blob: 233284fb93472760c3f2322c2417d297beacd20d [file] [log] [blame]
* riscv_compliance_tests.cpp
* Copyright 2018 Matthew Ballance
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
* writing, software distributed under the License is
* distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
* the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Created on: Oct 24, 2018
* Author: ballance
#include "riscv_compliance_tests.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include "ElfSymtabReader.h"
#include "CmdlineProcessor.h"
void riscv_compliance_tests::SetUp() {
fprintf(stdout, "SetUp\n");
void riscv_compliance_tests::memwrite(uint32_t addr, uint8_t mask, uint32_t data) {
if (addr == 0x80001000) {
fprintf(stdout, "Note: end of test\n");
} else {
fwrisc_instr_tests::memwrite(addr, mask, data);
void riscv_compliance_tests::check() {
const CmdlineProcessor &clp = GoogletestHdl::clp();
FILE *ref_file_fp, *elf_file_fp;
std::string elf_file, ref_file;
char line[256];
uint32_t addr=0x2030/4, exp, actual;
uint32_t begin_signature=0, end_signature=0;
char *p;
clp.get_plusarg_value("+REF_FILE", ref_file);
clp.get_plusarg_value("+SW_IMAGE", elf_file);
ElfSymtabReader symtab;
if (! {
fprintf(stdout, "Error: failed to read ELF symbol table\n");
begin_signature = symtab.find_sym("begin_signature").st_value;
end_signature = symtab.find_sym("end_signature").st_value;
ASSERT_NE(0, begin_signature);
ASSERT_NE(0, end_signature);
fprintf(stdout, "REF_FILE=%s\n", ref_file.c_str());
ref_file_fp = fopen(ref_file.c_str(), "rb");
addr = (begin_signature & 0xFFFF)/4;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), ref_file_fp)) {
exp = strtoul(line, 0, 16);
actual = m_mem[addr].first;
fprintf(stdout, "0x%08x: exp=0x%08x actual=0x%08x\n", 4*addr, exp, actual);
ASSERT_EQ(exp, actual);
TEST_F(riscv_compliance_tests, runtest) {