blob: 5b7153da17ac28b8470cd11b5829dd4c4ab39c83 [file] [log] [blame]
//`include ""
module int_to_float #(parameter int_width = 32, parameter exp_width = 8, parameter sig_width = 24)
// if number is negative signed_in should be 1
input wire signed_in,
input wire [(int_width-1):0] num,
input wire [2:0] round_mode,
output wire [(exp_width+sig_width)-1:0] out,
output wire [4:0] exceptions
wire sign;
wire is_zero,rounding_overflow;
wire [4:0] index, shift_amount;
wire [22:0] mantissa;
wire [7:0] exp;
wire [31:0] shifted_num;
wire [26:0] mant;
wire [23:0] rounded_mantissa;
wire [31:0] new_num;
wire invalid;
wire div_by_zero;
wire overflow;
wire underflow;
wire inexact;
// check if input number is zero
assign is_zero = !(|num);
// determining sign of result
assign sign = signed_in && num[int_width-1];
assign new_num = sign ? -num : num;
// position of leading one
leading_ones lead_one ( .in (new_num), .out (index));
// calculating shift amount of the basis of leading one
assign shift_amount = 5'd31 - index;
// shifting number
assign shifted_num = new_num << shift_amount;
// compress number to 27 bits
assign mant = {shifted_num[31:6], |shifted_num[5:0]};
// rounding the number
rounding rounder(.sign(sign), .mantisa(mant), .round_mode(round_mode), .rounded_mantisa(rounded_mantissa), .rounding_overflow(rounding_overflow));
// exponent of the result
assign exp = index + 8'd127 + rounding_overflow;
// mantissa of the result
assign mantissa = rounded_mantissa[22:0];
// final result
assign out = is_zero ? {32'd0} : {sign, exp, mantissa};
// redundant exceptions
assign invalid = 1'b0;
assign div_by_zero = 1'b0;
assign overflow = 1'b0;
assign underflow = 1'b0;
// inexact result flag
assign inexact = |mant[2:0];
assign exceptions = {invalid, div_by_zero, overflow, underflow, inexact};