blob: 46883028d31ff26f5a47e0edb2c691a7cd4bd135 [file] [log] [blame]
// File name:
// Created: 6/3/2021
// Author: Zachary Ellis
// Version: 1.0 Initial design entry
// Description: wishbone slave testbench
`timescale 1ns / 10ps
module tb_wb_slave();
localparam CLK_PERIOD = 10; //100MHz
reg tb_wb_clk_i;
reg tb_wb_rst_i;
reg [31:0] tb_wb_adr_i;
reg [31:0] tb_wb_dat_i;
reg [3:0] tb_wb_sel_i;
reg tb_wb_we_i;
reg tb_wb_cyc_i;
reg tb_wb_stb_i;
wire tb_wb_ack_o;
wire [31:0] tb_wb_dat_o;
reg tb_bitstrobe;
reg tb_curr_sample;
reg tb_rx_busy;
reg tb_tx_busy;
//general outputs
wire tb_CAN_clk;
wire tb_CAN_nRST;
wire tb_tx_enable;
//timing stuff
wire [3:0] tb_TS1; //need to add this to timer
wire [3:0] tb_TS2; //need to add this to timer
//error stuff
reg [7:0] tb_REC;
reg [7:0] tb_TEC;
reg tb_error_passive;
reg tb_bus_off;
reg [2:0] tb_LEC; //need to add this to ECU
//fifo stuff
reg [3:0] tb_fifo_occupancy;
reg tb_fifo_full;
reg tb_fifo_empty;
reg tb_fifo_overrun;
reg [31:0] tb_fifo_data_L;
reg [31:0] tb_fifo_data_H;
reg [28:0] tb_fifo_ID;
reg [3:0] tb_fifo_pkt_size;
reg tb_fifo_RTR;
reg tb_fifo_EXT;
reg [4:0] tb_fifo_fmi;
reg tb_fifo_read;
wire tb_fifo_clear;
wire tb_overrun_enable;
wire [19:0] tb_mask_enable;
reg [19:0] [30:0] tb_filters;
reg [19:0] [30:0] tb_masks;
wire tb_read_fifo;
//tx mailbox output to TCU
reg tb_tx_done; //add to TCU
reg tb_tx_arb_loss;//add to TCU
wire tb_tx_pkt_ready;
wire [28:0] tb_tx_ID;
wire [3:0] tb_tx_pkt_size;
wire tb_tx_RTR;
wire tb_tx_EXT;
wire [63:0] tb_tx_data;
integer tb_test_num;
string tb_test_case;
integer tb_stream_test_num;
string tb_stream_check_tag;
// Task for standard DUT reset procedure
task reset_dut;
// Activate the reset
tb_wb_rst_i = 1'b1;
// Maintain the reset for more than one cycle
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
// Wait until safely away from rising edge of the clock before releasing
@(negedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_wb_rst_i = 1'b0;
// Leave out of reset for a couple cycles before allowing other stimulus
// Wait for negative clock edges,
// since inputs to DUT should normally be applied away from rising clock edges
@(negedge tb_wb_clk_i);
@(negedge tb_wb_clk_i);
task wb_transaction;
input [31:0] wb_addr;
input [31:0] wb_dat;
input [3:0] wb_sel;
input wb_we;
input string signal_name;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_wb_adr_i = wb_addr;
tb_wb_sel_i = wb_sel;
tb_wb_we_i = wb_we;
tb_wb_cyc_i = 1'b1;
tb_wb_stb_i = 1'b1;
if(wb_we) tb_wb_dat_i = wb_dat;
else begin
tb_wb_dat_i = 0;
#(CLK_PERIOD / 10);
if(wb_dat == tb_wb_dat_o) begin // Check passed
$info("Correct %s output during %s test case", signal_name, tb_test_case);
else begin // Check failed
$error("Incorrect %s output during %s test case", signal_name, tb_test_case);
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_wb_cyc_i = 1'b0;
tb_wb_stb_i = 1'b0;
task check_out;
input logic [30:0] real_out;
input logic [30:0] expected_out;
input string signal_name;
if(expected_out == real_out) begin // Check passed
$info("Correct %s output during %s test case", signal_name, tb_test_case);
else begin // Check failed
$error("Incorrect %s output during %s test case", signal_name, tb_test_case);
// Start with clock low to avoid false rising edge events at t=0
tb_wb_clk_i = 1'b0;
// Wait half of the clock period before toggling clock value (maintain 50% duty cycle)
tb_wb_clk_i = 1'b1;
// Wait half of the clock period before toggling clock value via rerunning the block (maintain 50% duty cycle)
wb_slave DUT (
.wb_dat_o(tb_wb_dat_o), //these are registered which adds a wait state but it's ok
//connection to the rest of the peripheral
//general inputs
//general outputs
//timing stuff
.TS1(tb_TS1), //need to add this to timer
.TS2(tb_TS2), //need to add this to timer
//error stuff
.LEC(tb_LEC), //need to add this to ECU
//fifo stuff
//tx mailbox output to TCU
.tx_done(tb_tx_done), //add to TCU
.tx_arb_loss(tb_tx_arb_loss),//add to TCU
initial begin
tb_wb_rst_i = 1'b0;
tb_wb_adr_i = '0;
tb_wb_dat_i = '0;
tb_wb_sel_i = '0;
tb_wb_we_i = '0;
tb_wb_cyc_i = '0;
tb_wb_stb_i = '0;
tb_bitstrobe = 0;
tb_curr_sample = '0;
tb_rx_busy = '0;
tb_tx_busy = '0;
tb_REC = '0;
tb_TEC = '0;
tb_error_passive = '0;
tb_bus_off = '0;
tb_LEC = '0;
tb_fifo_occupancy = '0;
tb_fifo_full = '0;
tb_fifo_empty = '0;
tb_fifo_overrun = '0;
tb_fifo_data_L = '0;
tb_fifo_data_H = '0;
tb_fifo_ID = '0;
tb_fifo_pkt_size = '0;
tb_fifo_RTR = '0;
tb_fifo_EXT = '0;
tb_fifo_fmi = '0;
tb_fifo_read = '0;
tb_filters = '0;
tb_masks = '0;
tb_tx_done = '0;
tb_tx_arb_loss = '0;
tb_test_num = 0;
tb_test_case = "Test bench initializaton";
tb_stream_test_num = 0;
tb_stream_check_tag = "N/A";
// ************************************************************************
// Test Case 1: write / read to timing register
// ************************************************************************
tb_test_num = tb_test_num + 1;
tb_test_case = "write / read to timing register";
wb_transaction(32'h300000c4, {16'd0, 3'd3, 3'd3, 10'd9}, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "TMGR");
#(CLK_PERIOD * 10);
wb_transaction(32'h300000c4, 32'd9, 4'b0001, 1'b0, "BRP");
check_out(tb_TS1, 4'd4, "TS1");
check_out(tb_TS1, 4'd4, "TS2");
// ************************************************************************
// Test Case 2: initialize CAN
// ************************************************************************
tb_test_num = tb_test_num + 1;
tb_test_case = "initialize CAN";
wb_transaction(32'h30000000, 32'd1, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "MCR");
// ************************************************************************
// Test Case 2: test filter write / read
// ************************************************************************
tb_test_num = tb_test_num + 1;
tb_test_case = "test filter write / read";
for(integer i = 0; i < 20; i++) begin
wb_transaction((i*4) + 32, i + 1, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "filters");
wb_transaction((i*4) + 32, i + 1, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "filters");
check_out(tb_filters[i], i + 1, "filters");
// ************************************************************************
// Test Case 2: test mask write / read
// ************************************************************************
tb_test_num = tb_test_num + 1;
tb_test_case = "test mask write / read";
for(integer i = 0; i < 20; i++) begin
wb_transaction((i*4) + 112, i + 1, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "masks");
wb_transaction((i*4) + 112, i + 1, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "masks");
check_out(tb_masks[i], i + 1, "masks");
// ************************************************************************
// Test Case 1: FMER
// ************************************************************************
tb_test_num = tb_test_num + 1;
tb_test_case = "FMER";
wb_transaction(32'h3000001c, 32'b10110001010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "FMER");
wb_transaction(32'h3000001c, 32'b00000000000001110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "FMER");
// ************************************************************************
// Test Case 1: Mailbox check
// ************************************************************************
tb_test_num = tb_test_num + 1;
tb_test_case = "Mailbox check";
wb_transaction(32'h300000c8, 32'b10111001010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "Mail 1");
wb_transaction(32'h300000c8, 32'b10111001010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "Mail 1");
check_out(tb_tx_ID, 29'b11001010101110101101011000101, "tx_ID");
wb_transaction(32'h300000d0, 32'b10000011010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "Mail 3");
wb_transaction(32'h300000d0, 32'b10000011010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "Mail 3");
check_out(tb_tx_ID, 29'b00011010101110101101011000101, "tx_ID");
wb_transaction(32'h300000cc, 32'b10000001010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "Mail 2");
wb_transaction(32'h300000cc, 32'b10000001010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "Mail 2");
check_out(tb_tx_ID, 29'b00001010101110101101011000101, "tx_ID");
wb_transaction(32'h30000000, {28'd0, 4'b1001}, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "MCR");
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
check_out(tb_tx_ID, 29'b11001010101110101101011000101, "tx_ID");
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i); //clear mailboxes
tb_tx_done = 1;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_done = 0;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_done = 1;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_done = 0;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_done = 1;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_done = 0;
wb_transaction(32'h300000d0, 32'b10000011010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b1, "Mail 3");
wb_transaction(32'h300000d0, 32'b10000011010101110101101011000101, 4'b1111, 1'b0, "Mail 3");
check_out(tb_tx_ID, 29'b00011010101110101101011000101, "tx_ID");
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_arb_loss = 1;
@(posedge tb_wb_clk_i);
tb_tx_arb_loss = 0;