blob: 8fcbb82b68d43737abb0d8db0d1331fadc6a8867 [file] [log] [blame]
Cell sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 disconnected node: anode
Cell sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 disconnected node: cathode
Equate elements: no current cell.
Subcircuit summary:
Circuit 1: /home/eda/.xschem/simulations/i |Circuit 2: io_clamp.spice
sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 (4) |sky130_fd_pr__diode_pd2nw_05v5 (4)
Number of devices: 4 |Number of devices: 4
Number of nets: 5 |Number of nets: 5
Circuits match uniquely.
Netlists match uniquely.
Cells have no pins; pin matching not needed.
Device classes /home/eda/.xschem/simulations/io_clamp.spice and io_clamp.spice are equivalent.
Circuits match uniquely.