added test 4 for la probes, for triple redundacy full error
diff --git a/verilog/dv/Makefile b/verilog/dv/Makefile
index 3004157..b36c250 100644
--- a/verilog/dv/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/dv/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 .SILENT: clean all
-PATTERNS = io_ports la_test1 la_test2 la_test3 wb_port mprj_stimulus wb_test1 wb_test2 wb_test3
+PATTERNS = io_ports la_test1 la_test2 la_test3 la_test4 wb_port mprj_stimulus wb_test1 wb_test2 wb_test3
 all:  ${PATTERNS}
 	for i in ${PATTERNS}; do \
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test4/Makefile b/verilog/dv/la_test4/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf4d077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/la_test4/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+## Caravel Pointers
+CARAVEL_ROOT ?= ../../../caravel
+## User Project Pointers
+UPRJ_VERILOG_PATH ?= ../../../verilog
+## Simulation mode: RTL/GL
+PATTERN = la_test4
+all:  ${PATTERN:=.vcd}
+hex:  ${PATTERN:=.hex}
+%.vvp: %_tb.v %.hex
+ifeq ($(SIM),RTL)
+	iverilog -DFUNCTIONAL -DSIM -I $(PDK_PATH) \
+	$< -o $@ 
+	$< -o $@ 
+%.vcd: %.vvp
+	vvp $<
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -I $(CARAVEL_PATH) -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,$(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/,--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ $(CARAVEL_FIRMWARE_PATH)/start.s $<
+%.hex: %.elf
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog $< $@ 
+	# to fix flash base address
+	sed -i 's/@10000000/@00000000/g' $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+	${GCC_PATH}/${GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O binary $< /dev/stdout | tail -c +1048577 > $@
+# ---- Clean ----
+	rm -f *.elf *.hex *.bin *.vvp *.vcd *.log
+.PHONY: clean hex all
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.c b/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5f118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+// This include is relative to $CARAVEL_PATH (see Makefile)
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/defs.h"
+#include "verilog/dv/caravel/stub.c"
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+	MPRJ Logic Analyzer Test:
+		- Observes counter value through LA probes [31:0] 
+		- Sets counter initial value through LA probes [63:32]
+		- Flags when counter value exceeds 500 through the management SoC gpio
+		- Outputs message to the UART when the test concludes successfuly
+int clk = 0;
+void clock(){
+	// clock
+	reg_la2_data = 0x00000001;
+	reg_la2_data = 0x00000000;
+	// end clock
+void add_value_to_triplet_register(uint32_t value, uint32_t selected_register){
+	reg_la0_data = (selected_register << 3| 6 & 0x7);
+	reg_la1_data = value;
+void read_value_from_triplet_register(uint32_t selected_register){
+	reg_la0_data = (selected_register << 3| 5 & 0x7);
+void add_value_to_register(uint32_t value, uint32_t selected_register){
+	reg_la0_data = (selected_register << 3| 2 & 0x7);
+	reg_la1_data = value;
+void read_value_from_register(uint32_t selected_register){
+	reg_la0_data = (selected_register << 3| 1 & 0x7);
+void main()
+	/* Set up the housekeeping SPI to be connected internally so	*/
+	/* that external pin changes don't affect it.			*/
+	reg_spimaster_config = 0xa002;	// Enable, prescaler = 2,
+                                        // connect to housekeeping SPI
+	// Connect the housekeeping SPI to the SPI master
+	// so that the CSB line is not left floating.  This allows
+	// all of the GPIO pins to be used for user functions.
+	// The upper GPIO pins are configured to be output
+	// and accessble to the management SoC.
+	// Used to flad the start/end of a test 
+	// The lower GPIO pins are configured to be output
+	// and accessible to the user project.  They show
+	// the project count value, although this test is
+	// designed to read the project count through the
+	// logic analyzer probes.
+	// I/O 6 is configured for the UART Tx line
+        reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+		reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+		reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+		reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+		reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+		reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+		reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_9  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_8  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_7  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_5  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_4  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_3  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_2  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_1  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_0  = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
+        reg_mprj_io_6  = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
+	// Set UART clock to 64 kbaud (enable before I/O configuration)
+	reg_uart_clkdiv = 625;
+	reg_uart_enable = 1;
+        /* Apply configuration */
+        reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
+        while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
+	// Configure LA probes 
+	// outputs from the cpu are inputs for my project denoted for been 0 
+	// inputs to the cpu are outpus for my project denoted for been 1
+	reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0x00000000;    // [31:0] 
+	reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0x00000000;    // [63:32]
+	reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFC;    // [95:64]
+	reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF;    // [127:96]
+	// Flag start of the test 
+	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB400000;
+	// clock and reset
+	reg_la2_data = 0x00000003;
+	reg_la2_data = 0x00000000;
+	// end clock
+	add_value_to_triplet_register(1,0);
+	clock();
+	add_value_to_register(25432,1);
+	clock();
+	add_value_to_register(38,2);
+	read_value_from_triplet_register(0);
+	clock();
+	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB410000;
+	print("\n");
+	print("Monitor: Test 4 Passed\n\n");	// Makes simulation very long!
+	reg_mprj_datal = 0xAB510000;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.gtkw b/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.gtkw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47eb23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.gtkw
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+[*] GTKWave Analyzer v3.3.103 (w)1999-2019 BSI
+[*] Fri May 28 12:06:49 2021
+[dumpfile] "/home/shuttle/core_radiation_hard/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.vcd"
+[dumpfile_mtime] "Fri May 28 12:01:29 2021"
+[dumpfile_size] 2291794024
+[savefile] "/home/shuttle/core_radiation_hard/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4.gtkw"
+[timestart] 153100000
+[size] 1848 1016
+[pos] -1 -1
+*-27.000000 523712500 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
+[treeopen] la_test4_tb.
+[treeopen] la_test4_tb.uut.
+[treeopen] la_test4_tb.uut.mprj.
+[treeopen] la_test4_tb.uut.mprj.mprj.
+[sst_width] 253
+[signals_width] 310
+[sst_expanded] 1
+[sst_vpaned_height] 289
+[pattern_trace] 1
+[pattern_trace] 0
diff --git a/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4_tb.v b/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4_tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49773a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/dv/la_test4/la_test4_tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
+`include "uprj_netlists.v"
+`include "caravel_netlists.v"
+`include "spiflash.v"
+`include "tbuart.v"
+module la_test4_tb;
+	reg clock;
+    reg RSTB;
+	reg CSB;
+	reg power1, power2;
+    wire gpio;
+	wire uart_tx;
+    wire [37:0] mprj_io;
+	wire [15:0] checkbits;
+	assign checkbits  = mprj_io[31:16];
+	assign uart_tx = mprj_io[6];
+	always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
+	initial begin
+		clock = 0;
+	end
+	assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
+	initial begin
+		$dumpfile("la_test4.vcd");
+		$dumpvars(0, la_test4_tb);
+		// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
+		repeat (200) begin
+			repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
+			// $display("+1000 cycles");
+		end
+		$display("%c[1;31m",27);
+		`ifdef GL
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test LA (GL) Failed");
+		`else
+			$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test LA (RTL) Failed");
+		`endif
+		$display("%c[0m",27);
+		$finish;
+	end
+	initial begin
+		wait(mprj_io[25:20] == 6'd0);
+		$display("LA Test 4 started");
+		//wait(mprj_io[25:20] == 6'd2);
+		wait(mprj_io[37:36] == 2'b10);
+		$display("LA Test 4 Finish correctly");
+		//wait(checkbits == 16'h0002);
+		#10000;
+		$finish;
+	end
+	initial begin
+		RSTB <= 1'b0;
+		CSB  <= 1'b1;		// Force CSB high
+		#2000;
+		RSTB <= 1'b1;	    	// Release reset
+		#170000;
+		CSB = 1'b0;		// CSB can be released
+	end
+	initial begin		// Power-up sequence
+		power1 <= 1'b0;
+		power2 <= 1'b0;
+		#200;
+		power1 <= 1'b1;
+		#200;
+		power2 <= 1'b1;
+	end
+    	wire flash_csb;
+	wire flash_clk;
+	wire flash_io0;
+	wire flash_io1;
+	wire VDD1V8;
+    	wire VDD3V3;
+	wire VSS;
+	assign VDD3V3 = power1;
+	assign VDD1V8 = power2;
+	assign VSS = 1'b0;
+	caravel uut (
+		.vddio	  (VDD3V3),
+		.vssio	  (VSS),
+		.vdda	  (VDD3V3),
+		.vssa	  (VSS),
+		.vccd	  (VDD1V8),
+		.vssd	  (VSS),
+		.vdda1    (VDD3V3),
+		.vdda2    (VDD3V3),
+		.vssa1	  (VSS),
+		.vssa2	  (VSS),
+		.vccd1	  (VDD1V8),
+		.vccd2	  (VDD1V8),
+		.vssd1	  (VSS),
+		.vssd2	  (VSS),
+		.clock	  (clock),
+		.gpio     (gpio),
+        .mprj_io  (mprj_io),
+		.flash_csb(flash_csb),
+		.flash_clk(flash_clk),
+		.flash_io0(flash_io0),
+		.flash_io1(flash_io1),
+		.resetb	  (RSTB)
+	);
+	spiflash #(
+		.FILENAME("la_test4.hex")
+	) spiflash (
+		.csb(flash_csb),
+		.clk(flash_clk),
+		.io0(flash_io0),
+		.io1(flash_io1),
+		.io2(),			// not used
+		.io3()			// not used
+	);
+	// Testbench UART
+	tbuart tbuart (
+		.ser_rx(uart_tx)
+	);
+`default_nettype wire