| `default_nettype none |
| module serv_decode |
| ( |
| input wire clk, |
| //Input |
| input wire [31:2] i_wb_rdt, |
| input wire i_wb_en, |
| //To state |
| output wire o_sh_right, |
| output wire o_bne_or_bge, |
| output wire o_cond_branch, |
| output wire o_e_op, |
| output wire o_ebreak, |
| output wire o_branch_op, |
| output wire o_mem_op, |
| output wire o_shift_op, |
| output wire o_slt_op, |
| output wire o_rd_op, |
| //To bufreg |
| output wire o_bufreg_rs1_en, |
| output wire o_bufreg_imm_en, |
| output wire o_bufreg_clr_lsb, |
| output wire o_bufreg_sh_signed, |
| //To ctrl |
| output wire o_ctrl_jal_or_jalr, |
| output wire o_ctrl_utype, |
| output wire o_ctrl_pc_rel, |
| output wire o_ctrl_mret, |
| //To alu |
| output wire o_alu_sub, |
| output wire [1:0] o_alu_bool_op, |
| output wire o_alu_cmp_eq, |
| output wire o_alu_cmp_sig, |
| output wire [2:0] o_alu_rd_sel, |
| //To mem IF |
| output wire o_mem_signed, |
| output wire o_mem_word, |
| output wire o_mem_half, |
| output wire o_mem_cmd, |
| //To CSR |
| output wire o_csr_en, |
| output wire [1:0] o_csr_addr, |
| output wire o_csr_mstatus_en, |
| output wire o_csr_mie_en, |
| output wire o_csr_mcause_en, |
| output wire [1:0] o_csr_source, |
| output wire o_csr_d_sel, |
| output wire o_csr_imm_en, |
| //To top |
| output wire [3:0] o_immdec_ctrl, |
| output wire o_op_b_source, |
| output wire o_rd_csr_en, |
| output wire o_rd_alu_en); |
| |
| reg [4:0] opcode; |
| reg [2:0] funct3; |
| reg op20; |
| reg op21; |
| reg op22; |
| reg op26; |
| |
| reg imm30; |
| |
| //opcode |
| wire op_or_opimm = (!opcode[4] & opcode[2] & !opcode[0]); |
| |
| assign o_mem_op = !opcode[4] & !opcode[2] & !opcode[0]; |
| assign o_branch_op = opcode[4] & !opcode[2]; |
| |
| //jal,branch = imm |
| //jalr = rs1+imm |
| //mem = rs1+imm |
| //shift = rs1 |
| assign o_bufreg_rs1_en = !opcode[4] | (!opcode[1] & opcode[0]); |
| assign o_bufreg_imm_en = !opcode[2]; |
| |
| //Clear LSB of immediate for BRANCH and JAL ops |
| //True for BRANCH and JAL |
| assign o_bufreg_clr_lsb = opcode[4] & ((opcode[1:0] == 2'b00) | (opcode[1:0] == 2'b11)); |
| |
| //Conditional branch |
| //True for BRANCH |
| //False for JAL/JALR |
| assign o_cond_branch = !opcode[0]; |
| |
| assign o_ctrl_utype = !opcode[4] & opcode[2] & opcode[0]; |
| assign o_ctrl_jal_or_jalr = opcode[4] & opcode[0]; |
| |
| //PC-relative operations |
| //True for jal, b* auipc |
| //False for jalr, lui |
| assign o_ctrl_pc_rel = (opcode[2:0] == 3'b000) | |
| (opcode[1:0] == 2'b11) | |
| (opcode[4:3] == 2'b00); |
| //Write to RD |
| //False for STORE, BRANCH, MISC-MEM |
| assign o_rd_op = (opcode[2] | |
| (!opcode[2] & opcode[4] & opcode[0]) | |
| (!opcode[2] & !opcode[3] & !opcode[0])); |
| |
| // |
| //funct3 |
| // |
| |
| assign o_sh_right = funct3[2]; |
| assign o_bne_or_bge = funct3[0]; |
| |
| // |
| // opcode & funct3 |
| // |
| |
| assign o_shift_op = op_or_opimm & (funct3[1:0] == 2'b01); |
| assign o_slt_op = op_or_opimm & (funct3[2:1] == 2'b01); |
| |
| //Matches system ops except eceall/ebreak/mret |
| wire csr_op = opcode[4] & opcode[2] & (|funct3); |
| |
| |
| //op20 |
| assign o_ebreak = op20; |
| |
| |
| //opcode & funct3 & op21 |
| |
| assign o_ctrl_mret = opcode[4] & opcode[2] & op21 & !(|funct3); |
| //Matches system opcodes except CSR accesses (funct3 == 0) |
| //and mret (!op21) |
| assign o_e_op = opcode[4] & opcode[2] & !op21 & !(|funct3); |
| |
| //opcode & funct3 & imm30 |
| |
| assign o_bufreg_sh_signed = imm30; |
| |
| /* |
| True for sub, b*, slt* |
| False for add* |
| op opcode f3 i30 |
| b* 11000 xxx x t |
| addi 00100 000 x f |
| slt* 0x100 01x x t |
| add 01100 000 0 f |
| sub 01100 000 1 t |
| */ |
| assign o_alu_sub = funct3[1] | funct3[0] | (opcode[3] & imm30) | opcode[4]; |
| |
| /* |
| Bits 26, 22, 21 and 20 are enough to uniquely identify the eight supported CSR regs |
| mtvec, mscratch, mepc and mtval are stored externally (normally in the RF) and are |
| treated differently from mstatus, mie and mcause which are stored in serv_csr. |
| |
| The former get a 2-bit address as seen below while the latter get a |
| one-hot enable signal each. |
| |
| Hex|2 222|Reg |csr |
| adr|6 210|name |addr |
| ---|-----|--------|---- |
| 300|0_000|mstatus | xx |
| 304|0_100|mie | xx |
| 305|0_101|mtvec | 01 |
| 340|1_000|mscratch| 00 |
| 341|1_001|mepc | 10 |
| 342|1_010|mcause | xx |
| 343|1_011|mtval | 11 |
| |
| */ |
| |
| //true for mtvec,mscratch,mepc and mtval |
| //false for mstatus, mie, mcause |
| wire csr_valid = op20 | (op26 & !op21); |
| |
| assign o_rd_csr_en = csr_op; |
| |
| assign o_csr_en = csr_op & csr_valid; |
| assign o_csr_mstatus_en = csr_op & !op26 & !op22; |
| assign o_csr_mie_en = csr_op & !op26 & op22 & !op20; |
| assign o_csr_mcause_en = csr_op & op21 & !op20; |
| |
| assign o_csr_source = funct3[1:0]; |
| assign o_csr_d_sel = funct3[2]; |
| assign o_csr_imm_en = opcode[4] & opcode[2] & funct3[2]; |
| assign o_csr_addr = {op26 & op20, !op26 | op21}; |
| |
| assign o_alu_cmp_eq = funct3[2:1] == 2'b00; |
| |
| assign o_alu_cmp_sig = ~((funct3[0] & funct3[1]) | (funct3[1] & funct3[2])); |
| |
| assign o_mem_cmd = opcode[3]; |
| assign o_mem_signed = ~funct3[2]; |
| assign o_mem_word = funct3[1]; |
| assign o_mem_half = funct3[0]; |
| |
| assign o_alu_bool_op = funct3[1:0]; |
| |
| //True for S (STORE) or B (BRANCH) type instructions |
| //False for J type instructions |
| assign o_immdec_ctrl[0] = opcode[3:0] == 4'b1000; |
| //True for OP-IMM, LOAD, STORE, JALR (I S) |
| //False for LUI, AUIPC, JAL (U J) |
| assign o_immdec_ctrl[1] = (opcode[1:0] == 2'b00) | (opcode[2:1] == 2'b00); |
| assign o_immdec_ctrl[2] = opcode[4] & !opcode[0]; |
| assign o_immdec_ctrl[3] = opcode[4]; |
| |
| assign o_alu_rd_sel[0] = (funct3 == 3'b000); // Add/sub |
| assign o_alu_rd_sel[1] = (funct3[2:1] == 2'b01); //SLT* |
| assign o_alu_rd_sel[2] = funct3[2]; //Bool |
| always @(posedge clk) begin |
| if (i_wb_en) begin |
| funct3 <= i_wb_rdt[14:12]; |
| imm30 <= i_wb_rdt[30]; |
| opcode <= i_wb_rdt[6:2]; |
| op20 <= i_wb_rdt[20]; |
| op21 <= i_wb_rdt[21]; |
| op22 <= i_wb_rdt[22]; |
| op26 <= i_wb_rdt[26]; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| //0 (OP_B_SOURCE_IMM) when OPIMM |
| //1 (OP_B_SOURCE_RS2) when BRANCH or OP |
| assign o_op_b_source = opcode[3]; |
| |
| assign o_rd_alu_en = !opcode[0] & opcode[2] & !opcode[4]; |
| |
| |
| endmodule |