blob: 3abd22796b37603676a9bd1f6cf1eb6a021eee12 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPI controller for Caravel (PicoSoC)
// Written by Tim Edwards
// efabless, inc. September 27, 2020
`include "caravel_spi_slave.v"
// This is a standalone slave SPI for the caravel chip that is
// intended to be independent of the picosoc and independent
// of all IP blocks except the power-on-reset. This SPI has
// register outputs controlling the functions that critically
// affect operation of the picosoc and so cannot be accessed
// from the picosoc itself. This includes the PLL enables
// and trim, and the crystal oscillator enable. It also has
// a general reset for the picosoc, an IRQ input, a bypass for
// the entire crystal oscillator and PLL chain, the
// manufacturer and product IDs and product revision number.
// To be independent of the 1.8V regulator, the slave SPI is
// synthesized with the 3V digital library and runs off of
// the 3V supply.
// This module is designed to be decoupled from the chip
// padframe and redirected to the wishbone bus under
// register control from the management SoC, such that the
// contents can be accessed from the management core via the
// SPI master.
// Caravel defined registers:
// Register 0: SPI status and control (unused & reserved)
// Register 1 and 2: Manufacturer ID (0x0456) (readonly)
// Register 3: Product ID (= 2) (readonly)
// Register 4-7: Mask revision (readonly) --- Externally programmed
// with via programming. Via programmed with a script to match
// each customer ID.
// Register 8: PLL enable (1 bit)
// Register 9: PLL bypass (1 bit)
// Register 10: IRQ (1 bit)
// Register 11: reset (1 bit)
// Register 12: trap (1 bit) (readonly)
// Register 13-16: PLL trim (26 bits)
// Register 17: PLL output select (3 bits)
// Register 18: PLL divider (5 bits)
module caravel_spi(
`ifdef LVS
vdd, vss,
RSTB, SCK, SDI, CSB, SDO, sdo_enb,
mgmt_sck, mgmt_sdi, mgmt_csb, mgmt_sdo,
pll_dco_ena, pll_div, pll_sel,
pll_trim, pll_bypass, irq, reset, trap,
mask_rev_in, pass_thru_reset,
pass_thru_mgmt_sck, pass_thru_mgmt_csb,
pass_thru_mgmt_sdi, pass_thru_mgmt_sdo,
pass_thru_user_sck, pass_thru_user_csb,
pass_thru_user_sdi, pass_thru_user_sdo
`ifdef LVS
inout vdd; // 3.3V supply
inout vss; // common ground
input RSTB; // from padframe
input SCK; // from padframe
input SDI; // from padframe
input CSB; // from padframe
output SDO; // to padframe
output sdo_enb; // to padframe
input mgmt_sck; // from management SoC
input mgmt_sdi; // from management SoC
input mgmt_csb; // from management SoC
output mgmt_sdo; // to management SoC
output pll_dco_ena;
output [4:0] pll_div;
output [2:0] pll_sel;
output [25:0] pll_trim;
output pll_bypass;
output irq;
output reset;
input trap;
input [31:0] mask_rev_in; // metal programmed; 3.3V domain
// Pass-through programming mode for management area SPI flash
output pass_thru_reset;
output pass_thru_mgmt_sck;
output pass_thru_mgmt_csb;
output pass_thru_mgmt_sdi;
input pass_thru_mgmt_sdo;
// Pass-through programming mode for user area SPI flash
output pass_thru_user_sck;
output pass_thru_user_csb;
output pass_thru_user_sdi;
input pass_thru_user_sdo;
reg [25:0] pll_trim;
reg [4:0] pll_div;
reg [2:0] pll_sel;
reg pll_dco_ena;
reg pll_bypass;
reg reset_reg;
reg irq;
wire [7:0] odata;
wire [7:0] idata;
wire [7:0] iaddr;
wire trap;
wire rdstb;
wire wrstb;
wire pass_thru_mgmt; // Mode detected by spi_slave
wire pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
wire pass_thru_user; // Mode detected by spi_slave
wire pass_thru_user_delay;
// Connect to management SoC SPI master when mgmt_csb is low
wire loc_sck;
wire loc_csb;
wire loc_sdi;
wire loc_sdo;
wire loc_sdoenb;
assign loc_csb = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : CSB;
assign loc_sck = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? mgmt_sck : SCK;
assign loc_sdi = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? mgmt_sdi : SDI;
assign mgmt_sdo = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? loc_sdo : 1'b0;
assign sdo_enb = (mgmt_csb == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 : loc_sdoenb;
// Pass-through mode handling
assign pass_thru_mgmt_csb = ~pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
assign pass_thru_mgmt_sck = pass_thru_mgmt ? SCK : 1'b0;
assign pass_thru_mgmt_sdi = pass_thru_mgmt ? SDI : 1'b0;
assign pass_thru_user_csb = ~pass_thru_user_delay;
assign pass_thru_user_sck = pass_thru_user ? SCK : 1'b0;
assign pass_thru_user_sdi = pass_thru_user ? SDI : 1'b0;
assign SDO = pass_thru_mgmt ? pass_thru_mgmt_sdo :
pass_thru_user ? pass_thru_user_sdo : loc_sdo;
assign reset = pass_thru_reset ? 1'b1 : reset_reg;
// Instantiate the SPI slave module
caravel_spi_slave U1 (
wire [11:0] mfgr_id;
wire [7:0] prod_id;
wire [31:0] mask_rev;
assign mfgr_id = 12'h456; // Hard-coded
assign prod_id = 8'h10; // Hard-coded
assign mask_rev = mask_rev_in; // Copy in to out.
// Send register contents to odata on SPI read command
// All values are 1-4 bits and no shadow registers are required.
assign odata =
(iaddr == 8'h00) ? 8'h00 : // SPI status (fixed)
(iaddr == 8'h01) ? {4'h0, mfgr_id[11:8]} : // Manufacturer ID (fixed)
(iaddr == 8'h02) ? mfgr_id[7:0] : // Manufacturer ID (fixed)
(iaddr == 8'h03) ? prod_id : // Product ID (fixed)
(iaddr == 8'h04) ? mask_rev[31:24] : // Mask rev (metal programmed)
(iaddr == 8'h05) ? mask_rev[23:16] : // Mask rev (metal programmed)
(iaddr == 8'h06) ? mask_rev[15:8] : // Mask rev (metal programmed)
(iaddr == 8'h07) ? mask_rev[7:0] : // Mask rev (metal programmed)
(iaddr == 8'h08) ? {7'b0000000, pll_dco_ena} :
(iaddr == 8'h09) ? {7'b0000000, pll_bypass} :
(iaddr == 8'h0a) ? {7'b0000000, irq} :
(iaddr == 8'h0b) ? {7'b0000000, reset} :
(iaddr == 8'h0c) ? {7'b0000000, trap} :
(iaddr == 8'h0d) ? pll_trim[7:0] :
(iaddr == 8'h0e) ? pll_trim[15:8] :
(iaddr == 8'h0f) ? pll_trim[23:16] :
(iaddr == 8'h10) ? {6'b000000, pll_trim[25:24]} :
(iaddr == 8'h11) ? {5'b00000, pll_sel} :
(iaddr == 8'h12) ? {3'b000, pll_div} :
8'h00; // Default
// Register mapping and I/O to slave module
always @(posedge SCK or negedge RSTB) begin
if (RSTB == 1'b0) begin
// Set trim for PLL at (almost) slowest rate (~90MHz). However,
// pll_trim[12] must be set to zero for proper startup.
pll_trim <= 26'b11111111111110111111111111;
pll_sel <= 3'b000;
pll_div <= 5'b00100; // Default divide-by-8
pll_dco_ena <= 1'b1; // Default free-running PLL
pll_bypass <= 1'b1; // NOTE: Default bypass mode (don't use PLL)
irq <= 1'b0;
reset_reg <= 1'b0;
end else if (wrstb == 1'b1) begin
case (iaddr)
8'h08: begin
pll_dco_ena <= idata[0];
8'h09: begin
pll_bypass <= idata[0];
8'h0a: begin
irq <= idata[0];
8'h0b: begin
reset_reg <= idata[0];
// Register 0xc is read-only
8'h0d: begin
pll_trim[7:0] <= idata;
8'h0e: begin
pll_trim[15:8] <= idata;
8'h0f: begin
pll_trim[23:16] <= idata;
8'h10: begin
pll_trim[25:24] <= idata[1:0];
8'h11: begin
pll_sel <= idata[2:0];
8'h12: begin
pll_div <= idata[4:0];
endcase // (iaddr)
endmodule // caravel_spi