blob: eebb3d341c78b6f4f7340e838797d5990f2432c6 [file] [log] [blame]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import h5py
import PySpice.Logging.Logging as Logging
logger = Logging.setup_logging()
from PySpice.Spice.NgSpice.Shared import NgSpiceShared
from PySpice.Probe.Plot import plot
from PySpice.Unit import *
# read the generated netlist.
netlist_path = os.environ.get('HOME') + '/.xschem/simulations/vco_2-4GHz_tb.spice'
with open(netlist_path) as f:
netlist =
# only saver the Ip node to avoid using lots of memory
# netlist += '.save v(ip)'
number_points = 32
vdd = [1.8]
corners = ['tt', 'sf', 'ff', 'ss', 'fs', 'll', 'hh', 'hl', 'lh']
temp = [-40, 27, 125]
# corners = ['ff', 'ss']
# temp = [-40, 125]
vctl = np.linspace(0, vdd, number_points)
freq = []
def set_parameters(netlist, vctl, corner, temp, vdd):
print("NEW PARAMETER SET: vctl = %f, corner = %s, temp = %f, vdd = %f" % (vctl, corner, temp, vdd))
# VCO control voltage
sub_string = ".param vctl=%f" % vctl
netlist = re.sub(r'\.param vctl=.*', sub_string, netlist)
# corner
sub_string = ".lib sky130_fd_pr/models/sky130.lib.spice %s" % corner
netlist = re.sub(r'\.lib sky130_fd_pr/models/sky130.lib.spice .*', sub_string, netlist)
# temperature
sub_string = ".param temp=%f" % temp
netlist = re.sub(r'\.param temp=.*', sub_string, netlist)
sub_string = ".temp %f" % temp
netlist = re.sub(r'\.temp .*', sub_string, netlist)
# supply voltage
sub_string = ".param vdd=%f" % vdd
netlist = re.sub(r'\.param vdd=.*', sub_string, netlist)
return netlist
hdf_file = h5py.File('vco_2-4GHz_corners.hdf5', 'w')
# prepopulate the data
values = np.zeros((len(vdd), len(corners), len(temp), number_points))
for vdd_i, current_vdd in enumerate(vdd):
for corner_i, current_corner in enumerate(corners):
for temp_i, current_temp in enumerate(temp):
for vctl_i, current_vctl in enumerate(vctl):
# set the parameters for this simulation run
netlist = set_parameters(netlist, current_vctl, current_corner, current_temp, current_vdd)
# run the simulation
ngspice = NgSpiceShared.new_instance()
# get the results
plot = ngspice.plot(simulation=None, plot_name=ngspice.last_plot)
analysis = plot.to_analysis()
# trim to steady state
analysis_time = analysis._time[int(len(analysis._nodes['ip'])*0.5):]
analysis_data = analysis._nodes['ip'][int(len(analysis._nodes['ip'])*0.5):]
# find first rising edge
for i in range(2,len(analysis_data)):
if (float(analysis_data[i]) > 0.9) and (float(analysis_data[i-1]) > 0.9) and (float(analysis_data[i-2]) < 0.9):
first_index = i
first_time = analysis_time[i]
# find second rising edge
for i in range(first_index+3, len(analysis_data)):
if (float(analysis_data[i]) > 0.9) and (float(analysis_data[i-1]) > 0.9) and (float(analysis_data[i-2]) < 0.9):
second_index = i
second_time = analysis_time[i]
# find third rising edge
for i in range(second_index+3, len(analysis_data)):
if (float(analysis_data[i]) > 0.9) and (float(analysis_data[i-1]) > 0.9) and (float(analysis_data[i-2]) < 0.9):
third_index = i
third_time = analysis_time[i]
# add the calculated frequency to the array
values[vdd_i][corner_i][temp_i][vctl_i] = 1.0/(third_time-second_time)
# enter a None data for failed simulation step
values[vdd_i][corner_i][temp_i][vctl_i] = None
# save the data to file
hdf_file.create_dataset('data', data=values)
# save the indexing information
indexing_group = hdf_file.create_group('indexing')
indexing = [['vdd', vdd], ['corner', corners], ['temp', temp], ['vctl', vctl]]
for index in indexing:
indexing_group.create_dataset(index[0], data=index[1])