| `default_nettype none |
| // This module represents an unprogrammed mask revision |
| // block that is configured with via programming on the |
| // chip top level. This value is passed to the block as |
| // a parameter |
| |
| module user_id_programming #( |
| parameter [ 0:0] USER_PROJECT_ID = 32'h0 |
| ) ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| inout VPWR, |
| inout VGND, |
| `endif |
| output [31:0] mask_rev |
| ); |
| wire [31:0] mask_rev; |
| wire [31:0] user_proj_id_high; |
| wire [31:0] user_proj_id_low; |
| |
| // For the mask revision input, use an array of digital constant logic cells |
| |
| sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 mask_rev_value [31:0] ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .VPWR(VPWR), |
| .VPB(VPWR), |
| .VNB(VGND), |
| .VGND(VGND), |
| `endif |
| .HI(user_proj_id_high), |
| .LO(user_proj_id_low) |
| ); |
| |
| genvar i; |
| generate |
| for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i+1) begin |
| assign mask_rev[i] = (USER_PROJECT_ID & (32'h01 << i)) ? |
| user_proj_id_high[i] : user_proj_id_low[i]; |
| end |
| endgenerate |
| |
| endmodule |
| `default_nettype wire |