blob: 29ad5a136782e8cb1972484808e17d59b95dc0b0 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
// Project Name : Register File
// Function : Rergiter bank data
// Description : This is the main processor
// Coder : Ivan Rodriguez Ferrandez AND Alvaro Jover-Alvarez
module register_data #(
parameter integer WORD_SIZE = 32,
parameter integer REGISTERS = 32,
parameter integer REGDIRSIZE = 5,
parameter integer ECCBITS = 7,
parameter integer WHISBONE_ADR = 32,
parameter [31:0] ADDRBASE = 32'h3000_0000,
parameter [31:0] REGISTERDATA = ADDRBASE
input clk_i,
input rst_i ,
input [WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS - 1 : 0] data_to_register_i ,
input [REGDIRSIZE - 1 : 0] register_i ,
input [WHISBONE_ADR - 1 : 0] whisbone_addr_i,
input wregister_i ,
input rregister_i ,
input valid_i,
input [3 : 0] wstrb_i,
input [WORD_SIZE -1 : 0] wdata_i,
input wbs_we_i,
output reg [WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS -1: 0] store_data_o ,
output reg ready_o,
output reg [WORD_SIZE - 1 : 0] rdata_o
//***Internal logic generated by compiler***
//***Dumped Internal logic***
// register bank
reg [WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS -1:0] r[0:REGISTERS-1];
wire [ECCBITS - 1:0] parity_bits;
always @(posedge clk_i) begin
// calculate last parity bit
if (rst_i) begin
r[0] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[1] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[2] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[3] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[4] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[5] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[6] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[7] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[8] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[9] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[10] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[11] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[12] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[13] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[14] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[15] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[16] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[17] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[18] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[19] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[20] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[21] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[22] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[23] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[24] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[25] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[26] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[27] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[28] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[29] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[30] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
r[31] = {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS{1'b0}};
ready_o <= 1'b0;
store_data_o <= {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS {1'b0}};
else if (rregister_i) begin
store_data_o <= r[register_i];
else if (wregister_i) begin
// Sore data
r[register_i] <= data_to_register_i;
store_data_o <= {WORD_SIZE + ECCBITS {1'b0}};
if (valid_i) begin
case (whisbone_addr_i)
ready_o <= 1'b1;
if (wbs_we_i) begin
if (wstrb_i[0]) r[31][7:0] <= wdata_i[7:0];
if (wstrb_i[1]) r[31][15:8] <= wdata_i[15:8];
if (wstrb_i[2]) r[31][23:16] <= wdata_i[23:16];
if (wstrb_i[3]) r[31][31:24] <= wdata_i[31:24];
else begin
rdata_o <= {r[31][31:0]};
ADDRBASE + 4: begin ready_o <= 1'b1; end
ADDRBASE + 8: begin ready_o <= 1'b1; end
ADDRBASE + 16: begin ready_o <= 1'b1; end
default: ready_o <= 1'b0;