module mem_wb ( | |
`ifdef USE_POWER_PINS | |
input VPWR, | |
input VGND, | |
`endif | |
input wb_clk_i, | |
input wb_rst_i, | |
input [31:0] wb_adr_i, | |
input [31:0] wb_dat_i, | |
input [3:0] wb_sel_i, | |
input wb_we_i, | |
input wb_cyc_i, | |
input wb_stb_i, | |
output wb_ack_o, | |
output [31:0] wb_dat_o | |
); | |
localparam ADR_WIDTH = $clog2(`MEM_WORDS); | |
wire valid; | |
wire ram_wen; | |
wire [3:0] wen; // write enable | |
assign valid = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i; | |
assign ram_wen = wb_we_i && valid; | |
assign wen = wb_sel_i & {4{ram_wen}} ; | |
/* | |
Ack Generation | |
- write transaction: asserted upon receiving adr_i & dat_i | |
- read transaction : asserted one clock cycle after receiving the adr_i & dat_i | |
*/ | |
reg wb_ack_read; | |
reg wb_ack_o; | |
always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin | |
if (wb_rst_i == 1'b 1) begin | |
wb_ack_read <= 1'b0; | |
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; | |
end else begin | |
// wb_ack_read <= {2{valid}} & {1'b1, wb_ack_read[1]}; | |
wb_ack_o <= wb_we_i? (valid & !wb_ack_o): wb_ack_read; | |
wb_ack_read <= (valid & !wb_ack_o) & !wb_ack_read; | |
end | |
end | |
soc_mem | |
`ifndef USE_OPENRAM | |
#( | |
) | |
`endif | |
mem ( | |
`ifdef USE_POWER_PINS | |
.VPWR(VPWR), | |
.VGND(VGND), | |
`endif | |
.clk(wb_clk_i), | |
.ena(valid), | |
.wen(wen), | |
.addr(wb_adr_i[ADR_WIDTH+1:2]), | |
.wdata(wb_dat_i), | |
.rdata(wb_dat_o) | |
); | |
endmodule | |
module soc_mem | |
`ifndef USE_OPENRAM | |
#( | |
parameter integer WORDS = 256, | |
parameter ADR_WIDTH = 8 | |
) | |
`endif | |
( | |
`ifdef USE_POWER_PINS | |
input VPWR, | |
input VGND, | |
`endif | |
input clk, | |
input ena, | |
input [3:0] wen, | |
input [ADR_WIDTH-1:0] addr, | |
input [31:0] wdata, | |
output[31:0] rdata | |
); | |
`ifndef USE_OPENRAM | |
`ifdef USE_POWER_PINS | |
.VPWR(VPWR), | |
.VGND(VGND), | |
`endif | |
.CLK(clk), | |
.WE(wen), | |
.EN(ena), | |
.Di(wdata), | |
.Do(rdata), | |
// 8-bit address if using the default custom DFF RAM | |
.A(addr) | |
); | |
`else | |
/* Using Port 0 Only - Size: 1KB, 256x32 bits */ | |
//sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_scn4m_subm | |
sram_1rw1r_32_256_8_sky130 SRAM( | |
.clk0(clk), | |
.csb0(~ena), | |
.web0(~|wen), | |
.wmask0(wen), | |
.addr0(addr[7:0]), | |
.din0(wdata), | |
.dout0(rdata) | |
); | |
`endif | |
endmodule |