prng
// between instruction memory and programming multiplexer
wire [`CORES-1:0] im_we_raw; // im < pmux
wire [`CORES*`PC_WIDTH-1:0] im_waddr_raw; // im < pmux
wire [`CORES*`INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] im_wdata_raw; // im < pmux
// between memory mesh and io filter
wire [MEM_IO_PORTS-1:0] mem_io_active_in; // mesh < iof
wire [MEM_IO_PORTS-1:0] mem_io_active_out; // mesh > iof
wire [MEM_IO_PORTS*`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_io_data_in; // mesh < iof
wire [MEM_IO_PORTS*`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem_io_data_out; // mesh > iof
// between debugging multiplexer and cpu core (unpacked versions for cpu core)
wire [1:0] debug_cpu_mode[`CORES-1:0]; // dmux > cpu
wire [3:0] debug_reg_sel[`CORES-1:0]; // dmux > cpu
wire debug_reg_we[`CORES-1:0]; // dmux > cpu
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_reg_wdata[`CORES-1:0]; // dmux > cpu
wire debug_reg_stopped[`CORES-1:0]; // dmux < cpu
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_reg_rdata[`CORES-1:0]; // dmux < cpu
// between debugging multiplexer and cpu core (packed versions for debugging multiplexer)
wire [`CORES*2-1:0] debug_cpu_mode_raw; // dmux > cpu
wire [`CORES*4-1:0] debug_reg_sel_raw; // dmux > cpu
wire [`CORES-1:0] debug_reg_we_raw; // dmux > cpu
wire [`CORES*`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_reg_wdata_raw; // dmux > cpu
wire [`CORES-1:0] debug_reg_stopped_raw; // dmux < cpu
wire [`CORES*`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_reg_rdata_raw; // dmux < cpu
// between wishbone multiplexer and programming multiplexer
wire prog_we; // wbmux > pmux
wire [`LOG_CORES-1:0] prog_sel; // wbmux > pmux
wire [`PC_WIDTH-1:0] prog_waddr; // wbmux > pmux
wire [`INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] prog_wdata; // wbmux > pmux
// between wishbone multiplexer and io pads
wire pads_we; // wbmux > pads
wire pads_waddr; // wbmux > pads
wire [`IO_PINS-1:0] pads_wdata; // wbmux > pads
// between wishbone multiplexer and debugging multiplexer
wire [`LOG_CORES-1:0] debug_sel; // wbmux > dmux
wire [4:0] debug_addr; // wbmux > dmux
wire debug_we; // wbmux > dmux
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_wdata; // wbmux > dmux
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] debug_rdata; // wbmux < dmux
// between wishbone multiplexer and entropy pool
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] entropy_word; // wbmux > ep
// between entropy pool and prng's
wire entropy_bit; // ep > prng
// repeat for each cpu core
generate genvar core;
for(core=0; core<`CORES; core=core+1) begin:g_core
// add the cpu core itself
wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] cpu_num = core;
cpu_core cpu_core_inst (
// add its own pseudorandom number generator
wire [`PRNG_STATE_BITS-1:0] index = core;
prng_wrap prng_inst (
// convert memory mesh inputs: unpacked to packed
assign mem_we_raw[core] = mem_we[core];
assign mem_waddr_raw[core*`ADDR_WIDTH +: `ADDR_WIDTH] = mem_waddr[core];
assign mem_wspread_raw[core*SPREAD_WIDTH +: SPREAD_WIDTH] = mem_wspread[core];
assign mem_wdata_raw[core*`DATA_WIDTH +: `DATA_WIDTH] = mem_wdata[core];
assign mem_raddr_raw[core*`ADDR_WIDTH +: `ADDR_WIDTH] = mem_raddr[core];
// convert memory mesh outputs: packed to unpacked
assign mem_rdata[core] = mem_rdata_raw[core*`DATA_WIDTH +: `DATA_WIDTH];
// convert instruction memory inputs: unpacked to packed
assign im_raddr_raw[core*`PC_WIDTH +: `PC_WIDTH] = im_raddr[core];
// convert instruction memory outputs: packed to unpacked
assign im_rdata[core] = im_rdata_raw[core*`INSTR_WIDTH +: `INSTR_WIDTH];
// convert debugging multiplexer inputs: unpacked to packed
assign debug_reg_stopped_raw[core] = debug_reg_stopped[core];
assign debug_reg_rdata_raw[core*`DATA_WIDTH +: `DATA_WIDTH] = debug_reg_rdata[core];
// convert debugging multiplexer outputs: packed to unpacked
assign debug_cpu_mode[core] = debug_cpu_mode_raw[core*2 +: 2];
assign debug_reg_sel[core] = debug_reg_sel_raw[core*4 +: 4];
assign debug_reg_we[core] = debug_reg_we_raw[core];
assign debug_reg_wdata[core] = debug_reg_wdata_raw[core*`DATA_WIDTH +: `DATA_WIDTH];
// add the memory mesh, with a packed bus towards the cpu cores
mem_mesh mem_mesh_inst (
// add the io filter connected to the memory mesh
io_filter_rev io_filter_inst (
// add instruction memory blocks
instr_mem instr_mem_inst (
// add the programming multiplexer
prog_mux prog_mux_inst (
// add the debugging multiplexer, with a packed bus towards cpu cores
debug_mux debug_mux_inst (
// add the entropy pool
entropy_pool entropy_pool_inst (
// add the wishbone multiplexer
wb_mux wb_mux_inst (
// add the io pads & logic analyzer probes
// (this includes some reset & clock logic as well)
io_pads io_pads_inst (
`default_nettype wire