blob: a755d9a01d1e9bb02de0037eeb7be79aa9300493 [file] [log] [blame]
* All-digital Frequency-locked loop
* To make this simulatable, the circuit is broken into the ring oscillator
* and controller, separately, with the controller converted into an xspice
* model.
* For simplicity, the DCO mode has been removed, so no external trim with
* multiplexer. Also no multiplexer on the internal reset.
.include "digital_pll_controller.xspice"
.include "ring_osc2x13.spice"
.subckt digital_pll vdd vss reset osc clockp1 clockp0 div4 div3 div2 div1 div0
X0 vdd vss clockp0 div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 osc reset trim0 trim1 trim2 trim3
+ trim4 trim5 trim6 trim7 trim8 trim9 trim10 trim11 trim12 trim13 trim14
+ trim15 trim16 trim17 trim18 trim19 trim20 trim21 trim22 trim23 trim24
+ trim25 digital_pll_controller
X1 vdd vss clockp0 clockp1 reset trim0 trim1 trim2 trim3 trim4 trim5 trim6 trim7
+ trim8 trim9 trim10 trim11 trim12 trim13 trim14 trim15 trim16 trim17 trim18
+ trim19 trim20 trim21 trim22 trim23 trim24 trim25 ring_osc2x13