Update README.md
1 file changed
tree: ac5de4300971b7e830e058fd5e044ecde0c72de0
  1. .github/
  2. def/
  3. docs/
  4. gds/
  5. lef/
  6. mag/
  7. maglef/
  8. openlane/
  9. signoff/
  10. spi/
  11. verilog/
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gitmodules
  14. info.yaml
  16. Makefile
  17. README.md

Caravel User Project

License UPRJ_CI Caravel Build

:exclamation: Important Note


YONGA-100M Ethernet is based on the implementation of Alex Forencich's 100Mbps Ethernet design.


export PDK_ROOT=<pdk-installation-path>
export OPENLANE_ROOT=<openlane-installation-path>
export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
make install

Running Simulation


  • This test is meant to verify that we can send and receive data from YONGA-100M Ethernet through GPIO pins. The firmware sends a UDP frame to YONGA-100M Ethernet, then receives a response from YONGA-100M Ethernet.

To run RTL simulation,

make verify-ethernet_100m

Hardening the User Project Macro using OpenLANE

# Run openlane to harden user_proj_example
make user_proj_example
# Run openlane to harden user_project_wrapper
make user_project_wrapper

Checklist for Open-MPW Submission

  • ✔️ The project repo adheres to the same directory structure in this repo.
  • ✔️ The project repo contain info.yaml at the project root.
  • ✔️ Top level macro is named user_project_wrapper.
  • ✔️ Full Chip Simulation passes for RTL and GL (gate-level)
  • ✔️ The hardened Macros are LVS and DRC clean
  • ✔️ The project contains a gate-level netlist for user_project_wrapper at verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v
  • ✔️ The hardened user_project_wrapper adheres to the same pin order specified at pin\_order <https://github.com/efabless/caravel/blob/master/openlane/user_project_wrapper_empty/pin_order.cfg>__
  • ✔️ The hardened user_project_wrapper adheres to the fixed wrapper configuration specified at fixed_wrapper_cfgs <https://github.com/efabless/caravel/blob/master/openlane/user_project_wrapper_empty/fixed_wrapper_cfgs.tcl>__
  • ✔️ XOR check passes with zero total difference.
  • ✔️ Openlane summary reports are retained under ./signoff/
  • ✔️ The design passes the mpw-precheck <https://github.com/efabless/mpw_precheck>

List of Contributors

In alphabetical order:

  • Abdullah Yildiz
  • Burak Yakup Cakar