blob: dcc51e67ab35541bcf48aa3d4754377ca622c0d3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "defines.h"
#define STDOUT 0xd0580000
// Code to execute
.section .text
.global _start
//Prime numbers in a given range
csrw minstret, zero
csrw minstreth, zero
li x1, 0x5f555555
csrw 0x7c0, x1
li x4, 4 // Neccessary for terminating code
csrw 0x7f9 ,x4 // Neccessary for terminating code
li s0,4789884 //Number to reverse INPUT Expected output should be 4889874 in decimal or 4A9D12 in HEX
li s1,7 // length of number INPUT
li t0,10 //constant
li t4,4
li s2,0xf0040000 //base adress
mul t3,s1,t4
add t3,t3,s2
sub t3,t3,t4
sub s2,s2,t4
addi s4,t3,0
li t1,2
beqz t1,ORDER
div t1,s0,t0
rem t2,s0,t0
addi s0,t1,0
sb t2,0(t3)
sub t3,t3,t4
mul t6,t6,t0
lb t5,0(s4)
sub s4,s4,t4
add t6,t6,t5
bne s2,s4,ORDER
li t0,STDOUT
sw t6,0(t0)
// Write 0xff to STDOUT for TB to termiate test.
li x3, STDOUT
addi x5, x0, 0xff
sb x5, 0(x3)
beq x0, x0, _finish
.rept 100