| // This is a behavioral model! Actual circuit is a resitor dumping |
| // current (slowly) from vdd3v3 onto a capacitor, and this fed into |
| // two schmitt triggers for strong hysteresis/glitch tolerance. |
| // Emulate current source on capacitor as a 500ns delay either up or |
| // down. Note that this is sped way up for verilog simulation; the |
| // actual circuit is set to a 15ms delay. |
| always @(posedge vdd3v3) begin |
| always @(negedge vdd3v3) begin |
| // Instantiate two shmitt trigger buffers in series |
| sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 hystbuf1 ( |
| sky130_fd_sc_hvl__schmittbuf_1 hystbuf2 ( |
| sky130_fd_sc_hvl__lsbufhv2lv_1 porb_level ( |
| // since this is behavioral anyway, but this should be |
| // replaced by a proper inverter |