blob: 6d9039998c0cff4d5b186ed9dac83e37651cc313 [file] [log] [blame]
`include "fwrisc_exec_formal_defines.svh"
module fwrisc_exec_formal_jump_test(
input clock,
input reset,
output decode_valid,
input instr_complete,
input[31:0] pc,
// Indicates whether the instruction is compressed
output reg instr_c,
output reg[4:0] op_type,
output reg[31:0] op_a,
output reg[31:0] op_b,
output reg[5:0] op,
output reg[31:0] op_c,
output reg[5:0] rd,
output reg[31:0] mtvec,
input dvalid,
output reg[31:0] drdata,
output reg dready
`include "fwrisc_op_type.svh"
`include "fwrisc_alu_op.svh"
reg[1:0] state;
reg decode_valid_r;
wire instr_c_w = `anyconst;
wire cond = `anyconst;
wire[1:0] op_w = `anyconst;
wire[31:0] value = `anyconst;
wire[11:0] branch = `anyconst;
wire[31:1] jump_base = `anyconst;
wire[21:1] jump_off = `anyconst;
wire[5:0] rd_w;
assign rd_w[5] = 0;
assign rd_w[4:0] = `anyconst;
assign decode_valid = (decode_valid_r && !instr_complete);
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
state <= 0;
instr_c <= 0;
op_type <= OP_TYPE_JUMP;
op_a <= 0; // RS1 in the case of JR ; PC in the case of J
op_b <= 0; // Always zero
op <= OP_OPA; // Always NOP
op_c <= 0; // Offset
rd <= 0;
decode_valid_r <= 0;
mtvec <= 0;
end else begin
case (state)
0: begin
// Send out a new instruction
decode_valid_r <= 1;
instr_c <= instr_c_w;
op_a <= jump_base;
op_c <= $signed(jump_off);
rd <= rd_w;
1: begin
if (instr_complete) begin
decode_valid_r <= 0;
state <= 0;
`ifdef FORMAL
assert(s_eventually instr_complete);