blob: 44448ff2aea4c82f2de418950e49160ea5723a54 [file] [log] [blame]
//// ////
//// Digital core ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the YIFive cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// This is digital core and integrate all the main block ////
//// here. Following block are integrated here ////
//// 1. Risc V Core ////
//// 2. SPI Master ////
//// 3. Wishbone Cross Bar ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// 0.1 - 16th Feb 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Initial integration with Risc-V core + ////
//// Wishbone Cross Bar + SPI Master ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
`include "scr1_arch_description.svh"
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
`include "scr1_ipic.svh"
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
`include "sdrc_define.v"
module digital_core
parameter SDR_DW = 8, // SDR Data Width
parameter SDR_BW = 1, // SDR Byte Width
) (
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
input logic clk , // System clock
input logic rtc_clk , // Real-time clock
input logic rst_n , // Regular Reset signal
input logic wbd_ext_cyc_i , // strobe/request
input logic wbd_ext_stb_i , // strobe/request
input logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_ext_adr_i , // address
input logic wbd_ext_we_i , // write
input logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_ext_dat_i , // data output
input logic [3:0] wbd_ext_sel_i , // byte enable
output logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_ext_dat_o , // data input
output logic wbd_ext_ack_o , // acknowlegement
output logic wbd_ext_err_o , // error
// Logic Analyzer Signals
input logic [127:0] la_data_in ,
output logic [127:0] la_data_out ,
input logic [127:0] la_oenb ,
// IOs
input logic [37:0] io_in ,
output logic [37:0] io_out ,
output logic [37:0] io_oeb ,
output logic [2:0] irq
// Local Parameter Declaration
// --------------------------------------------------
// Wishbone Risc V Instruction Memory Interface
logic wbd_riscv_imem_stb_i; // strobe/request
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i; // address
logic wbd_riscv_imem_we_i; // write
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_imem_dat_i; // data output
logic [3:0] wbd_riscv_imem_sel_i; // byte enable
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_imem_dat_o; // data input
logic wbd_riscv_imem_ack_o; // acknowlegement
logic wbd_riscv_imem_err_o; // error
// RISC V Wishbone Data Memory Interface
logic wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i; // strobe/request
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i; // address
logic wbd_riscv_dmem_we_i; // write
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_i; // data output
logic [3:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_sel_i; // byte enable
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_o; // data input
logic wbd_riscv_dmem_ack_o; // acknowlegement
logic wbd_riscv_dmem_err_o; // error
// SPI Master Wishbone Interface
logic wbd_spim_stb_o; // strobe/request
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_spim_adr_o; // address
logic wbd_spim_we_o; // write
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_spim_dat_o; // data output
logic [3:0] wbd_spim_sel_o; // byte enable
logic wbd_spim_cyc_o ;
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_spim_dat_i; // data input
logic wbd_spim_ack_i; // acknowlegement
logic wbd_spim_err_i; // error
// SPI Master Wishbone Interface
logic wbd_sdram_stb_o ;
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_sdram_adr_o ;
logic wbd_sdram_we_o ; // 1 - Write, 0 - Read
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_sdram_dat_o ;
logic [WB_WIDTH/8-1:0] wbd_sdram_sel_o ; // Byte enable
logic wbd_sdram_cyc_o ;
logic [2:0] wbd_sdram_cti_o ;
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_sdram_dat_i ;
logic wbd_sdram_ack_i ;
// Global Register Wishbone Interface
logic wbd_glbl_stb_o; // strobe/request
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_glbl_adr_o; // address
logic wbd_glbl_we_o; // write
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_glbl_dat_o; // data output
logic [3:0] wbd_glbl_sel_o; // byte enable
logic wbd_glbl_cyc_o ;
logic [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_glbl_dat_i; // data input
logic wbd_glbl_ack_i; // acknowlegement
logic wbd_glbl_err_i; // error
// CPU Configuration
logic cpu_rst_n ;
logic spi_rst_n ;
logic sdram_rst_n ;
logic [31:0] fuse_mhartid ;
logic [15:0] irq_lines ;
logic soft_irq ;
// Configuration Parameter
logic [1:0] cfg_sdr_width ; // 2'b00 - 32 Bit SDR, 2'b01 - 16 Bit SDR, 2'b1x - 8 Bit
logic [1:0] cfg_colbits ; // 2'b00 - 8 Bit column address,
logic sdr_init_done ; // Indicate SDRAM Initialisation Done
logic [3:0] cfg_sdr_tras_d ; // Active to precharge delay
logic [3:0] cfg_sdr_trp_d ; // Precharge to active delay
logic [3:0] cfg_sdr_trcd_d ; // Active to R/W delay
logic cfg_sdr_en ; // Enable SDRAM controller
logic [1:0] cfg_req_depth ; // Maximum Request accepted by SDRAM controller
logic [12:0] cfg_sdr_mode_reg ;
logic [2:0] cfg_sdr_cas ; // SDRAM CAS Latency
logic [3:0] cfg_sdr_trcar_d ; // Auto-refresh period
logic [3:0] cfg_sdr_twr_d ; // Write recovery delay
logic [`SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W-1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfsh ;
logic [`SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W -1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfmax ;
// Interface to SDRAMs
logic sdr_cke ; // SDRAM CKE
logic sdr_cs_n ; // SDRAM Chip Select
logic sdr_ras_n ; // SDRAM ras
logic sdr_cas_n ; // SDRAM cas
logic sdr_we_n ; // SDRAM write enable
logic [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_dqm ; // SDRAM Data Mask
logic [1:0] sdr_ba ; // SDRAM Bank Enable
logic [12:0] sdr_addr ; // SDRAM Address
logic [SDR_DW-1:0] pad_sdr_din ; // SDRA Data Input
logic [SDR_DW-1:0] sdr_dout ; // SDRA Data output
logic [SDR_BW-1:0] sdr_den_n ; // SDRAM Data Output enable
logic sdram_clk ; // Sdram clock loop back from pad
logic pad_sdram_clk ; // Sdram clock loop back from pad
assign pad_sdr_din[7:0] = io_in[7:0] ;
assign io_out [7:0] = sdr_dout[7:0] ;
assign io_out [20:8] = sdr_addr[12:0] ;
assign io_out [22:21] = sdr_ba[1:0] ;
assign io_out [23] = sdr_dqm[0] ;
assign io_out [24] = sdr_we_n ;
assign io_out [25] = sdr_cas_n ;
assign io_out [26] = sdr_ras_n ;
assign io_out [27] = sdr_cs_n ;
assign io_out [28] = sdr_cke ;
assign io_out [29] = sdram_clk ;
assign pad_sdram_clk = io_in[29] ;
assign io_oeb [7:0] = sdr_den_n ;
assign io_oeb [20:8] = {(13) {1'b0}} ;
assign io_oeb [22:21] = {(2) {1'b0}} ;
assign io_oeb [23] = 1'b0 ;
assign io_oeb [24] = 1'b0 ;
assign io_oeb [25] = 1'b0 ;
assign io_oeb [26] = 1'b0 ;
assign io_oeb [27] = 1'b0 ;
assign io_oeb [28] = 1'b0 ;
assign io_oeb [29] = 1'b0 ;
// SPI I/F
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
logic spim_sdo0 ; // SPI Master Data Out[0]
logic spim_sdo1 ; // SPI Master Data Out[1]
logic spim_sdo2 ; // SPI Master Data Out[2]
logic spim_sdo3 ; // SPI Master Data Out[3]
logic spim_sdi0 ; // SPI Master Data In[0]
logic spim_sdi1 ; // SPI Master Data In[1]
logic spim_sdi2 ; // SPI Master Data In[2]
logic spim_sdi3 ; // SPI Master Data In[3]
logic spim_clk ;
logic spim_csn ;
logic spi_en_tx ;
assign spim_sdi0 = io_in[32];
assign spim_sdi1 = io_in[33];
assign spim_sdi2 = io_in[34];
assign spim_sdi3 = io_in[35];
assign io_out[30] = spim_clk;
assign io_out[31] = spim_csn;
assign io_out[32] = spim_sdo0;
assign io_out[33] = spim_sdo1;
assign io_out[34] = spim_sdo2;
assign io_out[35] = spim_sdo3;
assign io_oeb[30] = 1'b0; // spi_clk
assign io_oeb[31] = 1'b0; // spi_csn
assign io_oeb[32] = !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio0
assign io_oeb[33] = !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio1
assign io_oeb[34] = !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio2
assign io_oeb[35] = !spi_en_tx; // spi_dio3
// for uart
assign io_oeb[36] = 1'b1; // Unused
assign io_oeb[37] = 1'b1; // Unused
// RISC V Core instance
scr1_top_wb u_riscv_top (
// Reset
.pwrup_rst_n (rst_n ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.cpu_rst_n (cpu_rst_n ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.sys_rst_n_o (sys_rst_n_o ),
.sys_rdc_qlfy_o (sys_rdc_qlfy_o ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// Clock
.clk (clk ),
.rtc_clk (rtc_clk ),
// Fuses
.fuse_mhartid (fuse_mhartid ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.fuse_idcode (`SCR1_TAP_IDCODE ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// IRQ
`ifdef SCR1_IPIC_EN
.irq_lines (irq_lines ),
`else // SCR1_IPIC_EN
.ext_irq (ext_irq ), // TODO - Interrupts
`endif // SCR1_IPIC_EN
.soft_irq (soft_irq ), // TODO - Interrupts
// DFT
.test_mode (1'b0 ),
.test_rst_n (1'b1 ),
`ifdef SCR1_DBG_EN
.trst_n (trst_n ),
.tck (tck ),
.tms (tms ),
.tdi (tdi ),
.tdo (tdo ),
.tdo_en (tdo_en ),
`endif // SCR1_DBG_EN
// Instruction memory interface
.wbd_imem_stb_o (wbd_riscv_imem_stb_i ),
.wbd_imem_adr_o (wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i ),
.wbd_imem_we_o (wbd_riscv_imem_we_i ),
.wbd_imem_dat_o (wbd_riscv_imem_dat_i ),
.wbd_imem_sel_o (wbd_riscv_imem_sel_i ),
.wbd_imem_dat_i (wbd_riscv_imem_dat_o ),
.wbd_imem_ack_i (wbd_riscv_imem_ack_o ),
.wbd_imem_err_i (wbd_riscv_imem_err_o ),
// Data memory interface
.wbd_dmem_stb_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ),
.wbd_dmem_adr_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i ),
.wbd_dmem_we_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_we_i ),
.wbd_dmem_dat_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_i ),
.wbd_dmem_sel_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_sel_i ),
.wbd_dmem_dat_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_o ),
.wbd_dmem_ack_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_ack_o ),
.wbd_dmem_err_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_err_o )
* SPI Master
* This is an implementation of an SPI master that is controlled via an AXI bus.
* It has FIFOs for transmitting and receiving data.
* It supports both the normal SPI mode and QPI mode with 4 data lines.
* *******************************************************/
) u_spi_master
.mclk (clk ),
.rst_n (spi_rst_n ),
.wbd_stb_i (wbd_spim_stb_o ),
.wbd_adr_i (wbd_spim_adr_o ),
.wbd_we_i (wbd_spim_we_o ),
.wbd_dat_i (wbd_spim_dat_o ),
.wbd_sel_i (wbd_spim_sel_o ),
.wbd_dat_o (wbd_spim_dat_i ),
.wbd_ack_o (wbd_spim_ack_i ),
.wbd_err_o (wbd_spim_err_i ),
.events_o ( ), // TODO - Need to connect to intr ?
.spi_clk (spim_clk ),
.spi_csn0 (spim_csn ),
.spi_csn1 ( ),
.spi_csn2 ( ),
.spi_csn3 ( ),
.spi_mode ( ),
.spi_sdo0 (spim_sdo0 ),
.spi_sdo1 (spim_sdo1 ),
.spi_sdo2 (spim_sdo2 ),
.spi_sdo3 (spim_sdo3 ),
.spi_sdi0 (spim_sdi0 ),
.spi_sdi1 (spim_sdi1 ),
.spi_sdi2 (spim_sdi2 ),
.spi_sdi3 (spim_sdi3 ),
.spi_en_tx (spi_en_tx )
sdrc_top #(.APP_AW(WB_WIDTH),
u_sdram_ctrl (
.cfg_sdr_width (cfg_sdr_width ),
.cfg_colbits (cfg_colbits ),
// WB bus
.wb_rst_i (!rst_n ),
.wb_clk_i (clk ),
.wb_stb_i (wbd_sdram_stb_o ),
.wb_addr_i (wbd_sdram_adr_o ),
.wb_we_i (wbd_sdram_we_o ),
.wb_dat_i (wbd_sdram_dat_o ),
.wb_sel_i (wbd_sdram_sel_o ),
.wb_cyc_i (wbd_sdram_cyc_o ),
.wb_cti_i (wbd_sdram_cti_o ),
.wb_ack_o (wbd_sdram_ack_i ),
.wb_dat_o (wbd_sdram_dat_i ),
/* Interface to SDRAMs */
.sdram_clk (sdram_clk ),
.sdram_resetn (sdram_rst_n ),
.sdr_cs_n (sdr_cs_n ),
.sdr_cke (sdr_cke ),
.sdr_ras_n (sdr_ras_n ),
.sdr_cas_n (sdr_cas_n ),
.sdr_we_n (sdr_we_n ),
.sdr_dqm (sdr_dqm ),
.sdr_ba (sdr_ba ),
.sdr_addr (sdr_addr ),
.pad_sdr_din (pad_sdr_din ),
.sdr_dout (sdr_dout ),
.sdr_den_n (sdr_den_n ),
.sdram_pad_clk (pad_sdram_clk ),
/* Parameters */
.sdr_init_done (sdr_init_done ),
.cfg_req_depth (cfg_req_depth ), //how many req. buffer should hold
.cfg_sdr_en (cfg_sdr_en ),
.cfg_sdr_mode_reg (cfg_sdr_mode_reg ),
.cfg_sdr_tras_d (cfg_sdr_tras_d ),
.cfg_sdr_trp_d (cfg_sdr_trp_d ),
.cfg_sdr_trcd_d (cfg_sdr_trcd_d ),
.cfg_sdr_cas (cfg_sdr_cas ),
.cfg_sdr_trcar_d (cfg_sdr_trcar_d ),
.cfg_sdr_twr_d (cfg_sdr_twr_d ),
.cfg_sdr_rfsh (cfg_sdr_rfsh ),
.cfg_sdr_rfmax (cfg_sdr_rfmax )
// RISC Data Memory Map
// 0x0000_0000 to 0x0FFF_FFFF - SPI FLASH MEMORY
// 0x1000_0000 to 0x1000_00FF - SPI REGISTER
// 0x2000_0000 to 0x2FFF_FFFF - SDRAM
// 0x3000_0000 to 0x3000_00FF - GLOBAL REGISTER
wire [3:0] wbd_riscv_imem_tar_id = (wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h0000 ) ? 4'b0000 :
(wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h0041 ) ? 4'b0000 :
(wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h0048 ) ? 4'b0001 :// Todo: Temp fix for SDRAM
(wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3000 ) ? 4'b0010 : 4'b0000;
wire [3:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_tar_id = (wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h0000 ) ? 4'b0000 :
(wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h0041 ) ? 4'b0000 :
(wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h0048 ) ? 4'b0001 : // todo: Temp fix for SDRAM
(wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i[31:16] == 16'h3000 ) ? 4'b0010 : 4'b0000;
// 0x3000_0000 to 0x3000_00FF - GLOBAL REGISTER
// 0x4000_0000 to 0x4FFF_FFFF - SPI FLASH MEMORY
// 0x5000_0000 to 0x5000_00FF - SPI REGISTER
// 0x6000_0000 to 0x6FFF_FFFF - SDRAM
wire [3:0] wbd_ext_tar_id = (wbd_ext_adr_i[31:28] == 4'b0100 ) ? 4'b0000 :
(wbd_ext_adr_i[31:28] == 4'b0101 ) ? 4'b0000 :
(wbd_ext_adr_i[31:28] == 4'b0110 ) ? 4'b0001 :
(wbd_ext_adr_i[31:28] == 4'b0011 ) ? 4'b0010 : 4'b0000;
wb_interconnect u_intercon (
.clk_i (clk),
.rst_n (rst_n),
// Master 0 Interface
.m0_wbd_dat_i (wbd_riscv_imem_dat_i ),
.m0_wbd_adr_i (wbd_riscv_imem_adr_i ),
.m0_wbd_sel_i (wbd_riscv_imem_sel_i ),
.m0_wbd_we_i (wbd_riscv_imem_we_i ),
.m0_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_riscv_imem_stb_i ),
.m0_wbd_stb_i (wbd_riscv_imem_stb_i ),
.m0_wbd_tid_i (wbd_riscv_imem_tar_id ), // target id
.m0_wbd_dat_o (wbd_riscv_imem_dat_o ),
.m0_wbd_ack_o (wbd_riscv_imem_ack_o ),
.m0_wbd_err_o (wbd_riscv_imem_err_o ),
// Master 1 Interface
.m1_wbd_dat_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_i ),
.m1_wbd_adr_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i ),
.m1_wbd_sel_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_sel_i ),
.m1_wbd_we_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_we_i ),
.m1_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ),
.m1_wbd_stb_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ),
.m1_wbd_tid_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_tar_id ), // target id
.m1_wbd_dat_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_o ),
.m1_wbd_ack_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_ack_o ),
.m1_wbd_err_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_err_o ),
// Master 2 Interface
.m2_wbd_dat_i (wbd_ext_dat_i ),
.m2_wbd_adr_i (wbd_ext_adr_i ),
.m2_wbd_sel_i (wbd_ext_sel_i ),
.m2_wbd_we_i (wbd_ext_we_i ),
.m2_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_ext_cyc_i ),
.m2_wbd_stb_i (wbd_ext_stb_i ),
.m2_wbd_tid_i (wbd_ext_tar_id ), // target id
.m2_wbd_dat_o (wbd_ext_dat_o ),
.m2_wbd_ack_o (wbd_ext_ack_o ),
.m2_wbd_err_o (wbd_ext_err_o ),
// Slave 0 Interface
.s0_wbd_err_i (1'b0 ),
.s0_wbd_dat_i (wbd_spim_dat_i ),
.s0_wbd_ack_i (wbd_spim_ack_i ),
.s0_wbd_dat_o (wbd_spim_dat_o ),
.s0_wbd_adr_o (wbd_spim_adr_o ),
.s0_wbd_sel_o (wbd_spim_sel_o ),
.s0_wbd_we_o (wbd_spim_we_o ),
.s0_wbd_cyc_o (wbd_spim_cyc_o ),
.s0_wbd_stb_o (wbd_spim_stb_o ),
// Slave 1 Interface
.s1_wbd_err_i (1'b0 ),
.s1_wbd_dat_i (wbd_sdram_dat_i ),
.s1_wbd_ack_i (wbd_sdram_ack_i ),
.s1_wbd_dat_o (wbd_sdram_dat_o ),
.s1_wbd_adr_o (wbd_sdram_adr_o ),
.s1_wbd_sel_o (wbd_sdram_sel_o ),
.s1_wbd_we_o (wbd_sdram_we_o ),
.s1_wbd_cyc_o (wbd_sdram_cyc_o ),
.s1_wbd_stb_o (wbd_sdram_stb_o ),
// Slave 2 Interface
.s2_wbd_err_i (1'b0 ),
.s2_wbd_dat_i (wbd_glbl_dat_i ),
.s2_wbd_ack_i (wbd_glbl_ack_i ),
.s2_wbd_dat_o (wbd_glbl_dat_o ),
.s2_wbd_adr_o (wbd_glbl_adr_o ),
.s2_wbd_sel_o (wbd_glbl_sel_o ),
.s2_wbd_we_o (wbd_glbl_we_o ),
.s2_wbd_cyc_o (wbd_glbl_cyc_o ),
.s2_wbd_stb_o (wbd_glbl_stb_o )
glbl_cfg u_glbl_cfg (
.mclk (clk ),
.reset_n (rst_n ),
.device_idcode ( ),
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
.reg_cs (wbd_glbl_stb_o ),
.reg_wr (wbd_glbl_we_o ),
.reg_addr (wbd_glbl_adr_o[5:2] ),
.reg_wdata (wbd_glbl_dat_o ),
.reg_be (wbd_glbl_sel_o ),
// Outputs
.reg_rdata (wbd_glbl_dat_i ),
.reg_ack (wbd_glbl_ack_i ),
// SDRAM Clock
.sdram_clk (sdram_clk ),
// reset
.cpu_rst_n (cpu_rst_n ),
.spi_rst_n (spi_rst_n ),
.sdram_rst_n (sdram_rst_n ),
// Risc configuration
.fuse_mhartid (fuse_mhartid ),
.irq_lines (irq_lines ),
.soft_irq (soft_irq ),
// SDRAM Config
.cfg_sdr_width (cfg_sdr_width ),
.cfg_colbits (cfg_colbits ),
/* Parameters */
.sdr_init_done (sdr_init_done ),
.cfg_req_depth (cfg_req_depth ), //how many req. buffer should hold
.cfg_sdr_en (cfg_sdr_en ),
.cfg_sdr_mode_reg (cfg_sdr_mode_reg ),
.cfg_sdr_tras_d (cfg_sdr_tras_d ),
.cfg_sdr_trp_d (cfg_sdr_trp_d ),
.cfg_sdr_trcd_d (cfg_sdr_trcd_d ),
.cfg_sdr_cas (cfg_sdr_cas ),
.cfg_sdr_trcar_d (cfg_sdr_trcar_d ),
.cfg_sdr_twr_d (cfg_sdr_twr_d ),
.cfg_sdr_rfsh (cfg_sdr_rfsh ),
.cfg_sdr_rfmax (cfg_sdr_rfmax )
endmodule : digital_core