change from Verilog 1995 style to 2001 style
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/test001ycfsm.v b/verilog/morphle/test001ycfsm.v
index 585320d..db4e19a 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/test001ycfsm.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/test001ycfsm.v
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   reg reset;
   reg [1:0] match;
-  ycfsm DUT (reset, in, match, out);
+  ycfsm DUT (.reset(reset), .in(in), .match(match), .out(out));
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/test002ycfsm.v b/verilog/morphle/test002ycfsm.v
index 45ed561..34cc06b 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/test002ycfsm.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/test002ycfsm.v
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     clk= 1; #5; clk= 0; #5;// 10ns period
-  ycfsm DUT (reset, in, match, out);
+  ycfsm DUT (.reset(reset), .in(in), .match(match), .out(out));
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/test003ycconfig.v b/verilog/morphle/test003ycconfig.v
index 623415f..0838060 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/test003ycconfig.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/test003ycconfig.v
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
   wire hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1;
   wire vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1;
-  ycconfig DUT (confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-                 empty,
-                 hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
-                 vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1);
+  ycconfig DUT (.confclk(confclk), .cbitin(cbitin), .cbitout(cbitout),
+                 .empty(empty),
+                 .hblock(hblock), .hbypass(hbypass), .hmatch0(hmatch0), .hmatch1(hmatch1),
+                 .vblock(vblock), .vbypass(vbypass), .vmatch0(vmatch0), .vmatch1(vmatch1));
   // adds a second device cascade with the main one being tested to
   // see if the expected timing (always holds the previous configuration
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/test004ycell.v b/verilog/morphle/test004ycell.v
index 2066c7b..85419b3 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/test004ycell.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/test004ycell.v
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
     clk= 0; #5; clk= 1; #5;// 10ns period
-  ycell DUT (reset, confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-             hempty, vempty,
-             uempty, uin, uout,
-             dempty, din, dout,
-             lempty, lin, lout,
-             rempty, rin, rout);
+  ycell DUT (.reset(reset), .confclk(confclk), .cbitin(cbitin), .cbitout(cbitout),
+             .hempty(hempty), .vempty(vempty),
+             .uempty(uempty), .uin(uin), .uout(uout),
+             .dempty(dempty), .din(din), .dout(dout),
+             .lempty(lempty), .lin(lin), .lout(lout),
+             .rempty(rempty), .rin(rin), .rout(rout));
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/user_proj_block.v b/verilog/morphle/user_proj_block.v
index 68240b5..90d5049 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/user_proj_block.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/user_proj_block.v
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
     output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb
-  parameter BLOCKWIDTH = 16;
+  parameter BLOCKWIDTH = 16; // this should not be changed
   parameter BLOCKHEIGHT = 16;
   parameter HMSB = BLOCKWIDTH-1;
   parameter HMSB2 = (2*BLOCKWIDTH)-1;
@@ -91,15 +91,6 @@
 // 127 to 64 as outputs to the circuit under test
 // 63 to 0 as inputs observing points in the circuit
-  assign la_data_out[127:48] = {48{1'b0}}; // don't leave it dangling
-                                           // 127:64 is output, 63:48 is unused input
-  wire reset = la_data_in[113]; // freezes the cell operations and clears everything
-                                // 127:114 is unused output
-  wire confclk = la_data_in[112];  // a strobe to enter one configuration bit
-  wire [HMSB:0] cbitin = la_data_in[111:96];   // new configuration bit from previous cell (U)
-  wire [HMSB:0] cbitout; // configuration bit to next cell (D)
-  assign la_data_out[47:32] = cbitout;
   // these are all left hanging
   wire [HMSB:0] lhempty;   // this cell interrupts horizontal signals to left
   wire [HMSB:0] uvempty;   // this cell interrupts vertical signals to up
@@ -108,30 +99,38 @@
   // UP
   wire [HMSB:0] uempty = {HMSB{1'b0}};    // cell U is not empty, so the LA is above us
-  wire [HMSB2:0] uin = la_data_in[95:64];
   wire [HMSB2:0] uout;
-  assign la_data_out[31:0] = uout;
+  wire [HMSB:0] cbitout; // configuration bit to next cell (D)
+  assign la_data_out = {{80{1'b0}},cbitout,uout};
+  // la_data_in[127:114] are unused output
+  wire reset = la_data_in[113]; // freezes the cell operations and clears everything
+  wire confclk = la_data_in[112];  // a strobe to enter one configuration bit
+  wire [HMSB:0] cbitin = la_data_in[111:96];   // new configuration bit from previous cell (U)
+  wire [HMSB2:0] uin = la_data_in[95:64];
   // DOWN
   wire [HMSB:0] dempty = {HMSB{1'b1}};    // cell D is empty, so we are the bottommost of a signal
   wire [HMSB2:0] dout;                    // left dangling to avoid loops that confuse the tools
   wire [HMSB2:0] din = {HMSB2{1'b0}};
   // LEFT
   wire [VMSB:0] lempty = {VMSB{1'b1}};    // cell L is empty, so we are the leftmost of a signal
   wire [VMSB2:0] lout;
   wire [VMSB2:0] lin = {VMSB2{1'b0}};
   // RIGHT
   wire [VMSB:0] rempty = {VMSB{1'b1}};    // cell D is empty, so we are the rightmost of a signal
   wire [VMSB2:0] rout;
   wire [VMSB2:0] rin = {VMSB2{1'b0}};
-        blk (reset, confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-             lhempty, uvempty,
-             rhempty, dvempty,
-             uempty, uin, uout,
-             dempty, din, dout,
-             lempty, lin, lout,
-             rempty, rin, rout);
+        blk (.reset(reset), .confclk(confclk), .cbitin(cbitin), .cbitout(cbitout),
+             .lhempty(lhempty), .uvempty(uvempty),
+             .rempty(rhempty), .dvempty(dvempty),
+             .uempty(uempty), .uin(uin), .uout(uout),
+             .dempty(dempty), .din(din), .dout(dout),
+             .lempty(lempty), .lin(lin), .lout(lout),
+             .rempty(rempty), .rin(rin), .rout(rout));
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/yblock.v b/verilog/morphle/yblock.v
index 7b9c5d5..e4f256f 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/yblock.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/yblock.v
@@ -27,44 +27,39 @@
 // the combination 3 is not defined
-module yblock(reset, confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-             lhempty, uvempty,
-             rhempty, dvempty,
-             uempty, uin, uout,
-             dempty, din, dout,
-             lempty, lin, lout,
-             rempty, rin, rout);
-  parameter BLOCKWIDTH = 8;
-  parameter BLOCKHEIGHT = 8;
-  parameter HMSB = BLOCKWIDTH-1;
-  parameter HMSB2 = (2*BLOCKWIDTH)-1;
-  parameter VMSB = BLOCKHEIGHT-1;
-  parameter VMSB2 = (2*BLOCKHEIGHT)-1;
+module yblock #(parameter
+  HMSB2 = (2*BLOCKWIDTH)-1,
+  (
   // control
-  input reset; // freezes the cell operations and clears everything
-  input confclk;  // a strobe to enter one configuration bit
-  input [HMSB:0] cbitin;   // new configuration bit from previous cell (U)
-  output [HMSB:0] cbitout; // configuration bit to next cell (D)
-  output [HMSB:0] lhempty;   // this cell interrupts horizontal signals to left
-  output [HMSB:0] uvempty;   // this cell interrupts vertical signals to up
-  output [HMSB:0] rhempty;   // this cell interrupts horizontal signals to right
-  output [HMSB:0] dvempty;   // this cell interrupts vertical signals to down
+  input reset,              // freezes the cell operations and clears everything
+  input confclk,            // a strobe to enter one configuration bit
+  input [HMSB:0] cbitin,    // new configuration bit from previous cell (U)
+  output [HMSB:0] cbitout,  // configuration bit to next cell (D)
+  output [HMSB:0] lhempty,  // this cell interrupts horizontal signals to left
+  output [HMSB:0] uvempty,  // this cell interrupts vertical signals to up
+  output [HMSB:0] rhempty,  // this cell interrupts horizontal signals to right
+  output [HMSB:0] dvempty,  // this cell interrupts vertical signals to down
   // UP
-  input [HMSB:0] uempty;    // cell U is empty, so we are the topmost of a signal
-  input [HMSB2:0] uin;
-  output [HMSB2:0] uout;
+  input [HMSB:0] uempty,    // cells U is empty, so we are the topmost of a signal
+  input [HMSB2:0] uin,
+  output [HMSB2:0] uout,
   // DOWN
-  input [HMSB:0] dempty;    // cell D is empty, so we are the bottommost of a signal
-  input [HMSB2:0] din;
-  output [HMSB2:0] dout;
+  input [HMSB:0] dempty,    // cells D is empty, so we are the bottommost of a signal
+  input [HMSB2:0] din,
+  output [HMSB2:0] dout,
   // LEFT
-  input [VMSB:0] lempty;    // cell L is empty, so we are the leftmost of a signal
-  input [VMSB2:0] lin;
-  output [VMSB2:0] lout;
+  input [VMSB:0] lempty,    // cells L is empty, so we are the leftmost of a signal
+  input [VMSB2:0] lin,
+  output [VMSB2:0] lout,
   // RIGHT
-  input [VMSB:0] rempty;    // cell D is empty, so we are the rightmost of a signal
-  input [VMSB2:0] rin;
-  output [VMSB2:0] rout;
+  input [VMSB:0] rempty,    // cells D is empty, so we are the rightmost of a signal
+  input [VMSB2:0] rin,
+  output [VMSB2:0] rout);
   // vertical lines are row order, horizontal lines are column order
   // this makes assigning chunks much simpler
@@ -93,27 +88,27 @@
     for (x = 0 ; x < BLOCKWIDTH ; x = x + 1) begin : generate_columns
       for (y = 0 ; y < BLOCKHEIGHT ; y = y + 1) begin : generate_rows
-        ycell gencell (reset, confclk,
+        ycell gencell (.reset(reset), .confclk(confclk),
              // cbitin, cbitout,
-             vcbit[x+(y*BLOCKWIDTH)], vcbit[x+((y+1)*BLOCKWIDTH)],
+             .cbitin(vcbit[x+(y*BLOCKWIDTH)]), .cbitout(vcbit[x+((y+1)*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
              // hempty, vempty,
-             he[y+((x+1)*BLOCKHEIGHT)], ve[x+((y+1)*BLOCKWIDTH)],
+             .hempty(he[y+((x+1)*BLOCKHEIGHT)]), .vempty(ve[x+((y+1)*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
              // uempty, uin, uout,
-             ve[x+(y*BLOCKWIDTH)],
-             vs[(2*x)+1+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH)],
-             vb[(2*x)+1+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH)],
+             .uempty(ve[x+(y*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
+             .uin(vs[(2*x)+1+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
+             .uout(vb[(2*x)+1+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+(y*2*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
              // dempty, din, dout,
-             ve[x+((y+2)*BLOCKWIDTH)],
-             vb[(2*x)+1+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH)],
-             vs[(2*x)+1+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH)],
+             .dempty(ve[x+((y+2)*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
+             .din(vb[(2*x)+1+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
+             .dout(vs[(2*x)+1+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH):(2*x)+((y+1)*2*BLOCKWIDTH)]),
              // lempty, lin, lout,
-             he[y+(x*BLOCKHEIGHT)],
-             hs[(2*y)+1+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)],
-             hb[(2*y)+1+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)],
+             .lempty(he[y+(x*BLOCKHEIGHT)]),
+             .lin(hs[(2*y)+1+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)]),
+             .lout(hb[(2*y)+1+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+(x*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)]),
              // rempty, rin, rout
-             he[y+((x+2)*BLOCKHEIGHT)],
-             hb[(2*y)+1+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)],
-             hs[(2*y)+1+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)]
+             .rempty(he[y+((x+2)*BLOCKHEIGHT)]),
+             .rin(hb[(2*y)+1+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)]),
+             .rout(hs[(2*y)+1+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT):(2*y)+((x+1)*2*BLOCKHEIGHT)])
diff --git a/verilog/morphle/ycell.v b/verilog/morphle/ycell.v
index 7ea24ff..bed1fa0 100644
--- a/verilog/morphle/ycell.v
+++ b/verilog/morphle/ycell.v
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
 // of Morphle Logic. It explicitly defines 5 simple latches that
 // directly change when their inputs do, so there is no clock anywhere
-module ycfsm (reset, in, match, out);
-    input reset;
-    input [1:0] in;
-    input [1:0] match;
-    output [1:0] out;
+module ycfsm (
+    input reset,
+    input [1:0] in,
+    input [1:0] match,
+    output [1:0] out);
     wire [1:0] lin;
     wire [1:0] nlin;
@@ -74,15 +74,13 @@
 // defined and is the only thing that needs to change (not counting software)
 // if the meaning needs to be changed
-module ycconfig (confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-                 empty,
-                 hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
-                 vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1);
-       input confclk, cbitin;
-       output cbitout;
-       output empty;
-       output hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1;
-       output vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1;
+module ycconfig (
+       input confclk, cbitin,
+       output cbitout,
+       output empty,
+       output hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
+       output vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1);
        reg [8:0] r;  // case needs REG even though we want a combinational circuit
        assign {empty,hblock,hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
                vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1} = r;
@@ -121,44 +119,39 @@
 // Horizontal signals also have a L to R pair for partial results and a R to L
 // pair for final results
-module ycell(reset, confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-             hempty, vempty,
-             uempty, uin, uout,
-             dempty, din, dout,
-             lempty, lin, lout,
-             rempty, rin, rout);
+module ycell(
   // control
-  input reset; // freezes the cell operations and clears everything
-  input confclk;  // a strobe to enter one configuration bit
-  input cbitin;   // new configuration bit from previous cell (U)
-  output cbitout; // configuration bit to next cell (D)
-  output hempty;   // this cell interrupts horizontal signals
-  output vempty;   // this cell interrupts vertical signals
+  input reset,    // freezes the cell operations and clears everything
+  input confclk,   // a strobe to enter one configuration bit
+  input cbitin,   // new configuration bit from previous cell (U)
+  output cbitout, // configuration bit to next cell (D)
+  output hempty,  // this cell interrupts horizontal signals
+  output vempty,  // this cell interrupts vertical signals
   // UP
-  input uempty;    // cell U is empty, so we are the topmost of a signal
-  input [1:0] uin;
-  output [1:0] uout;
+  input uempty,    // cell U is empty, so we are the topmost of a signal
+  input [1:0] uin,
+  output [1:0] uout,
   // DOWN
-  input dempty;    // cell D is empty, so we are the bottommost of a signal
-  input [1:0] din;
-  output [1:0] dout;
+  input dempty,    // cell D is empty, so we are the bottommost of a signal
+  input [1:0] din,
+  output [1:0] dout,
   // LEFT
-  input lempty;    // cell L is empty, so we are the leftmost of a signal
-  input [1:0] lin;
-  output [1:0] lout;
+  input lempty,    // cell L is empty, so we are the leftmost of a signal
+  input [1:0] lin,
+  output [1:0] lout,
   // RIGHT
-  input rempty;    // cell D is empty, so we are the rightmost of a signal
-  input [1:0] rin;
-  output [1:0] rout;
+  input rempty,    // cell D is empty, so we are the rightmost of a signal
+  input [1:0] rin,
+  output [1:0] rout);
   // configuration signals decoded
   wire empty;
   wire hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1;
   wire vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1;
-  ycconfig cfg (confclk, cbitin, cbitout,
-                 empty,
-                 hblock, hbypass, hmatch0, hmatch1,
-                 vblock, vbypass, vmatch0, vmatch1);
+  ycconfig cfg (.confclk(confclk), .cbitin(cbitin), .cbitout(cbitout),
+                 .empty(empty),
+                 .hblock(hblock), .hbypass(hbypass), .hmatch0(hmatch0), .hmatch1(hmatch1),
+                 .vblock(vblock), .vbypass(vbypass), .vmatch0(vmatch0), .vmatch1(vmatch1));
   assign hempty = empty | hblock;
   assign vempty = empty | vblock;
@@ -174,7 +167,7 @@
   wire [1:0] hback;
   wire [1:0] hmatch = {vback[1]&hmatch1,vback[0]&hmatch0};
-  ycfsm hfsm (hreset, hin, hmatch, hout);
+  ycfsm hfsm (.reset(hreset), .in(hin), .match(hmatch), .out(hout));
   wire [1:0] bhout = hbypass ? hin : hout;
   assign rout = bhout;
   assign hin = lempty ? {~(hback[1]|hback[1'b0]),1'b0} : lin;
@@ -182,7 +175,7 @@
   assign lout = hback;
   wire [1:0] vmatch = {hback[1]&vmatch1,hback[0]&vmatch0};
-  ycfsm vfsm (vreset, vin, vmatch, vout);
+  ycfsm vfsm (.reset(vreset), .in(vin), .match(vmatch), .out(vout));
   wire [1:0] bvout = vbypass ? vin : vout;
   assign dout = bvout;
   assign vin = uempty ? {~(vback[1]|vback[1'b0]),1'b0} : uin;