blob: 3779eb50307dd59c7bc0a53d215204d27a04aae5 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Syntacore LLC © 2016-2021
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Syntacore LLC
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// @file <>
/// @brief SCR1 pipeline top
// project : YiFive
// Rev: June 10, 2021, Dinesh A
// Bugfix- reset correction for scr1_pipe_tdu when debug is not enabled
// Note: previously reset rst_n is floating at simulation is failing
// when SCR1_DBG_EN is disabled
`include "scr1_arch_description.svh"
`include "scr1_memif.svh"
`include "scr1_riscv_isa_decoding.svh"
`include "scr1_csr.svh"
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
`include "scr1_ipic.svh"
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
`include "scr1_hdu.svh"
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
`include "scr1_tdu.svh"
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
module scr1_pipe_top (
// Common
input logic pipe_rst_n, // Pipe reset
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
input logic pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i, // Pipe RDC qualifier
input logic dbg_rst_n, // Debug reset
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
input logic clk, // Pipe clock
// Instruction Memory Interface
output logic pipe2imem_req_o, // IMEM request
output logic pipe2imem_cmd_o, // IMEM command
output logic [`SCR1_IMEM_AWIDTH-1:0] pipe2imem_addr_o, // IMEM address
input logic imem2pipe_req_ack_i, // IMEM request acknowledge
input logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] imem2pipe_rdata_i, // IMEM read data
input logic [1:0] imem2pipe_resp_i, // IMEM response
// Data Memory Interface
output logic pipe2dmem_req_o, // DMEM request
output logic pipe2dmem_cmd_o, // DMEM command
output logic [1:0] pipe2dmem_width_o, // DMEM data width
output logic [`SCR1_DMEM_AWIDTH-1:0] pipe2dmem_addr_o, // DMEM address
output logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] pipe2dmem_wdata_o, // DMEM write data
input logic dmem2pipe_req_ack_i, // DMEM request acknowledge
input logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] dmem2pipe_rdata_i, // DMEM read data
input logic [1:0] dmem2pipe_resp_i, // DMEM response
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// Debug interface:
input logic dbg_en, // 1 - debug operations enabled
// DM <-> Pipeline: HART Run Control i/f
input logic dm2pipe_active_i, // Debug Module active flag
input logic dm2pipe_cmd_req_i, // Request from Debug Module
input type_scr1_hdu_dbgstates_e dm2pipe_cmd_i, // Command from Debug Module
output logic pipe2dm_cmd_resp_o, // Response to Debug Module
output logic pipe2dm_cmd_rcode_o, // Debug Module return code: 0 - Ok; 1 - Error
output logic pipe2dm_hart_event_o, // HART event flag
output type_scr1_hdu_hartstatus_s pipe2dm_hart_status_o, // HART status
// DM <-> Pipeline: Program Buffer - HART instruction execution i/f
output logic [SCR1_HDU_PBUF_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] pipe2dm_pbuf_addr_o, // Program Buffer address
input logic [SCR1_HDU_CORE_INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] dm2pipe_pbuf_instr_i, // Program Buffer instruction
// DM <-> Pipeline: HART Abstract Data regs i/f
output logic pipe2dm_dreg_req_o, // Abstract Data Register request
output logic pipe2dm_dreg_wr_o, // Abstract Data Register write
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] pipe2dm_dreg_wdata_o, // Abstract Data Register write data
input logic dm2pipe_dreg_resp_i, // Abstract Data Register response
input logic dm2pipe_dreg_fail_i, // Abstract Data Register fail - possibly not needed?
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] dm2pipe_dreg_rdata_i, // Abstract Data Register read data
// DM <-> Pipeling: PC i/f
output logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] pipe2dm_pc_sample_o, // Current PC for sampling
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// IRQ
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
input logic [SCR1_IRQ_LINES_NUM-1:0] soc2pipe_irq_lines_i, // External interrupt request lines
`else // SCR1_IPIC_EN
input logic soc2pipe_irq_ext_i, // External interrupt request
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
input logic soc2pipe_irq_soft_i, // Software generated interrupt request
input logic soc2pipe_irq_mtimer_i, // Machine timer interrupt request
// Memory-mapped external timer
input logic [63:0] soc2pipe_mtimer_val_i, // Machine timer value
// CLK_CTRL interface
output logic pipe2clkctl_sleep_req_o, // CLK disable request to CLK gating circuit
output logic pipe2clkctl_wake_req_o, // CLK enable request to CLK gating circuit
input logic clkctl2pipe_clk_alw_on_i, // Not gated CLK
input logic clkctl2pipe_clk_dbgc_i, // CLK for HDU (not gated for now)
input logic clkctl2pipe_clk_en_i, // CLK enabled flag
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// Fuse
input logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] soc2pipe_fuse_mhartid_i // Fuse MHARTID value
// Local signals declaration
// Pipeline control
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] curr_pc; // Current PC
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] next_pc; // Is written to MEPC on interrupt trap
logic new_pc_req; // New PC request (jumps, branches, traps etc)
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] new_pc; // New PC
logic stop_fetch; // Stop IFU
logic exu_exc_req; // Exception request
logic brkpt; // Breakpoint (sw) on current instruction
logic exu_init_pc; // Reset exit
logic wfi_run2halt; // Transition to WFI halted state
logic instret; // Instruction retirement (with or without exception)
logic instret_nexc; // Instruction retirement (without exception)
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
logic ipic2csr_irq; // IRQ request from IPIC
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
logic brkpt_hw; // Hardware breakpoint on current instruction
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
logic imem_txns_pending; // There are pending imem transactions
logic wfi_halted; // WFI halted state
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// IFU <-> IDU
logic ifu2idu_vd; // IFU request
logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] ifu2idu_instr; // IFU instruction
logic ifu2idu_imem_err; // IFU instruction access fault
logic ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi; // 1 - imem fault when trying to fetch second half of an unaligned RVI instruction
logic idu2ifu_rdy; // IDU ready for new data
// IDU <-> EXU
logic idu2exu_req; // IDU request
type_scr1_exu_cmd_s idu2exu_cmd; // IDU command (see scr1_riscv_isa_decoding.svh)
logic idu2exu_use_rs1; // Instruction uses rs1
logic idu2exu_use_rs2; // Instruction uses rs2
logic idu2exu_use_rd; // Instruction uses rd
logic idu2exu_use_imm; // Instruction uses immediate
logic exu2idu_rdy; // EXU ready for new data
// EXU <-> MPRF
logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2mprf_rs1_addr; // MPRF rs1 read address
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] mprf2exu_rs1_data; // MPRF rs1 read data
logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2mprf_rs2_addr; // MPRF rs2 read address
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] mprf2exu_rs2_data; // MPRF rs2 read data
logic exu2mprf_w_req; // MPRF write request
logic [`SCR1_MPRF_AWIDTH-1:0] exu2mprf_rd_addr; // MPRF rd write address
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2mprf_rd_data; // MPRF rd write data
// EXU <-> CSR
logic [SCR1_CSR_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] exu2csr_rw_addr; // CSR read/write address
logic exu2csr_r_req; // CSR read request
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2exu_r_data; // CSR read data
logic exu2csr_w_req; // CSR write request
type_scr1_csr_cmd_sel_e exu2csr_w_cmd; // CSR write command
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2csr_w_data; // CSR write data
logic csr2exu_rw_exc; // CSR read/write access exception
// EXU <-> CSR event interface
logic exu2csr_take_irq; // Take IRQ trap
logic exu2csr_take_exc; // Take exception trap
logic exu2csr_mret_update; // MRET update CSR
logic exu2csr_mret_instr; // MRET instruction
logic [SCR1_EXC_CODE_WIDTH_E-1:0] exu2csr_exc_code; // Exception code (see scr1_arch_types.svh)
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] exu2csr_trap_val; // Trap value
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2exu_new_pc; // Exception/IRQ/MRET new PC
logic csr2exu_irq; // IRQ request
logic csr2exu_ip_ie; // Some IRQ pending and locally enabled
logic csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up; // MSTATUS or MIE update in the current cycle
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
// CSR <-> IPIC
logic csr2ipic_r_req; // IPIC read request
logic csr2ipic_w_req; // IPIC write request
logic [2:0] csr2ipic_addr; // IPIC address
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2ipic_wdata; // IPIC write data
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] ipic2csr_rdata; // IPIC read data
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// CSR <-> TDU
logic csr2tdu_req; // Request to TDU
type_scr1_csr_cmd_sel_e csr2tdu_cmd; // TDU command
logic [SCR1_CSR_ADDR_TDU_OFFS_W-1:0] csr2tdu_addr; // TDU address
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2tdu_wdata; // TDU write data
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] tdu2csr_rdata; // TDU read data
type_scr1_csr_resp_e tdu2csr_resp; // TDU response
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// Qualified TDU input signals from pipe_rst_n
// reset domain:
logic csr2tdu_req_qlfy; // Request to TDU
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// EXU/LSU <-> TDU
type_scr1_brkm_instr_mon_s exu2tdu_i_mon; // Instruction monitor
type_scr1_brkm_lsu_mon_s lsu2tdu_d_mon; // Data monitor
logic [SCR1_TDU_ALLTRIG_NUM-1:0] tdu2exu_i_match; // Instruction breakpoint(s) match
logic [SCR1_TDU_MTRIG_NUM-1:0] tdu2lsu_d_match; // Data breakpoint(s) match
logic tdu2exu_i_x_req; // Instruction breakpoint exception
logic tdu2lsu_i_x_req; // Instruction breakpoint exception
logic tdu2lsu_d_x_req; // Data breakpoint exception
logic [SCR1_TDU_ALLTRIG_NUM-1:0] exu2tdu_bp_retire; // Instruction with breakpoint flag retire
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// Qualified TDU input signals from pipe_rst_n
// reset domain:
type_scr1_brkm_instr_mon_s exu2tdu_i_mon_qlfy; // Instruction monitor
type_scr1_brkm_lsu_mon_s lsu2tdu_d_mon_qlfy; // Data monitor
logic [SCR1_TDU_ALLTRIG_NUM-1:0] exu2tdu_bp_retire_qlfy; // Instruction with breakpoint flag retire
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// Debug signals:
logic fetch_pbuf; // Fetch instructions provided by Program Buffer (via HDU)
logic csr2hdu_req; // Request to HDU
type_scr1_csr_cmd_sel_e csr2hdu_cmd; // HDU command
logic [SCR1_HDU_DEBUGCSR_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] csr2hdu_addr; // HDU address
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] csr2hdu_wdata; // HDU write data
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] hdu2csr_rdata; // HDU read data
type_scr1_csr_resp_e hdu2csr_resp; // HDU response
// Qualified HDU input signals from pipe_rst_n
// reset domain:
logic csr2hdu_req_qlfy; // Request to HDU
logic hwbrk_dsbl; // Disables TDU
logic hdu_hwbrk_dsbl; // Disables TDU
logic tdu2hdu_dmode_req; // TDU requests transition to debug mode
logic exu_no_commit; // Forbid instruction commitment
logic exu_irq_dsbl; // Disable IRQ
logic exu_pc_advmt_dsbl; // Forbid PC advancement
logic exu_dmode_sstep_en; // Enable single-step
logic dbg_halted; // Debug halted state
logic dbg_run2halt; // Transition to debug halted state
logic dbg_halt2run; // Transition to run state
logic dbg_run_start; // First cycle of run state
logic [`SCR1_XLEN-1:0] dbg_new_pc; // New PC as starting point for HART Resume
logic ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy;
logic hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd;
logic hdu2ifu_pbuf_err;
logic [SCR1_HDU_CORE_INSTR_WIDTH-1:0] hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr;
// Qualified HDU input signals from pipe_rst_n reset domain:
logic ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy_qlfy;
logic exu_busy_qlfy;
logic instret_qlfy;
logic exu_init_pc_qlfy;
logic exu_exc_req_qlfy;
logic brkpt_qlfy;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
logic exu_busy;
logic pipe2clkctl_wake_req_o;
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// Pipeline logic
assign stop_fetch = wfi_run2halt
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| fetch_pbuf
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
assign pipe2clkctl_sleep_req_o = wfi_halted & ~imem_txns_pending;
assign pipe2clkctl_wake_req_o = csr2exu_ip_ie
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
| dm2pipe_active_i
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
assign pipe2dm_pc_sample_o = curr_pc;
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// Instruction fetch unit
scr1_pipe_ifu i_pipe_ifu (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
.clk (clk ),
// Instruction memory interface
.imem2ifu_req_ack_i (imem2pipe_req_ack_i),
.ifu2imem_req_o (pipe2imem_req_o ),
.ifu2imem_cmd_o (pipe2imem_cmd_o ),
.ifu2imem_addr_o (pipe2imem_addr_o ),
.imem2ifu_rdata_i (imem2pipe_rdata_i ),
.imem2ifu_resp_i (imem2pipe_resp_i ),
// New PC interface
.exu2ifu_pc_new_req_i (new_pc_req ),
.exu2ifu_pc_new_i (new_pc ),
.pipe2ifu_stop_fetch_i (stop_fetch ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// IFU <-> HDU Program Buffer interface
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_fetch_i (fetch_pbuf ),
.ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy_o (ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy ),
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd_i (hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd ),
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_err_i (hdu2ifu_pbuf_err ),
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_i (hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
.ifu2pipe_imem_txns_pnd_o (imem_txns_pending ),
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// IFU <-> IDU interface
.idu2ifu_rdy_i (idu2ifu_rdy ),
.ifu2idu_instr_o (ifu2idu_instr ),
.ifu2idu_imem_err_o (ifu2idu_imem_err ),
.ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_o (ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi ),
.ifu2idu_vd_o (ifu2idu_vd )
// Instruction decode unit
scr1_pipe_idu i_pipe_idu (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
.clk (clk ),
.idu2ifu_rdy_o (idu2ifu_rdy ),
.ifu2idu_instr_i (ifu2idu_instr ),
.ifu2idu_imem_err_i (ifu2idu_imem_err ),
.ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi_i (ifu2idu_err_rvi_hi),
.ifu2idu_vd_i (ifu2idu_vd ),
.idu2exu_req_o (idu2exu_req ),
.idu2exu_cmd_o (idu2exu_cmd ),
.idu2exu_use_rs1_o (idu2exu_use_rs1 ),
.idu2exu_use_rs2_o (idu2exu_use_rs2 ),
.idu2exu_use_rd_o (idu2exu_use_rd ),
.idu2exu_use_imm_o (idu2exu_use_imm ),
.exu2idu_rdy_i (exu2idu_rdy )
// Execution unit
scr1_pipe_exu i_pipe_exu (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
.clk (clk ),
.clk_alw_on (clkctl2pipe_clk_alw_on_i),
.clk_pipe_en (clkctl2pipe_clk_en_i),
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// IDU <-> EXU interface
.idu2exu_req_i (idu2exu_req ),
.exu2idu_rdy_o (exu2idu_rdy ),
.idu2exu_cmd_i (idu2exu_cmd ),
.idu2exu_use_rs1_i (idu2exu_use_rs1 ),
.idu2exu_use_rs2_i (idu2exu_use_rs2 ),
.idu2exu_use_rd_i (idu2exu_use_rd ),
.idu2exu_use_imm_i (idu2exu_use_imm ),
`endif // SCR1_NO_EXE_STAGE
// EXU <-> MPRF interface
.exu2mprf_rs1_addr_o (exu2mprf_rs1_addr ),
.mprf2exu_rs1_data_i (mprf2exu_rs1_data ),
.exu2mprf_rs2_addr_o (exu2mprf_rs2_addr ),
.mprf2exu_rs2_data_i (mprf2exu_rs2_data ),
.exu2mprf_w_req_o (exu2mprf_w_req ),
.exu2mprf_rd_addr_o (exu2mprf_rd_addr ),
.exu2mprf_rd_data_o (exu2mprf_rd_data ),
// EXU <-> CSR read/write interface
.exu2csr_rw_addr_o (exu2csr_rw_addr ),
.exu2csr_r_req_o (exu2csr_r_req ),
.csr2exu_r_data_i (csr2exu_r_data ),
.exu2csr_w_req_o (exu2csr_w_req ),
.exu2csr_w_cmd_o (exu2csr_w_cmd ),
.exu2csr_w_data_o (exu2csr_w_data ),
.csr2exu_rw_exc_i (csr2exu_rw_exc ),
// EXU <-> CSR event interface
.exu2csr_take_irq_o (exu2csr_take_irq ),
.exu2csr_take_exc_o (exu2csr_take_exc ),
.exu2csr_mret_update_o (exu2csr_mret_update ),
.exu2csr_mret_instr_o (exu2csr_mret_instr ),
.exu2csr_exc_code_o (exu2csr_exc_code ),
.exu2csr_trap_val_o (exu2csr_trap_val ),
.csr2exu_new_pc_i (csr2exu_new_pc ),
.csr2exu_irq_i (csr2exu_irq ),
.csr2exu_ip_ie_i (csr2exu_ip_ie ),
.csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_i (csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up ),
// EXU <-> DMEM interface
.exu2dmem_req_o (pipe2dmem_req_o ),
.exu2dmem_cmd_o (pipe2dmem_cmd_o ),
.exu2dmem_width_o (pipe2dmem_width_o ),
.exu2dmem_addr_o (pipe2dmem_addr_o ),
.exu2dmem_wdata_o (pipe2dmem_wdata_o ),
.dmem2exu_req_ack_i (dmem2pipe_req_ack_i ),
.dmem2exu_rdata_i (dmem2pipe_rdata_i ),
.dmem2exu_resp_i (dmem2pipe_resp_i ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// EXU <-> HDU interface
.hdu2exu_no_commit_i (exu_no_commit ),
.hdu2exu_irq_dsbl_i (exu_irq_dsbl ),
.hdu2exu_pc_advmt_dsbl_i (exu_pc_advmt_dsbl ),
.hdu2exu_dmode_sstep_en_i (exu_dmode_sstep_en ),
.hdu2exu_pbuf_fetch_i (fetch_pbuf ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_halted_i (dbg_halted ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_run2halt_i (dbg_run2halt ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_halt2run_i (dbg_halt2run ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_run_start_i (dbg_run_start ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_new_pc_i (dbg_new_pc ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// EXU <-> TDU interface
.exu2tdu_imon_o (exu2tdu_i_mon ),
.tdu2exu_ibrkpt_match_i (tdu2exu_i_match ),
.tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i (tdu2exu_i_x_req ),
.lsu2tdu_dmon_o (lsu2tdu_d_mon ),
.tdu2lsu_ibrkpt_exc_req_i (tdu2lsu_i_x_req ),
.tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_match_i (tdu2lsu_d_match ),
.tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_i (tdu2lsu_d_x_req ),
.exu2tdu_ibrkpt_ret_o (exu2tdu_bp_retire ),
.exu2hdu_ibrkpt_hw_o (brkpt_hw ),
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// EXU control
.exu2pipe_exc_req_o (exu_exc_req ),
.exu2pipe_brkpt_o (brkpt ),
.exu2pipe_init_pc_o (exu_init_pc ),
.exu2pipe_wfi_run2halt_o (wfi_run2halt ),
.exu2pipe_instret_o (instret ),
.exu2csr_instret_no_exc_o (instret_nexc ),
.exu2pipe_exu_busy_o (exu_busy ),
// PC interface
.exu2pipe_wfi_halted_o (wfi_halted ),
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
.exu2pipe_pc_curr_o (curr_pc ),
.exu2csr_pc_next_o (next_pc ),
.exu2ifu_pc_new_req_o (new_pc_req ),
.exu2ifu_pc_new_o (new_pc )
// Multi-port register file
scr1_pipe_mprf i_pipe_mprf (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
`endif // SCR1_MPRF_RST_EN
.clk (clk ),
// EXU <-> MPRF interface
.exu2mprf_rs1_addr_i (exu2mprf_rs1_addr),
.mprf2exu_rs1_data_o (mprf2exu_rs1_data),
.exu2mprf_rs2_addr_i (exu2mprf_rs2_addr),
.mprf2exu_rs2_data_o (mprf2exu_rs2_data),
.exu2mprf_w_req_i (exu2mprf_w_req ),
.exu2mprf_rd_addr_i (exu2mprf_rd_addr ),
.exu2mprf_rd_data_i (exu2mprf_rd_data )
// Control and status registers
scr1_pipe_csr i_pipe_csr (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
.clk (clk ),
.clk_alw_on (clkctl2pipe_clk_alw_on_i),
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// EXU <-> CSR read/write interface
.exu2csr_r_req_i (exu2csr_r_req ),
.exu2csr_rw_addr_i (exu2csr_rw_addr ),
.csr2exu_r_data_o (csr2exu_r_data ),
.exu2csr_w_req_i (exu2csr_w_req ),
.exu2csr_w_cmd_i (exu2csr_w_cmd ),
.exu2csr_w_data_i (exu2csr_w_data ),
.csr2exu_rw_exc_o (csr2exu_rw_exc ),
// EXU <-> CSR event interface
.exu2csr_take_irq_i (exu2csr_take_irq ),
.exu2csr_take_exc_i (exu2csr_take_exc ),
.exu2csr_mret_update_i (exu2csr_mret_update ),
.exu2csr_mret_instr_i (exu2csr_mret_instr ),
.exu2csr_exc_code_i (exu2csr_exc_code ),
.exu2csr_trap_val_i (exu2csr_trap_val ),
.csr2exu_new_pc_o (csr2exu_new_pc ),
.csr2exu_irq_o (csr2exu_irq ),
.csr2exu_ip_ie_o (csr2exu_ip_ie ),
.csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_o (csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up ),
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
// CSR <-> IPIC interface
.csr2ipic_r_req_o (csr2ipic_r_req ),
.csr2ipic_w_req_o (csr2ipic_w_req ),
.csr2ipic_addr_o (csr2ipic_addr ),
.csr2ipic_wdata_o (csr2ipic_wdata ),
.ipic2csr_rdata_i (ipic2csr_rdata ),
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
// CSR <-> PC interface
.exu2csr_pc_curr_i (curr_pc ),
.exu2csr_pc_next_i (next_pc ),
.exu2csr_instret_no_exc_i (instret_nexc ),
// IRQ
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
.soc2csr_irq_ext_i (ipic2csr_irq ),
`else // SCR1_IPIC_EN
.soc2csr_irq_ext_i (soc2pipe_irq_ext_i ),
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
.soc2csr_irq_soft_i (soc2pipe_irq_soft_i ),
.soc2csr_irq_mtimer_i (soc2pipe_irq_mtimer_i ),
// Memory-mapped external timer
.soc2csr_mtimer_val_i (soc2pipe_mtimer_val_i ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
// CSR <-> HDU interface
.csr2hdu_req_o (csr2hdu_req ),
.csr2hdu_cmd_o (csr2hdu_cmd ),
.csr2hdu_addr_o (csr2hdu_addr ),
.csr2hdu_wdata_o (csr2hdu_wdata ),
.hdu2csr_rdata_i (hdu2csr_rdata ),
.hdu2csr_resp_i (hdu2csr_resp ),
.hdu2csr_no_commit_i (exu_no_commit ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// CSR <-> TDU interface
.csr2tdu_req_o (csr2tdu_req ),
.csr2tdu_cmd_o (csr2tdu_cmd ),
.csr2tdu_addr_o (csr2tdu_addr ),
.csr2tdu_wdata_o (csr2tdu_wdata ),
.tdu2csr_rdata_i (tdu2csr_rdata ),
.tdu2csr_resp_i (tdu2csr_resp ),
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
.soc2csr_fuse_mhartid_i (soc2pipe_fuse_mhartid_i )
// Integrated programmable interrupt controller
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
scr1_ipic i_pipe_ipic (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
.clk (clkctl2pipe_clk_alw_on_i),
`else // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
.clk (clk ),
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
.soc2ipic_irq_lines_i (soc2pipe_irq_lines_i ),
.csr2ipic_r_req_i (csr2ipic_r_req ),
.csr2ipic_w_req_i (csr2ipic_w_req ),
.csr2ipic_addr_i (csr2ipic_addr ),
.csr2ipic_wdata_i (csr2ipic_wdata ),
.ipic2csr_rdata_o (ipic2csr_rdata ),
.ipic2csr_irq_m_req_o (ipic2csr_irq )
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
// Breakpoint module
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
scr1_pipe_tdu i_pipe_tdu (
// Common signals
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.rst_n (dbg_rst_n ),
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ), // dinesh-a: Bugfix- reset correction when debug is not enabled
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
.clk (clk ),
.clk_en (1'b1 ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu_dsbl_i (hwbrk_dsbl ),
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu_dsbl_i (1'b0 ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// TDU <-> CSR interface
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.csr2tdu_req_i (csr2tdu_req_qlfy ),
.csr2tdu_cmd_i (csr2tdu_cmd ),
.csr2tdu_addr_i (csr2tdu_addr ),
.csr2tdu_wdata_i (csr2tdu_wdata ),
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
.csr2tdu_req_i (csr2tdu_req ),
.csr2tdu_cmd_i (csr2tdu_cmd ),
.csr2tdu_addr_i (csr2tdu_addr ),
.csr2tdu_wdata_i (csr2tdu_wdata ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu2csr_rdata_o (tdu2csr_rdata ),
.tdu2csr_resp_o (tdu2csr_resp ),
// TDU <-> EXU interface
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.exu2tdu_imon_i (exu2tdu_i_mon_qlfy ),
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
.exu2tdu_imon_i (exu2tdu_i_mon ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu2exu_ibrkpt_match_o (tdu2exu_i_match ),
.tdu2exu_ibrkpt_exc_req_o (tdu2exu_i_x_req ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.exu2tdu_bp_retire_i (exu2tdu_bp_retire_qlfy),
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
.exu2tdu_bp_retire_i (exu2tdu_bp_retire ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// TDU <-> LSU interface
.tdu2lsu_ibrkpt_exc_req_o (tdu2lsu_i_x_req ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.lsu2tdu_dmon_i (lsu2tdu_d_mon_qlfy ),
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
.lsu2tdu_dmon_i (lsu2tdu_d_mon ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_match_o (tdu2lsu_d_match ),
.tdu2lsu_dbrkpt_exc_req_o (tdu2lsu_d_x_req ),
// EPU I/F
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu2hdu_dmode_req_o (tdu2hdu_dmode_req )
`else // SCR1_DBG_EN
.tdu2hdu_dmode_req_o ( )
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
assign hwbrk_dsbl = (~dbg_en) | hdu_hwbrk_dsbl;
assign csr2tdu_req_qlfy = dbg_en & csr2tdu_req & pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i;
assign exu2tdu_i_mon_qlfy.vd = exu2tdu_i_mon.vd & pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i;
assign exu2tdu_i_mon_qlfy.req = exu2tdu_i_mon.req;
assign exu2tdu_i_mon_qlfy.addr = exu2tdu_i_mon.addr;
assign lsu2tdu_d_mon_qlfy.vd = lsu2tdu_d_mon.vd & pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i;
assign lsu2tdu_d_mon_qlfy.load = lsu2tdu_d_mon.load;
assign =;
assign lsu2tdu_d_mon_qlfy.addr = lsu2tdu_d_mon.addr;
assign exu2tdu_bp_retire_qlfy = exu2tdu_bp_retire & {$bits(exu2tdu_bp_retire){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// HART Debug Unit (HDU)
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
scr1_pipe_hdu i_pipe_hdu (
// Common signals
.rst_n (dbg_rst_n ),
.clk_en (dm2pipe_active_i ),
.clk_pipe_en (clkctl2pipe_clk_en_i ),
.clk (clkctl2pipe_clk_dbgc_i),
.clk (clk ),
`endif // SCR1_CLKCTRL_EN
// Control/status registers i/f
.csr2hdu_req_i (csr2hdu_req_qlfy ),
.csr2hdu_cmd_i (csr2hdu_cmd ),
.csr2hdu_addr_i (csr2hdu_addr ),
.csr2hdu_wdata_i (csr2hdu_wdata ),
.hdu2csr_resp_o (hdu2csr_resp ),
.hdu2csr_rdata_o (hdu2csr_rdata ),
// HART Run Control i/f
.pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i (pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i ),
.dm2hdu_cmd_req_i (dm2pipe_cmd_req_i ),
.dm2hdu_cmd_i (dm2pipe_cmd_i ),
.hdu2dm_cmd_resp_o (pipe2dm_cmd_resp_o ),
.hdu2dm_cmd_rcode_o (pipe2dm_cmd_rcode_o ),
.hdu2dm_hart_event_o (pipe2dm_hart_event_o ),
.hdu2dm_hart_status_o (pipe2dm_hart_status_o ),
// Program Buffer - HART instruction execution i/f
.hdu2dm_pbuf_addr_o (pipe2dm_pbuf_addr_o ),
.dm2hdu_pbuf_instr_i (dm2pipe_pbuf_instr_i ),
// HART Abstract Data regs i/f
.hdu2dm_dreg_req_o (pipe2dm_dreg_req_o ),
.hdu2dm_dreg_wr_o (pipe2dm_dreg_wr_o ),
.hdu2dm_dreg_wdata_o (pipe2dm_dreg_wdata_o ),
.dm2hdu_dreg_resp_i (dm2pipe_dreg_resp_i ),
.dm2hdu_dreg_fail_i (dm2pipe_dreg_fail_i ),
.dm2hdu_dreg_rdata_i (dm2pipe_dreg_rdata_i ),
`ifdef SCR1_TDU_EN
// HDU <-> TDU interface
.hdu2tdu_hwbrk_dsbl_o (hdu_hwbrk_dsbl ),
.tdu2hdu_dmode_req_i (tdu2hdu_dmode_req ),
.exu2hdu_ibrkpt_hw_i (brkpt_hw ),
`endif // SCR1_TDU_EN
// HART Run Status
.pipe2hdu_exu_busy_i (exu_busy_qlfy ),
.pipe2hdu_instret_i (instret_qlfy ),
.pipe2hdu_init_pc_i (exu_init_pc_qlfy ),
// HART Halt Status
.pipe2hdu_exu_exc_req_i (exu_exc_req_qlfy ),
.pipe2hdu_brkpt_i (brkpt_qlfy ),
// HART Run Control
.hdu2exu_pbuf_fetch_o (fetch_pbuf ),
.hdu2exu_no_commit_o (exu_no_commit ),
.hdu2exu_irq_dsbl_o (exu_irq_dsbl ),
.hdu2exu_pc_advmt_dsbl_o (exu_pc_advmt_dsbl ),
.hdu2exu_dmode_sstep_en_o (exu_dmode_sstep_en ),
// HART state
.hdu2exu_dbg_halted_o (dbg_halted ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_run2halt_o (dbg_run2halt ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_halt2run_o (dbg_halt2run ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_run_start_o (dbg_run_start ),
// PC interface
.pipe2hdu_pc_curr_i (curr_pc ),
.hdu2exu_dbg_new_pc_o (dbg_new_pc ),
// Prgram Buffer Instruction interface
.ifu2hdu_pbuf_instr_rdy_i (ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy_qlfy ),
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_vd_o (hdu2ifu_pbuf_vd ),
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_err_o (hdu2ifu_pbuf_err ),
.hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr_o (hdu2ifu_pbuf_instr )
assign csr2hdu_req_qlfy = csr2hdu_req & dbg_en & pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i;
assign exu_busy_qlfy = exu_busy & {$bits(exu_busy){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
assign instret_qlfy = instret & {$bits(instret){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
assign exu_init_pc_qlfy = exu_init_pc & {$bits(exu_init_pc){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
assign exu_exc_req_qlfy = exu_exc_req & {$bits(exu_exc_req){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
assign brkpt_qlfy = brkpt & {$bits(brkpt){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
assign ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy_qlfy = ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy & {$bits(ifu2hdu_pbuf_rdy){pipe2hdu_rdc_qlfy_i}};
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// Tracelog
scr1_tracelog i_tracelog (
.rst_n (pipe_rst_n ),
.clk (clk ),
.soc2pipe_fuse_mhartid_i (soc2pipe_fuse_mhartid_i ),
.mprf2trace_int_i (i_pipe_mprf.mprf_int ),
.mprf2trace_wr_en_i (i_pipe_mprf.exu2mprf_w_req_i ),
.mprf2trace_wr_addr_i (i_pipe_mprf.exu2mprf_rd_addr_i ),
.mprf2trace_wr_data_i (i_pipe_mprf.exu2mprf_rd_data_i ),
// EXU
.exu2trace_update_pc_en_i (i_pipe_exu.update_pc_en ),
.exu2trace_update_pc_i (i_pipe_exu.update_pc ),
// IFU
.ifu2trace_instr_i (i_pipe_ifu.ifu2idu_instr_o ),
// CSR
.csr2trace_mstatus_mie_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mstatus_mie_ff ),
.csr2trace_mstatus_mpie_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mstatus_mpie_ff ),
.csr2trace_mtvec_base_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mtvec_base ),
.csr2trace_mtvec_mode_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mtvec_mode ),
.csr2trace_mie_meie_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mie_meie_ff ),
.csr2trace_mie_mtie_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mie_mtie_ff ),
.csr2trace_mie_msie_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mie_msie_ff ),
.csr2trace_mip_meip_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mip_meip ),
.csr2trace_mip_mtip_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mip_mtip ),
.csr2trace_mip_msip_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mip_msip ),
.csr2trace_mepc_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mepc_ff ),
.csr2trace_mcause_irq_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mcause_i_ff ),
.csr2trace_mcause_ec_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mcause_ec_ff ),
.csr2trace_mtval_i (i_pipe_csr.csr_mtval_ff ),
.csr2trace_mstatus_mie_up_i (i_pipe_csr.csr2exu_mstatus_mie_up_o),
// Events
.csr2trace_e_exc_i (i_pipe_csr.e_exc ),
.csr2trace_e_irq_i (i_pipe_csr.e_irq ),
.pipe2trace_e_wake_i (pipe2clkctl_wake_req_o ),
.csr2trace_e_mret_i (i_pipe_csr.e_mret )
endmodule : scr1_pipe_top