| mkdir scripts ; echo "This folder contains miscelleneous useful scripts" > scripts/README.md |
| mkdir def ; echo "This folder contains *.def files related to this project" > def/README.md |
| mkdir gds ; echo "This folder contains *.gds files related to this project" > gds/README.md |
| mkdir verilog ; echo "This folder contains *.v files related to this project" > verilog/README.md |
| mkdir mag ; echo "This folder contains *.mag files related to this project" > mag/README.md |
| mkdir lef ; echo "This folder contains *.lef files related to this project" > lef/README.md |
| mkdir macros ; echo "This folder contains subcell & macro files related to this project" > macros/README.md |
| mkdir doc ; echo "This folder contains documents related to this project" > doc/README.md |
| mkdir ngspice ; echo "This folder contains ngspice related files related to this project" > ngspice/README.md |
| mkdir openlane ; echo "This folder contains openlane related files related to this project" > openlane/README.md |
| mkdir pkg ; echo "This folder contains packaging-related files related to this project" > pkg/README.md |
| mkdir test ; echo "This folder contains test-related files related to this project" > test/README.md |
| mkdir xspice ; echo "This folder contains xspice files related to this project" > xspice/README.md |
| mkdir spi ; echo "This folder contains *.spi files related to this project" > spi/README.md |
| mkdir qflow ; echo "This folder contains qflow-related files related to this project" > qflow/README.md |