blob: 84066811ad0fdc990ae1d6a31dbe7b0a40337c49 [file] [log] [blame]
module clb_tile #(
parameter S_XX_BASE = 4,
parameter NUM_LUTS = 4,
parameter WS = 4,
parameter WD = 8,
parameter WG = 0,
parameter CLBIN = 10,
parameter CLBIN_EACH_SIDE = 10,
parameter CLBOUT = 5,
parameter CLBOUT_EACH_SIDE = 5,
parameter CLBOS = 4,
parameter CLBOD = 4,
parameter CLBX = 1
) (
input clk,
input rst,
input cen,
// Naming convention
// (except single/double wires)
// where BLOCK_NAME: cb, sb, clb (slicel)
// SIDE: north, south, east, west
inout [WS-1:0] north_single, east_single, south_single, west_single,
inout [WD-1:0] north_double, east_double, south_double, west_double,
// Connections from the CLBs in the N/E tiles to the N/E CBs in this tile
output [CLBIN_EACH_SIDE-1:0] cb_north_out, cb_east_out,
input [CLBOUT_EACH_SIDE-1:0] cb_north_in, cb_east_in,
// Connections from the CLB in this tile to the N/E CBs in the S/W tiles
input [CLBIN_EACH_SIDE-1:0] clb_south_in, clb_west_in,
output [CLBOUT_EACH_SIDE-1:0] clb_south_out, clb_west_out,
input shift_in_hard, set_in_hard,
output shift_out_hard, set_out_hard,
input carry_in,
output carry_out
// Intermediate shifter signals
wire slice_so, cb_north_so, sb_so, cb_east_so;
assign shift_out_hard = cb_east_so;
// Config set output
wire set;
assign set_out_hard = set;
wire set_in_soft, shift_in_soft;
wire [1:0] north_comb_out, east_comb_out, south_comb_out, west_comb_out;
wire [1:0] north_sync_out, east_sync_out, south_sync_out, west_sync_out;
wire [9:0] slicel_n_in, slicel_e_in, slicel_s_in, slicel_w_in;
wire [4:0] slicel_n_out, slicel_e_out, slicel_s_out, slicel_w_out;
// the south and west wires are connected to CBs in other tiles, i.e. they should be output of this tile
assign slicel_s_in = clb_south_in;
assign clb_south_out = slicel_s_out;
assign slicel_w_in = clb_west_in;
assign clb_west_out = slicel_w_out;
assign set_in_soft = slicel_n_in[9];
assign shift_in_soft = slicel_n_in[8];
assign slicel_n_out = {set, north_sync_out, north_comb_out};
assign slicel_e_out = {cb_east_so, east_sync_out, east_comb_out};
assign slicel_s_out = {set, south_sync_out, south_comb_out};
assign slicel_w_out = {cb_east_so, west_sync_out, west_comb_out};
baked_slicel #(
) slice (
.luts_input({slicel_n_in[7:0], slicel_w_in[7:0], slicel_s_in[7:0], slicel_e_in[7:0]}),
.comb_output({north_comb_out, west_comb_out, south_comb_out, east_comb_out}),
.sync_output({north_sync_out, west_sync_out, south_sync_out, east_sync_out})
baked_connection_block_north #(
) cb_north (
// no global wire for now
// carry signals go directly to top-level interface
baked_connection_block_east #(
) cb_east (
// no global wire for now
// carry signals go directly to top-level interface
baked_clb_switch_box #(
) sb (