| /* |
| _ _ __ ___ __ _________ |
| | \ | |/ _(_) \ / /__|___ /___ \ |
| | \| | |_| |\ \ / / _ \ |_ \ __) | |
| | |\ | _| | \ V / __/___) / __/ |
| |_| \_|_| |_| \_/ \___|____/_____| |
| Copyright 2020 Mohamed Shalan |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at: |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| /* |
| Started as a One day project on May 2, 2020 by Mohamed Shalan |
| NfiVe32 is area optimized RV32IC core with the following features: |
| * Target clock frequency > 100MHz in 130nm technologies |
| * CPI ~ 3 |
| * ASIC cell count: < 10K |
| + SKY130A (HD): ~8.5K @ CP=5.8ns (DLY3) |
| * Instruction Cycles (3/4) |
| + C0 : Fetch and Decompress, |
| + C1 : Fetch cyle 2; optional, only used for unaligned 32-bit instructions |
| + C2 : RF read, ALU & Branch, |
| + C3 : Memory & RF write-back |
| * A single AHB-Lite Master interface for both instructions and data |
| + Instr: A(C3), I(C0) |
| + Data: A(C2), D(C3) |
| |
| To do: |
| - [X] Exception Handeling + PIC |
| - [X] Bus wait states |
| - [X] Some Performance counters (CYCLE and INSTRET) |
| - [X] Systick timer |
| - [] Wait for Interrupt Instruction (wfi) |
| - [] Comprehensive testing |
| - [X] Add a latch based Register File |
| - [X] Add hand-crafted ALU |
| */ |
| |
| |
| `timescale 1ns/1ps |
| `default_nettype none |
| |
| `define USE_RF_MODULE |
| //`define USE_HC_REGF |
| |
| //`define USE_RF_HC |
| //`define USE_ALU_HC |
| |
| //`define DBG |
| |
| // Macros used by all modules |
| `define SYNC_BEGIN(r, v) always @ (posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) if(!HRESETn) r <= v; else begin |
| `define SYNC_END end |
| |
| `define IR_rs1 19:15 |
| `define IR_rs2 24:20 |
| `define IR_rd 11:7 |
| `define IR_opcode 6:2 |
| `define IR_funct3 14:12 |
| `define IR_cond 14:12 |
| `define IR_funct7 31:25 |
| `define IR_shamt 24:20 |
| `define IR_csr 31:20 |
| |
| `define OPCODE_Branch 5'b11_000 |
| `define OPCODE_Load 5'b00_000 |
| `define OPCODE_Store 5'b01_000 |
| `define OPCODE_JALR 5'b11_001 |
| `define OPCODE_JAL 5'b11_011 |
| `define OPCODE_Arith_I 5'b00_100 |
| `define OPCODE_Arith_R 5'b01_100 |
| `define OPCODE_AUIPC 5'b00_101 |
| `define OPCODE_LUI 5'b01_101 |
| `define OPCODE_SYSTEM 5'b11_100 |
| `define OPCODE_Custom 5'b10_001 |
| |
| `define F3_ADD 3'b000 |
| `define F3_SLL 3'b001 |
| `define F3_SLT 3'b010 |
| `define F3_SLTU 3'b011 |
| `define F3_XOR 3'b100 |
| `define F3_SRL 3'b101 |
| `define F3_OR 3'b110 |
| `define F3_AND 3'b111 |
| |
| `define BR_BEQ 3'b000 |
| `define BR_BNE 3'b001 |
| `define BR_BLT 3'b100 |
| `define BR_BGE 3'b101 |
| `define BR_BLTU 3'b110 |
| `define BR_BGEU 3'b111 |
| |
| //`define OPCODE IR[`IR_opcode] |
| |
| `define ALU_ADD 4'b00_00 |
| `define ALU_SUB 4'b00_01 |
| `define ALU_PASS 4'b00_11 |
| `define ALU_OR 4'b01_00 |
| `define ALU_AND 4'b01_01 |
| `define ALU_XOR 4'b01_11 |
| `define ALU_SRL 4'b10_00 |
| `define ALU_SRA 4'b10_10 |
| `define ALU_SLL 4'b10_01 |
| `define ALU_SLT 4'b11_01 |
| `define ALU_SLTU 4'b11_11 |
| |
| `define SYS_EC_EB 3'b000 |
| `define SYS_CSRRW 3'b001 |
| `define SYS_CSRRS 3'b010 |
| `define SYS_CSRRC 3'b011 |
| `define SYS_CSRRWI 3'b101 |
| `define SYS_CSRRSI 3'b110 |
| `define SYS_CSRRCI 3'b111 |
| |
| module RV32_DECOMP ( |
| input [15:0] IRi, |
| output [31:0] IRo |
| ); |
| |
| |
| reg [31:0] Instout; |
| wire [15:0] InstIn; |
| |
| assign InstIn = IRi; |
| |
| assign IRo = Instout; |
| |
| //signals used for decoding the 16bit instruction: case and if statements |
| wire [1:0] op = InstIn[1:0]; |
| wire [2:0] fun3 = InstIn[15:13]; |
| wire [1:0] fun2 = InstIn[11:10]; |
| wire [1:0] fun = InstIn[6:5]; |
| wire [4:0] Brs1 = InstIn[11:7]; |
| wire [4:0] Brs2 = InstIn[6:2]; |
| |
| //Decoding and encoding process |
| always @(*) begin |
| Instout = 32'd0; |
| case(op) |
| 2'b00:begin //C0 |
| case(fun3) |
| 3'b000:begin //C.ADDI4SPN |
| //addi rd0, x2, nzuimm[9:2]. |
| Instout = { 2'b00, |
| InstIn[10:7], |
| InstIn[12:11], |
| InstIn[5], |
| InstIn[6], |
| 2'b00, |
| 5'b00010, |
| 3'b000, |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[4:2], |
| 7'b0010011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b010:begin //C.LW |
| //lw rd',offset[6:2](rs1'). |
| Instout = { |
| 5'd0,InstIn[5], |
| InstIn[12:10], |
| InstIn[6], |
| 2'b00,2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b010,2'b01, |
| InstIn[4:2], |
| 7'b0000011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b110:begin //C.SW |
| //sw rs2',offset[6:2](rs1'). |
| Instout = { |
| 5'd0,InstIn[5], |
| InstIn[12], |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[4:2], |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b010, |
| InstIn[11:10], |
| InstIn[6], |
| 2'b00, |
| 7'b0100011 |
| }; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| 2'b01:begin //C1 |
| case(fun3) |
| 3'b000:begin //C.ADDI |
| //addi rd, rd, nzimm[5:0]. |
| Instout = { |
| {6{InstIn[12]}}, |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:2], |
| InstIn[11:7], |
| 3'b000, |
| InstIn[11:7], |
| 7'b0010011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b001:begin //C.JAL |
| //jal x1, offset[11:1]. |
| Instout = { |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[8], |
| InstIn[10:9], |
| InstIn[6], |
| InstIn[7], |
| InstIn[2], |
| InstIn[11], |
| InstIn[5:3], |
| InstIn[12], |
| {8{InstIn[12]}}, |
| 5'b00001, |
| 7'b1101111 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b010:begin //C.LI |
| //addi rd, x0, imm[5:0]. |
| Instout = { |
| {6{InstIn[12]}}, |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:2], |
| 5'b00000,3'b000, |
| InstIn[11:7], |
| 7'b0010011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b011:begin //C.LUI,C.ADDI16SP |
| case(Brs1) |
| 5'b00010: begin //C.ADDI16SP |
| //addi x2, x2, nzimm[9:4]. |
| Instout = { |
| {3{InstIn[12]}}, |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[4:3], |
| InstIn[5], |
| InstIn[2], |
| InstIn[6], |
| 4'd0, |
| Brs1, |
| 3'b000, |
| Brs1, |
| 7'b0010011 |
| }; |
| end |
| default: begin //C.LUI |
| //lui rd, nzuimm[17:12]. |
| Instout = {{14{InstIn[12]}},InstIn[12],InstIn[6:2],Brs1,7'b0110111}; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| 3'b100:begin //C.SRLI, C.SRAI, C.ANDI |
| case(fun2) |
| 2'b00:begin //C.SRLI |
| //srli rd', rd', shamt[5:0] |
| Instout = {7'b0000000,InstIn[6:2],2'b01,InstIn[9:7],3'b101,2'b01,InstIn[9:7],7'b0010011}; |
| end |
| 2'b01:begin //C.SRAI |
| //srai rd', rd', shamt[5:0], |
| Instout = {7'b0100000,InstIn[6:2],2'b01,InstIn[9:7],3'b101,2'b01,InstIn[9:7],7'b0010011}; |
| end |
| 2'b10:begin //C.ANDI |
| //andi rd', rd', imm[5:0]. |
| Instout = { |
| {6{InstIn[12]}}, |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:2], |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b111,2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 7'b0010011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 2'b11: |
| if(!InstIn[12])begin |
| case(fun) |
| 2'b11: begin //C.AND |
| //and rd', rd', rs2'. |
| Instout = { |
| 7'b0000000,2'b01, |
| InstIn[4:2], |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b111,2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 7'b0110011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 2'b10: begin //C.OR |
| //or rd', rd', rs2'. |
| Instout = { |
| 7'b0000000,2'b01, |
| InstIn[4:2], |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b110,2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 7'b0110011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 2'b01: begin //C.XOR |
| //xor rd', rd', rs2'. |
| Instout = { |
| 7'b0000000,2'b01, |
| InstIn[4:2], |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b100,2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 7'b0110011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 2'b00: begin //C.SUB |
| //sub rd', rd', rs2'. |
| Instout = {7'b0100000,2'b01, InstIn[4:2],2'b01,InstIn[9:7],3'b000,2'b01,InstIn[9:7],7'b0110011}; |
| end |
| |
| endcase |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| 3'b101:begin //C.J |
| //jal x0,offset[11:1]. |
| Instout = { |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[8], |
| InstIn[10:9], |
| InstIn[6], |
| InstIn[7], |
| InstIn[2], |
| InstIn[11], |
| InstIn[5:3], |
| InstIn[12], |
| {8{InstIn[12]}}, |
| 5'b00000, |
| 7'b1101111 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b110:begin //C.BEQZ |
| //beq rs1', x0, offset[8:1]. |
| Instout = { |
| InstIn[12], |
| {2{InstIn[12]}}, |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:5], |
| InstIn[2], |
| 5'b00000, |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b000, |
| InstIn[11:10], |
| InstIn[4:3], |
| InstIn[12], |
| 7'b1100011 |
| }; |
| end |
| |
| 3'b111:begin //C.BNEZ |
| //bne rs1', x0, offset[8:1]. |
| Instout = { |
| InstIn[12], |
| {2{InstIn[12]}}, |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:5], |
| InstIn[2], |
| 5'b00000, |
| 2'b01, |
| InstIn[9:7], |
| 3'b001, |
| InstIn[11:10], |
| InstIn[4:3], |
| InstIn[12], |
| 7'b1100011 |
| }; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| 2'b10:begin //C2 |
| case(fun3) |
| 3'b000:begin //C.SLLI |
| //slli rd, rd, shamt[5:0],. |
| Instout = { |
| 7'b0000000, |
| InstIn[6:2], |
| InstIn[11:7], |
| 3'b001, |
| InstIn[11:7], |
| 7'b0010011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b010:begin //C.LWSP |
| //lw rd,offset[7:2](x2). |
| Instout = { |
| 4'd0,InstIn[3:2], |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:4], |
| 2'b00,5'b00010,3'b010, |
| InstIn[11:7], |
| 7'b000011 |
| }; |
| end |
| 3'b100:begin //C.JR, C.JALR, C.MV, C.ADD, C.EBREAK |
| case(InstIn[12]) |
| 1'b0: begin |
| if(!Brs2) begin //C.JR |
| //jalr x0, rs1, 0. |
| Instout = {12'd0,Brs1,3'b000,5'b00000,7'b1100111}; |
| end |
| else begin //C.MV |
| //add rd, x0, rs2. |
| Instout = {7'b0000000,Brs2,5'b00000,3'b000,Brs1,7'b0110011}; |
| end |
| end |
| 1'b1: begin |
| if(!Brs2&&!Brs1) begin //C.EBREAK |
| //EBREAK |
| Instout = {12'd1,5'd0,3'b000,5'd0,7'b1110011}; |
| end |
| else if(!Brs2) begin //C.JALR |
| //jalr x1, rs1, 0. |
| Instout = {12'd0,Brs1,3'b000,5'b00001,7'b1100111}; |
| end |
| else begin //C.ADD |
| //add rd, rd, rs2. |
| Instout = {7'b0000000,Brs2,Brs1,3'b000,Brs1,7'b0110011}; |
| end |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| 3'b110:begin //C.SWSP |
| //sw rs2,offset[7:2](x2). |
| Instout = { |
| 4'd0,InstIn[8:7], |
| InstIn[12], |
| InstIn[6:2], |
| 5'b00010,3'b010, |
| InstIn[11:9], |
| 2'b00,7'b0100011 |
| }; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| endmodule |
| |
| // The ALU and its modules |
| `ifdef USE_ALU_HC |
| `include "../rtl/ALU_HC.v" |
| `else |
| // Mirioring Unit for the Shifter |
| module mirror (input [31:0] in, output reg [31:0] out); |
| integer i; |
| always @ * |
| for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) |
| out[i] = in[31-i]; |
| endmodule |
| |
| // Shift Right Unit |
| module shr(input [31:0] a, output [31:0] r, input [4:0] shamt, input ar); |
| |
| wire [31:0] r1, r2, r3, r4; |
| |
| wire fill = ar ? a[31] : 1'b0; |
| assign r1 = shamt[0] ? {{1{fill}}, a[31:1]} : a; |
| assign r2 = shamt[1] ? {{2{fill}}, r1[31:2]} : r1; |
| assign r3 = shamt[2] ? {{4{fill}}, r2[31:4]} : r2; |
| assign r4 = shamt[3] ? {{8{fill}}, r3[31:8]} : r3; |
| assign r = shamt[4] ? {{16{fill}}, r4[31:16]} : r4; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // The Shifter |
| module shift( |
| input wire [31:0] a, |
| input wire [4:0] shamt, |
| input wire [1:0] typ, // type[0] sll or srl - type[1] sra |
| // 00 : srl, 10 : sra, 01 : sll |
| output wire [31:0] r |
| ); |
| wire [31 : 0] ma, my, y, x, sy; |
| |
| mirror m1(.in(a), .out(ma)); |
| mirror m2(.in(y), .out(my)); |
| |
| assign x = typ[0] ? ma : a; |
| shr sh0(.a(x), .r(y), .shamt(shamt), .ar(typ[1])); |
| |
| assign r = typ[0] ? my : y; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // The ALU |
| module ALU( |
| input wire [31:0] a, b, |
| input wire [4:0] shamt, |
| output reg [31:0] r, |
| output wire cf, zf, vf, sf, |
| input wire [3:0] alufn |
| ); |
| |
| wire [31:0] add, sub, op_b; |
| wire cfa, cfs; |
| |
| assign op_b = (~b); |
| |
| assign {cf, add} = alufn[0] ? (a + op_b + 1'b1) : (a + b); |
| |
| assign zf = (add == 0); |
| assign sf = add[31]; |
| assign vf = (a[31] ^ (op_b[31]) ^ add[31] ^ cf); |
| |
| wire[31:0] sh; |
| shift shift0 ( |
| .a(a), |
| .shamt(shamt), |
| .typ(alufn[1:0]), |
| .r(sh) |
| ); |
| |
| always @ * begin |
| //r = 0; |
| (* full_case *) |
| (* parallel_case *) |
| case (alufn) |
| // arithmetic |
| 4'b00_00 : r = add; |
| 4'b00_01 : r = add; |
| 4'b00_11 : r = b; |
| // logic |
| 4'b01_00: r = a | b; |
| 4'b01_01: r = a & b; |
| 4'b01_11: r = a ^ b; |
| // shift |
| 4'b10_00: r=sh; |
| 4'b10_01: r=sh; |
| 4'b10_10: r=sh; |
| // slt & sltu |
| 4'b11_01: r = {31'b0,(sf != vf)}; |
| 4'b11_11: r = {31'b0,(~cf)}; |
| |
| default: r = add; |
| endcase |
| end |
| endmodule |
| `endif |
| // Immediate Generator |
| module IMMGEN ( |
| input wire [31:0] INSTR, |
| output reg [31:0] IMM |
| ); |
| |
| always @(*) begin |
| case (INSTR[`IR_opcode]) |
| `OPCODE_Arith_I : IMM = { {21{INSTR[31]}}, INSTR[30:25], INSTR[24:21], INSTR[20] }; |
| `OPCODE_Store : IMM = { {21{INSTR[31]}}, INSTR[30:25], INSTR[11:8], INSTR[7] }; |
| `OPCODE_LUI : IMM = { INSTR[31], INSTR[30:20], INSTR[19:12], 12'b0 }; |
| `OPCODE_AUIPC : IMM = { INSTR[31], INSTR[30:20], INSTR[19:12], 12'b0 }; |
| `OPCODE_JAL : IMM = { {12{INSTR[31]}}, INSTR[19:12], INSTR[20], INSTR[30:25], INSTR[24:21], 1'b0 }; |
| `OPCODE_JALR : IMM = { {21{INSTR[31]}}, INSTR[30:25], INSTR[24:21], INSTR[20] }; |
| `OPCODE_Branch : IMM = { {20{INSTR[31]}}, INSTR[7], INSTR[30:25], INSTR[11:8], 1'b0}; |
| default : IMM = { {21{INSTR[31]}}, INSTR[30:25], INSTR[24:21], INSTR[20] }; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // Instruction decoder that generates the ALU operation |
| module RV32_DEC( |
| input [31:0] INSTR, |
| output reg [3:0] alu_fn, |
| output alu_op2_src |
| |
| ); |
| wire [2:0] func3 = INSTR[`IR_funct3]; |
| wire [6:0] func7 = INSTR[`IR_funct7]; |
| wire [11:0] csr = INSTR[`IR_csr]; |
| wire [4:0] opcode = INSTR[`IR_opcode]; |
| wire W32 = 1;//sz[0] & sz[1]; |
| wire I = W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_Arith_I); |
| wire R = W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_Arith_R); |
| wire IorR = I | R; |
| wire instr_logic = ((IorR==1'b1) && ((func3==`F3_XOR) || (func3==`F3_AND) || (func3==`F3_OR))); |
| wire instr_shift = ((IorR==1'b1) && ((func3==`F3_SLL) || (func3==`F3_SRL) )); |
| |
| wire instr_slt = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3==`F3_SLT)); |
| wire instr_sltu = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3==`F3_SLTU)); |
| wire instr_store = W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_Store); |
| wire instr_load = W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_Load); |
| wire instr_add = R & (func3 == `F3_ADD) & (~func7[5]); |
| wire instr_sub = R & (func3 == `F3_ADD) & (func7[5]); |
| wire instr_addi = I & (func3 == `F3_ADD); |
| wire instr_lui = W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_LUI); |
| wire instr_auipc = W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_AUIPC); |
| wire instr_branch= W32 & (opcode == `OPCODE_Branch); |
| wire instr_jalr = W32 & (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_JALR); |
| wire instr_jal = W32 & (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_JAL); |
| wire instr_sll = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3 == `F3_SLL) && (func7 == 7'b0)); |
| wire instr_srl = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3 == `F3_SRL) && (func7 == 7'b0)); |
| wire instr_sra = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3 == `F3_SRL) && (func7 != 7'b0)); |
| wire instr_and = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3 == `F3_AND)); |
| wire instr_or = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3 == `F3_OR)); |
| wire instr_xor = ((IorR==1'b1) && (func3 == `F3_XOR)); |
| |
| assign alu_op2_src = R; |
| |
| always @ * begin |
| case (1'b1) |
| instr_load : alu_fn = `ALU_ADD; |
| instr_addi : alu_fn = `ALU_ADD; |
| instr_store : alu_fn = `ALU_ADD; |
| instr_add : alu_fn = `ALU_ADD; |
| instr_jalr : alu_fn = `ALU_ADD; |
| |
| instr_lui : alu_fn = `ALU_PASS; |
| |
| instr_sll : alu_fn = `ALU_SLL; |
| instr_srl : alu_fn = `ALU_SRL; |
| instr_sra : alu_fn = `ALU_SRA; |
| |
| instr_slt : alu_fn = `ALU_SLT; |
| instr_sltu : alu_fn = `ALU_SLTU; |
| |
| instr_and : alu_fn = `ALU_AND; |
| instr_or : alu_fn = `ALU_OR; |
| instr_xor : alu_fn = `ALU_XOR; |
| |
| default : alu_fn = `ALU_SUB; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| |
| // Conditional Branchig Unit. It checks whether the branch is taken or not |
| module BRANCH ( |
| input [2:0] cond, |
| input [31:0] R1, R2, |
| output taken |
| ); |
| wire zf, cf, vf, sf; |
| wire [31:0] add, op_b; |
| reg taken; |
| |
| assign op_b = (~R2); |
| assign {cf, add} = (R1 + op_b + 1'b1); |
| assign zf = (add == 0); |
| assign sf = add[31]; |
| assign vf = (R1[31] ^ (op_b[31]) ^ add[31] ^ cf); |
| |
| always @ * begin |
| (* full_case *) |
| case(cond) |
| `BR_BEQ: taken = zf; // BEQ |
| `BR_BNE: taken = ~zf; // BNE |
| `BR_BLT: taken = (sf != vf); // BLT |
| `BR_BGE: taken = (sf == vf); // BGE |
| `BR_BLTU: taken = (~cf); // BLTU |
| `BR_BGEU: taken = (cf); // BGEU |
| default: taken = 1'b0; |
| endcase |
| end |
| endmodule |
| |
| // Memory data (R) aligner |
| module mrdata_align( |
| input wire [31:0] d, |
| output wire [31:0] ed, |
| input wire [1:0] size, |
| input wire [1:0] A, |
| input wire sign |
| ); |
| |
| wire [31:0] s_ext, u_ext; |
| wire [7:0] _byte_; |
| wire [15:0] hword; |
| |
| assign _byte_ = (A==2'd0) ? d[7:0] : |
| (A==2'd1) ? d[15:8] : |
| (A==2'd2) ? d[23:16] : d[31:24]; |
| |
| assign hword = (A[1]==0) ? d[15:0] : d[31:16]; |
| |
| assign u_ext = (size==2'd0) ? {24'd0,_byte_} : |
| (size==2'd1) ? {16'd0,hword} : d; |
| |
| assign s_ext = (size==2'd0) ? {{24{_byte_[7]}},_byte_} : |
| (size==2'd1) ? {{24{hword[15]}},hword} : d; |
| |
| assign ed = sign ? u_ext : s_ext; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // Memory data (W) aligner |
| module mwdata_align( |
| input wire [31:0] d, |
| output wire [31:0] fd, |
| input wire [1:0] size, |
| input wire [1:0] A |
| ); |
| |
| wire [7:0] _byte_ = d[7:0]; |
| wire [15:0] hword = d[15:0]; |
| |
| wire [31:0] _byte__word, hw_word; |
| |
| assign _byte__word = (A==2'd0) ? d : |
| (A==2'd1) ? {16'd0, _byte_, 8'd0} : |
| (A==2'd2) ? {8'd0, _byte_, 16'd0} : {_byte_, 24'd0} ; |
| assign hw_word = (~A[1]) ? d : {hword, 16'd0}; |
| |
| assign fd = (size==2'd0) ? _byte__word : |
| (size==2'd1) ? hw_word : d; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| |
| // The Instruction Fetch Unit |
| module NfiVe32_FU( |
| input wire [31:0] IDATA0, |
| input wire [31:0] IDATA1, |
| input wire [31:0] PC, |
| input wire C1, |
| output wire [31:0] INSTR, |
| output wire IS32 |
| ); |
| |
| wire [31:0] instr32; |
| wire [31:0] instr = (~C1 & ~PC[1]) ? IDATA0 : // Aligned 32 or Lower 16 |
| (~C1 & PC[1]) ? {16'h0, IDATA0[31:16]} : // Upper 16 |
| {IDATA0[15:0], IDATA1[31:16]} ; // Unaligned 32 |
| |
| wire is32 = instr[0] & instr[1]; |
| |
| RV32_DECOMP nfive_decomp (.IRi(instr[15:0]), .IRo(instr32)); |
| |
| assign INSTR = is32 ? instr : instr32; |
| assign IS32 = is32; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| |
| // Instruction Execution Unit (ALU + next PC generation) |
| module NfiVe32_XU( |
| output wire [31:0] ALUR, |
| output wire [31:0] NPC, |
| output wire [31:0] PC24, |
| output wire [31:0] PCI, |
| input wire [31:0] PC, |
| input wire [31:0] INSTR, |
| input wire [31:0] R1, |
| input wire [31:0] R2, |
| input wire IS32 |
| ); |
| wire instr_branch = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_Branch); |
| wire instr_jalr = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_JALR); |
| wire instr_jal = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_JAL); |
| |
| wire alu_op2_src; |
| |
| wire [31:0] imm; |
| wire [31:0] pc4 = PC + 32'h4; |
| wire [31:0] pc2 = PC + 32'h2; |
| wire [31:0] pci = PC + imm; |
| wire [31:0] alu_op2 = alu_op2_src ? R2 : imm; |
| wire [4:0] alu_shamt = INSTR[`IR_shamt]; |
| wire [3:0] alu_fn; |
| wire branch_taken; |
| |
| IMMGEN immgen (.INSTR(INSTR), .IMM(imm)); |
| `ifdef USE_ALU_HC |
| ALU_HC |
| `else |
| ALU |
| `endif |
| alu (.a(R1), .b(alu_op2),.shamt(alu_shamt),.r(ALUR),.alufn(alu_fn)); |
| BRANCH brunint (.cond(INSTR[`IR_cond]),.R1(R1),.R2(R2),.taken(branch_taken)); |
| RV32_DEC decoder (.INSTR(INSTR),.alu_fn(alu_fn),.alu_op2_src(alu_op2_src)); |
| |
| assign NPC = ((branch_taken & instr_branch) | (instr_jal)) ? pci : (instr_jalr) ? ALUR : IS32 ? pc4 : pc2; |
| |
| assign PC24 = IS32 ? pc4 : pc2; |
| |
| assign PCI = pci; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| module NfiVe32_RF ( |
| input HCLK, // System clock |
| input WR, |
| input [ 4:0] RA, |
| input [ 4:0] RB, |
| input [ 4:0] RW, |
| input [31:0] DW, |
| output [31:0] DA, |
| output [31:0] DB |
| ); |
| reg [31:0] RF [31:0]; |
| |
| assign DA = RF[RA] & {32{~(RA==5'd0)}}; |
| assign DB = RF[RB] & {32{~(RB==5'd0)}}; |
| |
| always @ (posedge HCLK) |
| if(WR) |
| if(RW!=5'd0) begin |
| RF[RW] <= DW; |
| `ifdef DBG |
| #1 $display("Write: RF[%d]=0x%X []", RW, RF[RW]); |
| `endif |
| end |
| endmodule |
| |
| // The CPU Core |
| `define CYC_C0 2'h0 |
| `define CYC_C1 2'h1 |
| `define CYC_C2 2'h2 |
| `define CYC_C3 2'h3 |
| |
| |
| module NfiVe32 ( |
| input HCLK, // System clock |
| input HRESETn, // System Reset, active low |
| |
| // AHB-LITE MASTER PORT for Instructions |
| output wire [31:0] HADDR, // AHB transaction address |
| output wire [ 2:0] HSIZE, // AHB size: _byte_, half-word or word |
| output wire [ 1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transfer: non-sequential only |
| output wire [31:0] HWDATA, // AHB write-data |
| output wire HWRITE, // AHB write control |
| input wire [31:0] HRDATA, // AHB read-data |
| input wire HREADY, // AHB stall signal |
| |
| input wire NMI, // Non-maskable interrupt input |
| input wire IRQ, // Interrupt request line |
| input wire [4:0] IRQ_NUM, // Interrupt number from the PIC |
| input wire SYSTICKCLK, // SYSTICK clock; ON pulse width is one HCLK period |
| output wire [31:0] IRQ_MASK |
| ); |
| |
| reg [1:0] CYC, NCYC; |
| reg RUN; |
| reg IS32; |
| |
| reg [31:0] PC; |
| reg [31:0] PCI; |
| |
| reg [31:0] IDATA; |
| reg [31:0] PC24; |
| reg [31:0] INSTR; |
| |
| reg [31:0] ALU_R; |
| |
| reg [31:0] CSR_CYCLE; |
| reg [31:0] CSR_INSTRET; |
| reg [31:0] CSR_TIME; |
| reg [31:0] CSR_TIMELOAD; |
| reg [31:0] CSR_MIE; |
| reg [31:0] CSR_IRQMASK; |
| // reg [31:0] CSR_MIP; |
| reg [31:0] CSR_EPC; |
| |
| |
| wire [31:0] instr; |
| wire [31:0] hrdata; |
| wire [31:0] hwdata; |
| |
| wire [31:0] alur; |
| wire [31:0] npc; |
| wire [31:0] pc24, pci; |
| wire is32; |
| |
| wire tmr_int; |
| |
| wire unaligned = PC[1] & HRDATA[16] & HRDATA[17]; |
| |
| wire C0 = (CYC==2'h0), C1 = (CYC==2'h1), C2 = (CYC==2'h2), C3 = (CYC==2'h3); |
| |
| wire shamt = INSTR[`IR_shamt]; |
| |
| wire instr_i = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_Arith_I); |
| wire instr_r = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_Arith_R); |
| wire instr_lui = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_LUI); |
| wire instr_auipc = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_AUIPC); |
| wire instr_branch = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_Branch); |
| wire instr_jalr = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_JALR); |
| wire instr_jal = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_JAL); |
| wire instr_store = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_Store); |
| wire instr_load = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == `OPCODE_Load); |
| |
| wire [11:0] csr_num = INSTR[`IR_csr]; |
| wire instr_priv = (INSTR[`IR_opcode] == 5'h1C); |
| wire instr_rdcsr = instr_priv & (INSTR[`IR_funct3] == 3'd2); |
| wire instr_wrcsr = instr_priv & (INSTR[`IR_funct3] == 3'd1); |
| wire instr_ecall = instr_priv & (INSTR[`IR_funct3] == 3'b0) & (csr_num == 12'h0); |
| wire instr_ebreak= instr_priv & (INSTR[`IR_funct3] == 3'b0) & (csr_num == 12'h1); |
| wire instr_mret = instr_priv & (INSTR[`IR_funct3] == 3'b0) & (csr_num == 12'h302); |
| wire instr_wfi = instr_priv & (INSTR[`IR_funct3] == 3'b0) & (csr_num == 12'h105); |
| |
| wire rf_wr = instr_load | instr_r | instr_i | instr_jal | instr_jalr | instr_lui | instr_auipc; |
| |
| wire exception = (CSR_MIE[0] & ((tmr_int & CSR_MIE[1]) | (IRQ & CSR_MIE[2]))) | NMI | instr_ecall; |
| wire [31:0] pc_ex = instr_ecall ? 32'd12 : |
| instr_ebreak? 32'd16 : |
| NMI ? 32'd4 : |
| tmr_int ? 32'd8 : |
| IRQ ? (32'd64+(IRQ_NUM<<2)) : 32'd60; |
| |
| |
| assign IRQ_MASK = CSR_IRQMASK; |
| |
| // The Register File |
| |
| wire [4:0] rs1 = INSTR[`IR_rs1]; |
| wire [4:0] rs2 = INSTR[`IR_rs2]; |
| wire [4:0] rd = INSTR[`IR_rd]; |
| wire [31:0] r1, r2; |
| wire [31:0] rf_dw = (instr_jal | instr_jalr) ? PC24 : |
| (instr_auipc) ? PCI : |
| (instr_load) ? hrdata : |
| (instr_rdcsr) ? csr : alur; |
| |
| `ifdef USE_RF_MODULE |
| `ifdef USE_HC_REGF |
| DFFRFile RF ( |
| .R1(rs1), .R2(rs2), .RW(rd), |
| .DW(rf_dw), |
| .D1(r1), .D2(r2), |
| .CLK(HCLK), |
| .WE(rf_wr&C3) |
| ); |
| `else |
| NfiVe32_RF RF ( |
| .HCLK(HCLK), |
| .WR(rf_wr & C3), |
| .RA(rs1), |
| .RB(rs2), |
| .RW(rd), |
| .DW(rf_dw), |
| .DA(r1), |
| .DB(r2) |
| ); |
| `endif |
| `ifdef DBG |
| always @(posedge HCLK) |
| if(rd != 5'd0) |
| if(rf_wr & C3) begin |
| $display("RF[%02d]=%X (%d)", rd, rf_dw, rf_dw); |
| if(rd == 10) $display("<==="); |
| end |
| `endif |
| `else |
| reg [31:0] RF[31:0]; |
| assign r1 = RF[rs1] & {32{~(rs1==5'd0)}}; |
| assign r2 = RF[rs2] & {32{~(rs2==5'd0)}}; |
| always @(posedge HCLK) |
| if(rd != 5'd0) |
| if(rf_wr & C3) begin |
| RF[rd] <= rf_dw; |
| `ifdef DBG |
| #1 $display("Write: RF[%d]=0x%X [PC=0x%X, INSTR=0x%X]", rd, RF[rd], PC, INSTR); |
| `endif |
| end |
| `endif |
| |
| |
| |
| wire [31:0] csr = (csr_num==12'hC00) ? CSR_CYCLE : |
| (csr_num==12'hC01) ? CSR_TIME : |
| (csr_num==12'hC02) ? CSR_INSTRET : |
| (csr_num==12'hC03) ? CSR_TIMELOAD : |
| (csr_num==12'h304) ? CSR_MIE : |
| (csr_num==12'h310) ? CSR_IRQMASK : |
| 32'hBAAAAAAD; |
| |
| |
| assign HADDR = ~RUN ? 32'h0 : C3 ? {PC[31:2],2'b0} : C0 ? ({PC[31:2],2'b0}+32'h4) : C2 ? alur : 32'd0; |
| assign HTRANS[0] = 1'h0; |
| assign HTRANS[1] = ~RUN | C3 | (C0 & unaligned) | (C2 & (instr_load | instr_store)); |
| assign HWRITE = C2 & instr_store; |
| assign HSIZE = {1'b0,INSTR[13:12]}; |
| assign HWDATA = (C3 & instr_store) ? hwdata : 32'd0; |
| |
| mrdata_align mralign( |
| .d(HRDATA), |
| .ed(hrdata), |
| .size(HSIZE[1:0]), |
| //.A(alur[1:0]), |
| .A(ALU_R[1:0]), |
| .sign(INSTR[14]) |
| ); |
| |
| mwdata_align mwalign( |
| .d(r2), |
| .fd(hwdata), |
| .size(HSIZE[1:0]), |
| .A(alur[1:0]) |
| ); |
| |
| NfiVe32_FU fetch_unit( |
| .PC(PC), |
| .C1(C1), |
| .INSTR(instr), |
| .IS32(is32) |
| ); |
| |
| NfiVe32_XU exec_unit( |
| .ALUR(alur), |
| .NPC(npc), |
| .PC24(pc24), |
| .PCI(pci), |
| .PC(PC), |
| .R1(r1), |
| .R2(r2), |
| .IS32(IS32) |
| ); |
| |
| // CPU Cycle |
| always @* |
| case (CYC) |
| `CYC_C0: if(HREADY) begin |
| if(~PC[1]) NCYC = `CYC_C2; // Alighed |
| else if(HRDATA[16]&HRDATA[17]) NCYC = `CYC_C1; // Not aligned and 32-bit instruction |
| else NCYC = `CYC_C2; // Not aligned but 16-bit instruction |
| end |
| else |
| NCYC = `CYC_C0; |
| |
| `CYC_C1: if(HREADY) |
| NCYC = `CYC_C2; |
| else |
| NCYC = `CYC_C1; |
| |
| `CYC_C2: NCYC = `CYC_C3; |
| |
| `CYC_C3: if(HREADY) |
| NCYC = `CYC_C0; |
| else |
| NCYC = `CYC_C3; |
| |
| default: NCYC = `CYC_C0; |
| |
| endcase |
| |
| // The resgisters: 4 x 32 + 2 x 1 + 1 x 2 = 132 Bits |
| // Synthesized into 118 bits only: |
| // + CYC is expanded from 2 to 4 (OHE FSM) |
| // + IDATA lower 16 bits are not used -> removed during optimization |
| always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) |
| if(!HRESETn) RUN <= 0; |
| else RUN <= 1; |
| /* |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(RUN, 1'h0) |
| //if(~RUN) |
| RUN <= 1'b1; |
| */ |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(CYC, 2'h0) |
| if(RUN) CYC <= NCYC; |
| |
| if(exception & C3 & !INEXCEPTION) INEXCEPTION <= 1'h1; |
| else if(instr_mret & C3) INEXCEPTION <= 1'h0; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(IDATA, 32'h0) |
| if(C0) |
| /* |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(ALUR, 32'h0) |
| if(C2) |
| ALUR <= alur; |
| */ |
| always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) |
| if(!HRESETn) ALU_R <= 0; |
| else if(C2) ALU_R <= alur; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(INSTR, 32'h0) |
| if(C0 | C1) |
| INSTR <= instr; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(IS32, 1'h0) |
| if(C0 | C1) IS32 <= is32; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(PC24, 32'h0) |
| if(C2) |
| PC24 <= pc24; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(PCI, 32'h0) |
| if(C2) |
| PCI <= pci; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(PC, 32'h0) |
| if(C2 & instr_mret) |
| PC <= CSR_EPC; |
| else if(C2 & exception & !INEXCEPTION) |
| PC <= pc_ex; |
| else if(C2) |
| PC <= npc; |
| //#1 $display ("PC=%x", PC); |
| |
| // Counters and Special function Registers (CSRs) |
| // Retired Instruction |
| if(C3) |
| |
| // Number of CPU cycles |
| if(RUN) CSR_CYCLE <= CSR_CYCLE + 32'h1; |
| |
| // SYSTICK Timer |
| wire csr_time_zero = (CSR_TIME == 32'h0); |
| assign tmr_int = csr_time_zero; |
| |
| if(csr_time_zero) |
| else |
| CSR_TIME <= CSR_TIME - 32'h1; |
| |
| // SYSTICK TimeLoad register |
| if(instr_wrcsr & (csr_num == 12'hC03)) |
| CSR_TIMELOAD <= r1; |
| |
| // Non Standard Machine Interrupt Enable CSR |
| // Bit 0: Global Int En |
| // Bit 1: Timer Int En |
| // Bit 2: External Int En |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(CSR_MIE, 32'h0) |
| if(instr_wrcsr & (csr_num == 12'h304)) |
| CSR_MIE <= r1; |
| |
| // Non standard IRQ MASK CSR |
| if(instr_wrcsr & (csr_num == 12'h310)) |
| CSR_IRQMASK <= r1; |
| |
| // Exception PC CSR |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(CSR_EPC, 32'h0) |
| if(exception & C2 & !INEXCEPTION) |
| CSR_EPC <= npc; |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // A very simple Programmable Interrupts Controller |
| module NfiVe32_PIC( |
| input wire [31:0] IRQ, |
| output reg irq, |
| output wire [4:0] IRQ_NUM, |
| input wire [31:0] IRQ_MASK |
| ); |
| |
| reg [4:0] irq_num; |
| |
| assign IRQ_NUM = irq_num; |
| |
| integer i; |
| always @ * begin |
| irq = 0; |
| irq_num = 0; |
| for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) |
| if(IRQ_MASK[i] & IRQ[i]) begin |
| irq = 1'b1; |
| irq_num = i; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| /* |
| NfiVe Top Level Integration |
| */ |
| module NfiVe32_SYS ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| input VPWR, |
| input VGND, |
| `endif |
| input HCLK, // System clock |
| input HRESETn, // System Reset, active low |
| |
| // AHB-LITE MASTER PORT for Instructions |
| output wire [31:0] HADDR, // AHB transaction address |
| output wire [ 2:0] HSIZE, // AHB size: _byte_, half-word or word |
| output wire [ 1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transfer: non-sequential only |
| output wire [31:0] HWDATA, // AHB write-data |
| output wire HWRITE, // AHB write control |
| input wire [31:0] HRDATA, // AHB read-data |
| input wire HREADY, // AHB stall signal |
| |
| input wire NMI, // Non-maskable interrupt input |
| input wire [31:0] IRQ, // 32 IRQ Line |
| input wire [7:0] SYSTICKCLKDIV |
| ); |
| |
| wire irq; |
| wire [4:0] irq_num; |
| wire [31:0] irq_mask; |
| //wire [31:0] IRQ; |
| wire div; |
| reg [7:0] clkdiv; |
| reg systickclk; |
| |
| NfiVe32 N5( |
| .HCLK(HCLK), |
| |
| // AHB-LITE MASTER PORT for Instructions and Data |
| |
| .NMI(NMI), |
| .IRQ(irq), |
| .IRQ_NUM(irq_num), |
| .SYSTICKCLK(systickclk), |
| .IRQ_MASK(irq_mask) |
| ); |
| |
| NfiVe32_PIC PIC( |
| .IRQ(IRQ), |
| .irq(irq), |
| .IRQ_NUM(irq_num), |
| .IRQ_MASK(irq_mask) |
| ); |
| |
| assign div = (clkdiv == SYSTICKCLKDIV); |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(clkdiv, 8'b0) |
| if(div) |
| clkdiv <= 8'h0; |
| else |
| clkdiv <= clkdiv + 8'h1; |
| |
| `SYNC_BEGIN(systickclk, 1'b0) |
| if(div) |
| systickclk <= 1'b1; |
| else |
| systickclk <= 1'b0; |
| |
| endmodule |