blob: 99f2daf2551af259c29ecc3e34ca7e1b47878985 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
from PySpice.Spice import Parser
from pyverilog.vparser.parser import ParseError, parse
class NetlistParserNotFound(Exception):
class DataError(Exception):
class Port:
"""A verilog module port.
name: Port name.
type: Port type (Input, Output, Inout).
lsb: Least significant bit of the port (None if it is a scalar port)
msb: Most significant bit of the port (None if it is a scalar port)
def __init__(self, name, type, lsb=None, msb=None): = name
self.type = type
self.lsb = lsb
self.msb = msb
def width(self):
if self.lsb is not None:
return int(self.msb) - int(self.lsb)
else: # Return None if it is a scalar port
return None
def split(self):
"""Split a vector port to scalar ports.
Returns a list of scalar ports. Example:
"a[3:0]" is split to [a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]]
if self.width is None: # if a scalar port, then just return the port name as is in a list
port_split = []
else: # if not a scalar port, then split
port_split = [f"{}[{i}]" for i in range(int(self.lsb), int(self.msb) + 1)]
return port_split
class NetlistParser:
"""Base class for netlist parsers.
netlist: Netlist file path.
top_module: Top module name.
top_module: Netlist top module name.
behavoiral: True if netlist contains behavoiral constructs, False otherwise.
instances: List of instance names.
modules: List of module names.
ports: List of top module ports.
nodes: List of the parser abstract syntax tree nodes.
def __init__(self, netlist, top_module):
"""Create NetlistParser instance."""
self.top_module = top_module
self.behavoiral = False
self.instances = []
self.modules = []
self.ports = []
self.nodes = []
def get_instances(self):
"""Get list of instance names in the top module"""
return self.instances
def get_modules(self):
"""Get list of module names in the top module"""
return self.modules
def get_ports(self):
"""Get list of ports of the top module"""
return self.ports
def get_instance_name(self, module_name):
"""Get instance name for the given module name"""
indx = self.modules.index(module_name)
except ValueError:
return ''
return self.instances[indx]
def get_num_of_instances(self):
"""Get the number of instances in the top module"""
length = len(self.instances)
return length
def get_hooks(self, module_name):
"""Get instance port connection for the given module name.
It returns a dictionary of the module instance connection. The
dictionary keys represent the port names, and the values represent
the port argument name. Example, for the given module instance:
a_module a_instance (.x(in1), .y(out1)) The returned dict is { x: in1, y: out1 }
def find_instance(self, module_name):
"""Look for an instance with the given module name. Returns True
if the module instance is found, False otherwise
found = module_name in self.modules
return found
def is_behavoiral(self):
"""Check if the parsed netlist contains behavoiral code or not."""
return self.behavoiral
def is_globally_connected(self, nets, ignored_instances=[]):
"""Check if any of the given nets is connected to all instances
minus the given ignored instances.
Return True if at least one of the given nets is connected, False otherwise.
class SpiceParser(NetlistParser):
"""Spice (ngspice/xyce) netlist parser
netlist: Netlist file path.
top_module: Top module name.
Parent class attributes
subcircuits: List of subcircuit definition nodes.
def __init__(self, netlist, top_module):
"""Create SpiParser instance."""
super().__init__(netlist=netlist, top_module=top_module)
# List of subcircuit definitions
self.subcircuits = []
parser = Parser.SpiceParser(path=netlist, end_of_line_comment=('$', '*', '//', ';'))
except Parser.ParseError as e:
raise DataError(f"Netlist {netlist} fails parsing because {str(e)}")
self.subcircuits = parser.subcircuits
found = False
for subcircuit in self.subcircuits:
if == top_module:
found = True
self.ports = subcircuit.nodes
self.nodes = subcircuit._statements
self.instances = [ for instance in subcircuit]
self.modules = [instance._parameters[0] for instance in subcircuit]
if not found:
raise DataError(f"Top module {top_module} not found in {netlist}.")
# TODO: make sure that all instantiated modules have a subcircuit definition
def find_subcircuit(self, subcircuit):
"""Look for a subcircuit definition"""
names = [ for subcircuit in self.subcircuits]
found = subcircuit in names
return found
def get_hooks(self, module_name):
hooks = dict()
subckt_instance = None
for instance in self.nodes:
if instance._parameters[0] == module_name:
subckt_instance = instance
if not subckt_instance:
raise DataError(f"Module instance {module_name} not found.")
subckt_definition = None
for subcircuit in self.subcircuits:
if == module_name:
subckt_definition = subcircuit
if not subckt_definition:
raise DataError(f"Module definition {module_name} not found.")
ports = subckt_definition._nodes
conn = subckt_instance._nodes
if len(conn) < len(ports):
print("{{Warning}}: Not all ports are connected")
hooks = {ports[i]: conn[i] for i in range(0, len(conn))}
hooks.update({ports[i]: None for i in range(len(conn), len(ports))})
return hooks
def is_globally_connected(self, nets, ignored_instances=[]):
connected = False
for instance in self.nodes:
if instance._parameters[0] not in ignored_instances:
locally_connected = [hook in nets for hook in instance._nodes]
connected = any(locally_connected)
if not connected:
print(f"Instance {instance._parameters[0]} isn't connected to any of the nets: {nets} .")
return connected
class VerilogParser(NetlistParser):
"""Verilog HDL netlist parser
netlist: Netlist file path.
top_module: Top module name.
include_files: List of extra .v files to include with the netlist.
preprocess_define: List of macro defines to pass to the preprocessor (iverilog).
Parent class attributes
def __init__(self, netlist, top_module, **kwargs):
"""Create VerilogParser instance."""
super().__init__(netlist=netlist, top_module=top_module)
include_files = kwargs.get('include_files', [])
preprocess_define = kwargs.get('preprocess_define', None)
# Pyverilog specific types for IO ports and verilog keywords
io_port_types = ['Inout', 'Input', 'Output']
behavioral_keywords = [
'Always', 'Case', 'CaseStatement', 'DelayStatement', 'EventStatement',
'ForeverStatement', 'ForStatement', 'Function', 'FunctionCall', 'IfStatement', 'Initial',
'Reg', 'Repeat', 'Task', 'TaskCall', 'WaitStatement', 'WhileStatement'
netlists = include_files + [netlist]
root_ast, _ = parse(filelist=netlists, preprocess_define=preprocess_define, debug=False)
except ParseError as e:
raise DataError(f"Parsing netlist {netlist} failed because {str(e)}")
# Look for the top module definition node in the abstract syntax tree
top_definition = None
for definition in root_ast.description.definitions:
def_type = type(definition).__name__
if def_type == 'ModuleDef':
if == top_module:
top_definition = definition
if not top_definition:
raise DataError(f"Top module {top_module} not found in {netlist}.")
# Loop over each node under the top module definition
for item in top_definition.items:
item_type = type(item).__name__
if item_type == 'InstanceList': # Module instances
instance = item.instances[0]
elif item_type in behavioral_keywords:
self.behavoiral = True
elif item_type == 'Decl' and type(item.list[0]).__name__ in io_port_types: # IO Port statements
decl = item.list[0]
if decl.width is not None:
lsb = min(decl.width.lsb.value, decl.width.msb.value)
msb = max(decl.width.lsb.value, decl.width.msb.value)
lsb = None
msb = None
port = Port(, lsb=lsb, msb=msb, type=type(item.list[0]).__name__)
# If the port decleration is part of the header, for example:
# module (input clk, input rst, ...), then it won't be parsed by the previous loop
if not self.ports:
portlist = top_definition.portlist.ports
for port in portlist:
if port.first.width is not None:
lsb = self._evaluate_expr(port.first.width.lsb)
msb = self._evaluate_expr(port.first.width.msb)
lsb = None
msb = None
port = Port(, lsb=lsb, msb=msb, type=type(port.first).__name__)
def get_ports(self):
"""Get list of port names"""
names = [element for port in self.ports for element in port.split()]
return names
def get_port_types(self, split_bus=True):
"""Get port types, it returns a dictionary. The
dictionary keys are the port names, and the dictionary
values are the port type (Input, Output, Inout)
ports = dict()
if split_bus:
for port in self.ports:
split_port = port.split()
for element in split_port:
ports[element] = port.type
for port in self.ports:
ports[] = port.type
return ports
# TODO: Needs to be with instance name (can have more than on instance with the same module)
def get_hooks(self, module_name):
hooks = dict()
node_idx = self.modules.index(module_name)
except ValueError:
raise DataError(f"Module {module_name} not found.")
node = self.nodes[node_idx]
if node.module == module_name:
for hook in node.portlist:
argname_type = type(hook.argname).__name__
if argname_type == 'Concat':
for i in range(0, len(hook.argname.list)):
portname = f"{hook.portname}[{i}]"
hooks[portname] = hook.argname.list[i]
hooks[hook.portname] = str(hook.argname)
return hooks
def is_globally_connected(self, nets, ignored_instances=[]):
connected = False
for node in self.nodes:
if not in ignored_instances:
locally_connected = [str(hook.argname) in nets if type(hook.argname).__name__ != 'Concat'
else len(set(list(hook.argname.list)) & set(nets)) > 0 for hook in node.portlist]
connected = any(locally_connected)
if not connected:
print(f"Instance {} isn't connected to any of the nets: {nets} .")
return connected
def _evaluate_expr(self, expr):
# TODO: Hanlde all supported pyverilog operators
operators = {
'Plus': lambda a, b: a + b,
'Minus': lambda a, b: a - b,
'Times': lambda a, b: a * b,
'Divide': lambda a, b: a / b,
'Mod': lambda a, b: a % b,
'Power': lambda a, b: a ** b,
'Sll': lambda a, b: a >> b
expr_type = type(expr).__name__
if expr_type in list(operators.keys()):
left = self._evaluate_expr(expr.left)
right = self._evaluate_expr(expr.right)
value = operators[expr_type](left, right)
elif expr_type == 'IntConst':
value = expr.value
raise DataError(f"Got an unknown expression type {expr_type} in netlist .")
return int(value)
def remove_cells(input_netlist, output_netlist, cells):
def filter_out_cell(cell, content):
regex = fr'\s+sky130_fd_sc_.*__{cell}_[\d]+\s+.*\s+\([\s\S]*?(?:\;)'
return re.sub(regex, '', content)
with open(input_netlist) as f:
lines =
for cell in cells:
lines = filter_out_cell(cell, lines)
if not lines:
raise DataError(f"File {input_netlist} is empty.")
with open(output_netlist, 'w+') as f:
def get_netlist_parser(netlist, top_module, netlist_type, **kwargs):
if netlist_type == 'spice':
return SpiceParser(netlist, top_module)
elif netlist_type == 'verilog':
return VerilogParser(netlist, top_module, **kwargs)
raise NetlistParserNotFound()