Register Map updated in Readme
diff --git a/ b/
index 62cfcb9..de3be03 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -155,6 +155,145 @@
+##### Register Map Wishbone HOST
+| Offset | Name       | Description   |
+| ------ | ---------  | ------------- |
+| 0x00   | GLBL_CTRL  | [RW] Global Wishbone Access Control Register |
+| 0x04   | BANK_CTRL  | [RW] Bank Selection, MSB 8 bit Address |
+| 0x08   | CLK_SKEW_CTRL1| [RW] Clock Skew Control2 |
+| 0x0c   | CLK_SKEW_CTRL2 | [RW] Clock Skew Control2 |
+##### Register: GLBL_CTRL
+| Bits  | Name          | Description    |
+| ----  | ----          | -------------- |
+| 31:24 | Resevered     | Unsused |
+| 23:20 | RTC_CLK_CTRL  | RTC Clock Div Selection |
+| 19:16 | CPU_CLK_CTRL  | CPU Clock Div Selection |
+| 15:12 | SDARM_CLK_CTRL| SDRAM Clock Div Selection |
+| 10:8  | WB_CLK_CTRL   | Core Wishbone Clock Div Selection |
+|   7   | UART_I2C_SEL  | 0 - UART , 1 - I2C Master IO Selection |
+|   5   | I2C_RST       | I2C Reset Control |
+|   4   | UART_RST      | UART Reset Control |
+|   3   | SDRAM_RST     | SDRAM Reset Control |
+|   2   | SPI_RST       | SPI Reset Control |
+|   1   | CPU_RST       | CPU Reset Control |
+|   0   | WB_RST        | Wishbone Core Reset Control |
+##### Register: BANK_CTRL
+| Bits  | Name          | Description    |
+| ----  | ----          | -------------- |
+| 31:24 | Resevered     | Unsused |
+| 7:0   | BANK_SEL      | Holds the upper 8 bit address core Wishbone Address |
+##### Register: CLK_SKEW_CTRL1
+| Bits  | Name          | Description    |
+| ----  | ----          | -------------- |
+| 31:28 | Resevered     | Unsused |
+| 27:24 | CLK_SKEW_WB   | WishBone Core Clk Skew Control |
+| 23:20 | CLK_SKEW_GLBL | Glbal Register Clk Skew Control |
+| 19:16 | CLK_SKEW_SDRAM| SDRAM Clk Skew Control |
+| 15:12 | CLK_SKEW_SPI  | SPI Clk Skew Control |
+| 11:8  | CLK_SKEW_UART | UART/I2C Clk Skew Control |
+| 7:4   | CLK_SKEW_RISC | RISC Clk Skew Control |
+| 3:0   | CLK_SKEW_WI   | Wishbone Clk Skew Control |
+##### Register Map SPI MASTER
+| Offset | Name       | Description   |
+| ------ | ---------  | ------------- |
+| 0x00   | GLBL_CTRL  | [RW] Global SPI Access Control Register |
+| 0x04   | DMEM_CTRL1 | [RW] Direct SPI Memory Access Control Register1 |
+| 0x08   | DMEM_CTRL2 | [RW] Direct SPI Memory Access Control Register2 |
+| 0x0c   | IMEM_CTRL1 | [RW] Indirect SPI Memory Access Control Register1 |
+| 0x10   | IMEM_CTRL2 | [RW] Indirect SPI Memory Access Control Register2 |
+| 0x14   | IMEM_ADDR  | [RW] Indirect SPI Memory Address  |
+| 0x18   | IMEM_WDATA | [W]  Indirect SPI Memory Write Data |
+| 0x1c   | IMEM_RDATA | [R]  Indirect SPI Memory Read Data |
+| 0x20   | SPI_STATUS | [R] SPI Debug Status |
+##### Register: GLBL_CTRL
+| Bits  | Name        | Description    |
+| ----  | ----        | -------------- |
+| 31:16 | Resevered   | Unsused |
+| 15:8  | SPI_CLK_DIV | SPI Clock Div Rato Selection |
+| 7:4   | Reserved    | Unused |
+##### Register: DMEM_CTRL1
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:9 | Resevered  | Unsused        |
+| 8    | FSM_RST    | Direct Mem State Machine Reset |
+| 7:6  | SPI_SWITCH | Phase at which SPI Mode need to switch |
+| 5:4  | SPI_MODE   | SPI Mode, 0 - Single, 1 - Dual, 2 - Quad, 3 - QDDR |
+| 3:0  | CS_SELECT  | CHIP SELECT |
+##### Register: DMEM_CTRL2
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:24 | DATA_CNT  | Total Data Byte Count        |
+| 23:22 | DUMMY_CNT | Total Dummy Byte Count |
+| 21:20 | ADDR_CNT  | Total Address Byte Count |
+| 19:16 | SPI_SEQ   | SPI Access Sequence |
+| 15:8  | MODE_REG  | Mode Register Value |
+| 7:0   | CMD_REG   | Command Register Value |
+##### Register: IMEM_CTRL1
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:9 | Resevered  | Unsused        |
+| 8    | FSM_RST    | InDirect Mem State Machine Reset |
+| 7:6  | SPI_SWITCH | Phase at which SPI Mode need to switch |
+| 5:4  | SPI_MODE   | SPI Mode, 0 - Single, 1 - Dual, 2 - Quad, 3 - QDDR |
+| 3:0  | CS_SELECT  | CHIP SELECT |
+##### Register: IMEM_CTRL2
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:24 | DATA_CNT  | Total Data Byte Count        |
+| 23:22 | DUMMY_CNT | Total Dummy Byte Count |
+| 21:20 | ADDR_CNT  | Total Address Byte Count |
+| 19:16 | SPI_SEQ   | SPI Access Sequence |
+| 15:8  | MODE_REG  | Mode Register Value |
+| 7:0   | CMD_REG   | Command Register Value |
+##### Register: IMEM_ADDR
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:0 | ADDR       | Indirect Memory Address  |
+##### Register: IMEM_WDATA
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:0 | WDATA      | Indirect Memory Write Data  |
+##### Register: IMEM_RDATA
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:0 | RDATA      | Indirect Memory Read Data  |
+##### Register: SPI_STATUS
+| Bits | Name       | Description    |
+| ---- | ----       | -------------- |
+| 31:0 | DEBUG      | SPI Debug Status  |
 # SOC Pin Mapping
 Carvel SOC provides 38 GPIO pins for user functionality. YiFive SOC GPIO Pin Mapping as follows
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
index 496d75e..0885fe0 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@
 // Register Decoding
 // ---------------------------
 parameter GLBL_CTRL    = 4'b0000;
-parameter MEM_CTRL1    = 4'b0001;
-parameter MEM_CTRL2    = 4'b0010;
-parameter REG_CTRL1    = 4'b0011;
-parameter REG_CTRL2    = 4'b0100;
-parameter REG_SPIADR   = 4'b0101;
-parameter REG_SPIWDATA = 4'b0110;
-parameter REG_SPIRDATA = 4'b0111;
-parameter REG_STATUS   = 4'b1000;
+parameter DMEM_CTRL1   = 4'b0001;
+parameter DMEM_CTRL2   = 4'b0010;
+parameter IMEM_CTRL1   = 4'b0011;
+parameter IMEM_CTRL2   = 4'b0100;
+parameter IMEM_ADDR    = 4'b0101;
+parameter IMEM_WDATA   = 4'b0110;
+parameter IMEM_RDATA   = 4'b0111;
+parameter SPI_STATUS   = 4'b1000;
 // Init FSM
 parameter SPI_INIT_PWUP      = 3'b000;
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@
 //   3. Indirect Memory Read
-assign spim_fifo_rdata_req = spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 0 && (spim_reg_addr== REG_SPIRDATA);
-assign spim_fifo_wdata_req = spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 1 && (spim_reg_addr== REG_SPIWDATA);
+assign spim_fifo_rdata_req = spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 0 && (spim_reg_addr== IMEM_RDATA);
+assign spim_fifo_wdata_req = spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 1 && (spim_reg_addr== IMEM_WDATA);
 always_ff @(negedge rst_n or posedge mclk) begin
    if ( rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
@@ -302,14 +302,14 @@
 	     // If FIFO Write DATA case, Make sure that there no previous pending
 	     // need to processed
              spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
-	 end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we && (spim_reg_addr != REG_SPIWDATA)) begin // Indirect memory Write
+	 end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we && (spim_reg_addr != IMEM_WDATA)) begin // Indirect memory Write
              spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
 	 end else if (spim_fifo_rdata_req && (spim_m1_rrdy == 1)) begin // Indirect mem Read
 	     // If FIFO Read DATA case, Make sure that there Data is read from
              // External SPI Memory
              spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
              spim_reg_rdata <= reg_rdata;
-	end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 0 && (spim_reg_addr != REG_SPIRDATA)) begin // Normal Read
+	end else if (spim_reg_req && spim_reg_we == 0 && (spim_reg_addr != IMEM_RDATA)) begin // Normal Read
 	     // Read other than FIFO Read Data case
              spim_reg_ack  <= 1'b1;
              spim_reg_rdata <= reg_rdata;
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
                 spi_clk_div <= spim_reg_wdata[15:8];
-        MEM_CTRL1: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
+        DMEM_CTRL1: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
              if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
                cfg_m0_cs_reg    <= spim_reg_wdata[3:0]; // Chip Select for Memory Interface
                cfg_m0_spi_mode  <= spim_reg_wdata[5:4]; // SPI Mode, 0 - Normal, 1- Double, 2 - Qard, 3 - QDDR
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
                cfg_m0_fsm_reset <= spim_reg_wdata[8];
-         MEM_CTRL2: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
+         DMEM_CTRL2: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
              if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
                 cfg_m0_cmd_reg <= spim_reg_wdata[7:0];
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
                cfg_m0_data_cnt[7:0]  <= spim_reg_wdata[31:24];
-         REG_CTRL1: begin
+         IMEM_CTRL1: begin
              if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
                cfg_m1_cs_reg    <= spim_reg_wdata[3:0]; // Chip Select for Memory Interface
                cfg_m1_spi_mode  <= spim_reg_wdata[5:4]; // SPI Mode, 0 - Normal, 1- Double, 2 - Qard
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
                cfg_m1_fsm_reset <= spim_reg_wdata[8];
-         REG_CTRL2: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
+         IMEM_CTRL2: begin // This register control Direct Memory Access Type
              if ( spim_reg_be[0] == 1 ) begin
                 cfg_m1_cmd_reg <= spim_reg_wdata[7:0];
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
                 cfg_m1_data_cnt[7:0]  <= spim_reg_wdata[31:24];
-         REG_SPIADR: begin
+         IMEM_ADDR: begin
            for (byte_index = 0; byte_index < 4; byte_index = byte_index+1 )
                if ( spim_reg_be[byte_index] == 1 )
                  cfg_m1_addr[byte_index*8 +: 8] <= spim_reg_wdata[(byte_index*8) +: 8];
@@ -548,14 +548,14 @@
       if(spim_reg_req) begin
             GLBL_CTRL:   reg_rdata[31:0] = {16'h0,spi_clk_div,4'h0,cfg_cs_late,cfg_cs_early};
-	    MEM_CTRL1:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {23'h0,cfg_m0_fsm_reset,cfg_m0_spi_switch,cfg_m0_spi_mode,cfg_m0_cs_reg};
-	    MEM_CTRL2:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {cfg_m0_data_cnt,cfg_m0_dummy_cnt,cfg_m0_addr_cnt,cfg_m0_spi_seq,cfg_m0_mode_reg,cfg_m0_cmd_reg};
-            REG_CTRL1:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {23'h0, cfg_m1_fsm_reset,cfg_m1_spi_switch,cfg_m1_spi_mode,cfg_m1_cs_reg};
-	    REG_CTRL2:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {cfg_m1_data_cnt,cfg_m1_dummy_cnt,cfg_m1_addr_cnt,cfg_m1_spi_seq,cfg_m1_mode_reg,cfg_m1_cmd_reg};
-            REG_SPIADR:   reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_addr;
-            REG_SPIWDATA: reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_wdata;
-            REG_SPIRDATA: reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_rdata;
-            REG_STATUS:   reg_rdata[31:0] = spi_debug;
+	    DMEM_CTRL1:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {23'h0,cfg_m0_fsm_reset,cfg_m0_spi_switch,cfg_m0_spi_mode,cfg_m0_cs_reg};
+	    DMEM_CTRL2:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {cfg_m0_data_cnt,cfg_m0_dummy_cnt,cfg_m0_addr_cnt,cfg_m0_spi_seq,cfg_m0_mode_reg,cfg_m0_cmd_reg};
+            IMEM_CTRL1:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {23'h0, cfg_m1_fsm_reset,cfg_m1_spi_switch,cfg_m1_spi_mode,cfg_m1_cs_reg};
+	    IMEM_CTRL2:    reg_rdata[31:0] =  {cfg_m1_data_cnt,cfg_m1_dummy_cnt,cfg_m1_addr_cnt,cfg_m1_spi_seq,cfg_m1_mode_reg,cfg_m1_cmd_reg};
+            IMEM_ADDR:   reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_addr;
+            IMEM_WDATA: reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_wdata;
+            IMEM_RDATA: reg_rdata[31:0] = cfg_m1_rdata;
+            SPI_STATUS:   reg_rdata[31:0] = spi_debug;