blob: c6330b3d1a45142e9325d70222bb66f83471a6d2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2020 efabless Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# send a very-first -T FILE to magic's startup, hide all other args from magic-startup
# for-bash\
export _M0= ;\
for i in "$@" ; do _M0="$_M0${_M0:+ }\"${i//\"/\\\"}\""; done ;\
case "$1" in -T) tch="$2"; shift; shift; _MARGS="$*" exec magic -dnull -noconsole -T "$tch" <"$0" ;; esac
# hide next line from magic(tclsh):\
_MARGS="$*" exec magic -dnull -noconsole <"$0"
# magicDRC: run magic-DRC in batch on a GDS file, tabulate/pareto the error counts.
# rb@ef 2014-08-28 author
# rb 2020-02-19 embed some library functions, to standalone from efabless-opengalaxy env, test via magic-8.2.188
# todo: support "-" as GDS file arg, to mean GDS from stdin
set ::Prog "magicGdrc"
set argv [eval "list $env(_M0)"] ;# orig. mix of native plus custom args, for logging all args to script
# set argv [split $env(_MARGS)] ;# (currently unused)
proc usage {args} {
if {[llength $args] > 0} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: [join $args]"
puts {usage: [ -T techfilePath ] [-S <drcStyleName>] [-I <cifIStyleName>] [-km FILE_NAME] [-l FILE_NAME] [-L FILE_NAME] gdsFileName [topCellName]}
puts " -T if given, must be very first"
puts " -S if given, changes from techfile's default/1st drc style (perhaps \"drc(fast)\") to named style, for example: -S \"drc(full)\""
puts " -I if given, changes from techfile's default/1st cifinput style (perhaps \"vendorimport\" or \"import(exact)\") to named style, for example: -I \"import(magic)\""
puts " -path-sub do 'gds path subcell yes' (default:no). Make unique subcell for each path: cut #tiles cost of angles."
puts " -poly-sub do 'gds polygon subcell yes' (default:no). Make unique subcell for each polygon: cut #tiles cost of angles."
# gds polygon subcell [yes|no]
puts " -pps Short hand, equivalent to giving both: -path-sub -poly-sub"
puts ""
puts " Error tabulation: By default (slowest, most detail): Report table of counts-by-errorString for all cells."
puts " Stdout logs a pareto of error-type by count unless disabled for some/all cells by below; topcell last."
puts " -tt Table of counts-by-errorString for ONLY topcell; and just lumped total error count per subcell."
puts " -tc Just lumped error counts per cell including topcell (fastest, least detail)."
puts " Cells NOT tabulating count-by-errorString can't appear in other output error files: feedback(*.drtcl), -l, -km."
puts " For lumped error counts, overlapped error shapes from unique error-types are merged further reducing count."
puts ""
puts " cell-type +-- (default) --+-- option -tt --+-- option -tc"
puts " subcell | count-by-errorString | lumped-error-count | lumped-error-count"
puts " topcell | count-by-errorString | count-by-errorString | lumped-error-count"
puts ""
puts " -km if given, write to FILE_NAME EVERY individual error bbox (MICRONS) in klayout Marker database(XML) format (suggest *.lyrdb)"
puts " -l if given, enumerates EVERY individual error bbox (MICRONS) to FILE_NAME, emulates $::CAD_ROOT/magic/tcl/drc.tcl"
puts " -L same as -l above, but outputs bbox-es in LAMBDA coordinates, not microns"
puts " -nf Do NOT write *.drtcl per-cell feedback files. Can be source-ed in magic and step thru: feedback find."
puts ""
puts " NOTES: Without explicit tech-file option: the ./.magicrc or ./magic_setup and ~/.magicrc may load a default tech-file."
puts " Therefore the tech-file used CAN depend on whether your CWD is ~/design/<CURRENT_DESIGN>/mag when running this script."
puts " Since no *.mag are loaded by this script: the cell search path defined by any init files has no impact."
puts " Since about 8.3.68, magic may generate error-type \"See error definition in the subcell\". There typically are"
puts " redundancies of errors across the hierarchy anyway (but with tech-file err-strings), this seems another form."
puts ""
puts "example, just list all styles: by causing an error which provokes usage report:"
puts " magicGdrc -T /ef/tech/XFAB/EFXH035B/"
puts "example, same but run in a ~/design/*/mag/ dir, so techfile set by ./.magicrc (else magic's builtin"
puts " magicGdrc"
puts "example, run GDS drc, explicit: tech, cif-istyle, drc-style:"
puts " magicGdrc -T /ef/tech/SW/EFS8A/ -I vendorimport -S 'drc(full)' /tmp/mytop.gds mytopcell"
puts "example, run GDS drc, default tech & styles, write klayout marker database, no per-cell *.drtcl feedback files:"
puts " magicGdrc -km /tmp/mytop.lyrdb -nf /tmp/mytop.gds mytopcell"
puts "example, same but make subcells for paths & polygons"
puts " magicGdrc -km /tmp/mytop.lyrdb -nf -pps /tmp/mytop.gds mytopcell"
puts "example, run GDS drc, no feedback (*.drtcl), only lumped/merged err-count for all cells"
puts " magicGdrc -tc /tmp/mytop.gds mytopcell"
puts "example, run GDS drc, no feedback (*.drtcl), lumped/merged err-count for subcells, detail errors for topcell"
puts " magicGdrc -nf -tt /tmp/mytop.gds mytopcell"
puts ""
puts ""
if {[llength $args] > 0} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: [join $args]"
proc gdsChk {file} {
foreach suffix {"" ".gds" ".gds2" ".strm"} {
if {[file readable "${file}${suffix}"]} {return 1}
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: Cannot open (as-is or with .gds, .gds2, or .strm) to read GDS-II stream from: $file"
exit 1
proc reportTechFile {} {
puts "${::Prog}: tech-name: [tech name] -version: [tech version] -filename: [tech filename] -lambda [tech lambda]"
# query currently loaded tech-file for styles the user might need for -I -S options
# Suggest a bad tech-file if none are found or errors thrown.
# Used after finding error in -I -S options, and probably should add it to the usage.
proc reportAllStyles {} {
set errs {}
if {[catch {set allstyle [cif listall istyle]} msg]} {
lappend errs "ERROR: ${::Prog}: bad tech-file? failed to 'cif listall istyle', $msg"
} elseif {$allstyle == {}} {
lappend errs "ERROR: ${::Prog}: bad tech-file? no cifinput styles found by 'cif listall istyle'"
} else {
puts "info: ${::Prog}: cifinput styles available: $allstyle"
if {[catch {set allstyle [drc listall style]} msg]} {
lappend errs "ERROR: ${::Prog}: bad tech-file? failed to 'drc listall style', $msg"
} elseif {$allstyle == {}} {
lappend errs "ERROR: ${::Prog}: bad tech-file? no drc styles found by 'drc listall style'"
} else {
puts "info: ${::Prog}: drc styles available: $allstyle"
if {$errs != {}} {
return [llength $errs]
# optionally hardcode library proc-s (part of site-wide extensions - always available - in context of efabless/open-galaxy)
# This is to make the script more standalone from efabless environment; but these capabilities should be native to magic.
if {[info command unbounds] == {}} {
puts "${::Prog}: hardcoding library proc-s..."
# Replacement for 'cellname list exists CELLNAME', to fix ambiguity for cell "0".
# For cell "0" test for membership in 'cellname list allcells'.
# Instead of returning 0 for (non-existent) and cellname for exists,
# returns regular 0/1 instead for non-existent/exists.
# Therefore NOT direct replacement for uses of 'cellname list exists CELL'.
# Requires code changes.
proc cellnameExists {cell} {
expr {$cell ne "0" && [cellname list exists $cell] eq $cell ||
$cell eq "0" && [lsearch -exact [cellname list allcells] $cell] > -1}
# Walk allcells to get/return list of cellNames that are unbound.
# Only use this after: 'select top cell; expand' to expand whole hierarchy.
# foreach CELL in 'cellname list allcells':
# if flags says available : it's Bound, goto next cell.
# if filepath is "default", try to expand the cell.
# if still "default"**: cell made by "cellname create", never saved, goto next.
# if filepath is CELL.mag, check for "available" flags, if none: Unbound.
# else cell is bound.
# **: should never get there
proc unbounds {} {
set allcells [cellname list allcells]
# filter (UNNAMED)
set allcells [lsearch -exact -not -all -inline $allcells "(UNNAMED)"]
# set nbrAllCells [llength $allcells]
set ercell {}
foreach cell $allcells {
# filter (without recording as skipped) non-existent cells.
if {![cellnameExists $cell]} { continue }
# filepath = "default": unexpanded (not loaded from disk),
# or created in-mem and never saved (is writable already
# though flags won't say so): skip both.
# TODO: use a combo of filepath & flags likely can detect created in-mem
set tmppath [cellname list filepath $cell]
if {$tmppath eq "default"} {
lappend skipped $cell
# flags not meaningful, until expanded or expand attempted.
# After expand attempt (filepath != "default"), and flags
# can now be used to determine cell unbound: not available.
set flags [cellname list flags $cell]
if {[lsearch -exact $flags available] < 0} {
lappend ercell $cell
set ercell ;# return list of unbound cells, if any
# without top-level proc around bulk of script, intermediate error statements don't abort script.
proc main {argv} {
set mlen [llength $argv]
# process name-value pair options, if any
set nbrErr 0
set ndx 0
set max [llength $argv]
set extTechOpt {} ;# -T ... but not used here
set enumFilel {} ;# -l ... enum output file
set enumFileL {} ;# -L ... enum output file
set enumFileKm {} ;# -km ... enum output file
set variant {} ;# -S ... non-default drc style
set istyle {} ;# -I ... non-default cifinput style
set doFeedback 1 ;# -nf sets to 0: Do not write *.drtcl per-cell feedback files.
set pathSub 0 ;# -path-sub ... do 'gds path subcell yes'
set polySub 0 ;# -poly-sub ... do 'gds polygon subcell yes'
set subcellTab 1 ;# -tt, -tc both turn OFF subcell count-by-error report
set topcellTab 1 ;# -tc turns OFF topcell count-by-error report
set flatten 0
while {$ndx < $max && [string match "-*" [lindex $argv $ndx]]} {
set opt [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
switch -exact -- $opt {
-T {
if {$ndx != 1} {
usage "-T option must very 1st (here was #$ndx)"
exit 1
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage "missing tech-file argument for -T option"
exit 1
set extTechOpt [lindex $argv $ndx] ;# unused
incr ndx
-S {
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage "missing drcStyle argument for -S option"
exit 1
set variant [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
-I {
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage "missing cifinput-style argument for -I option"
exit 1
set istyle [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
-F { set flatten 1}
-nf { set doFeedback 0 }
-path-sub { set pathSub 1}
-poly-sub { set polySub 1}
-pps { set pathSub 1; set polySub 1}
-tt { set subcellTab 0 ; set topcellTab 1}
-tc { set subcellTab 0 ; set topcellTab 0 }
-km {
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage "missing outputFile argument for -km option"
exit 1
set enumFileKm [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
-l {
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage "missing outputFile argument for -l option"
exit 1
set enumFilel [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
if {[catch {set enumOut [open $enumFilel w]} msg]} {
error "ERROR: ${::Prog}: failed to open-for-write '$enumFilel' threw error, $msg"
puts "${::Prog}: enumerating each error bbox to: $enumFilel"
-L {
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage "missing outputFile argument for -L option"
exit 1
set enumFileL [lindex $argv $ndx]
incr ndx
if {[catch {set enumOutL [open $enumFileL w]} msg]} {
error "ERROR: ${::Prog}: failed to open-for-write '$enumFileL' threw error, $msg"
puts "${::Prog}: enumerating each error bbox to: $enumFileL"
default {
usage "unknown option: $opt"
exit 1
if {$ndx == $max} {
usage {Insufficient number of arguments, need gdsFileName [topCellName]}
exit 1
set gdsf [lindex $argv $ndx] ; incr ndx
set topc {}
set topcStr "(AUTO)"
if {$ndx < $max} {
set topc [lindex $argv $ndx] ; incr ndx
set topcStr $topc
# error if extra options (not understood, something is wrong):
if {$ndx < $max} {
error "ERROR: ${::Prog}: after gdsFile=\"$gdsf\", topcell=\"$topc\" found unsupported extra arguments: [lrange $argv $ndx end]"
# ndx no longer used for argv position from here
gdsChk $gdsf
# warning on combo of -tc & -km. If -km ok, open its output file.
if {$enumFileKm ne {}} {
if {! $topcellTab} {
puts "WARNING: ${::Prog}: with -tc cannot (-km) write klayout-marker-db"
} else {
if {[catch {set enumOutKm [open $enumFileKm w]} msg]} {
error "ERROR: ${::Prog}: failed to open-for-write '$enumFileKm' threw error, $msg"
puts "${::Prog}: enumerating each error bbox to: $enumFileKm"
# write a line with timestamp and all arguments to stdout (log)
# (magic renames the TCL clock command)
set clockp clock
if {[info command $clockp] == {} && [info command orig_clock] != {}} {
set clockp orig_clock
set nowSec [$clockp seconds]
set timestamp [$clockp format $nowSec -format "%Y-%m-%d.%T.%Z"]
# TODO: quote logged argv here as needed so it's machine readable for replay purposes.
puts "${::Prog}: timestamp: $timestamp, arguments: $argv"
# just Manhattan is default, turn on euclidean, and log new mode
drc euclidean on
drc euclidean
# 8.1.83 this worked:
# drc off; gds drccheck no; gds read ... ; load topcell; select top cell; expand; drc check; drc update; drc listall count
# By 8.2.64, that fails, the 'drc listall count' reports errors only in the top-cell, no subcells.
# 8.1.83 & 8.2.193 this works (gds drccheck defaults to on anyway):
# drc off; gds drccheck yes; gds read ... ; load topcell; select top cell; expand; drc check; drc update; drc listall count
# But are we properly avoiding redundant drc runs?
# turn off background checker. We'll invoke checks explicitly.
drc off
gds drccheck yes
puts "drc status (whether background checking enabled) is: [drc status]"
puts "gds drccheck (whether gds-read marks new cells as need-drc) is: [gds drccheck]"
# set user's drc style; set user's cifinput istyle
# These are back-to-back without intervening status messages.
# If both wrong their errors are back-to-back.
set res {}
set res [drc list style]
if {$variant != {}} {
set allstyle [drc listall style]
set ndx [lsearch -exact $allstyle $variant]
if {$ndx < 0} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: drc style '$variant' not one of those available: $allstyle"
incr nbrErr
} else {
set res [drc list style $variant]
set res2 [cif list istyle]
if {$istyle != {}} {
set allstyle [cif listall istyle]
set ndx [lsearch -exact $allstyle $istyle]
if {$ndx < 0} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: istyle '$istyle' not one of those available: $allstyle"
incr nbrErr
} else {
set res2 [cif istyle $istyle]
if {$res != {}} {
puts "drc style reports:\n$res"
if {$res2 != {}} {
puts "cif istyle reports:\n$res2"
# gds {path,polygon} subcell yes
if {$pathSub != 0} { gds path subcells yes }
puts "gds path subcells: [gds path subcells]"
if {$polySub != 0} { gds polygon subcells yes }
puts "gds polygon subcells: [gds polygon subcells]"
# todo: this catch never happens. Need nicer error check of 'gds read' somehow. Can check for zero-sized file?
# if use /dev/null for example, it prints its own error message, but no throw, no useful return value.
puts "doing: gds read $gdsf ..."
if {[catch {set res [gds read $gdsf]} msg]} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: 'gds read $gdsf' threw error, $msg"
incr nbrErr
# nothing useful:
# puts "gds-read res: $res"
set topcells [cellname list top]
set allcells [cellname list allcells]
# puts "cellname-list-top from GDS is: $topcells"
# puts "cellname-list-allcells from GDS are: $allcells"
# filter (UNNAMED)
set topcells [lsearch -exact -not -all -inline $topcells "(UNNAMED)"]
set allcells [lsearch -exact -not -all -inline $allcells "(UNNAMED)"]
set nbrAllCells [llength $allcells]
if {$topcells == {}} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: GDS-read did not report any useful cell name(s) found."
incr nbrErr
if {$nbrErr > 0} {
return $nbrErr ;# outside of main, we print termination with errors message
if {$topc == {}} {
# try and infer topcell from cellname-list-top.
# presume its list of cells not placed anywhere else.
# todo: test with "library" GDS having more than one topcell
# here we just take the last entry
set topc [lindex $topcells end]
set topcStr $topc
puts "WARNING: auto-picked top-cell \"$topc\"; the topcells inferred from GDS are: $topcells"
} else {
# verify input topc argument exists in GDS read result
set ndx [lsearch -exact $allcells $topc]
if {$ndx < 0} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: top-cell name: $topc, not found in GDS"
puts "info: top cells inferred from GDS are: $topcells"
puts "info: all cells inferred from GDS are: $allcells"
return [incr nbrErr] ;# outside of main, we print termination with errors message
puts "${::Prog}: running drc on -gds: $gdsf -topcell: $topcStr"
# todo: need to error check load command somehow (no useful return value).
# it can fail with error message (in log) like:
# File dne.mag couldn't be found
# Creating new cell
if {[catch {set res [load $topc]} msg]} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: 'load $topc' threw error (maybe cellName not found in GDS?), $msg"
return [incr nbrErr] ;# outside of main, we print termination with errors message
# nothing useful:
# puts "load $topc res: $res"
if {$flatten} {
# delete (UNNAMED) if any.
set trg "(UNNAMED)"
if {[cellnameExists $trg]} {cellname delete $trg}
# rename top cell to (UNNAMED)
cellname rename $topc $trg
# now Edit Cell contents are original top cell, but under name (UNNAMED)
# flatten Edit-Cell into original top cell name
puts "${::Prog}: flattening..."
flatten $topc
# load and edit new version of top cell
load $topc
# crude way even in batch to determine the "current" cell; perhaps not yet the "Edit" cell
# WARNING, if topcell locked elsewhere or not writable, it can't become the "Edit" cell.
set topcw [cellname list window]
if {$topcw ne $topc} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: assertion failed, post-flatten, $topc, is not the current cell, 'cellname list window'=$topcw"
return [incr nbrErr] ;# outside of main, we print termination with errors message
# should not be necessary:
select top cell
# crude way even in batch to determine the "current" cell; perhaps not yet the "Edit" cell
# WARNING, if topcell locked elsewhere or not writable, it can't become the "Edit" cell.
set topcw [cellname list window]
if {$topcw ne $topc} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: assertion-2 failed, post-flatten, $topc, is not the current cell, 'cellname list window'=$topcw"
return [incr nbrErr] ;# outside of main, we print termination with errors message
# Erase all preexisting *.drtcl first. Else when cell transitions from
# dirty in previous run (leaving *.drtcl), to clean, the old *.drtcl
# remains.
# TODO: only delete *.drtcl of cells in 'cellname list allcells'?
if {$doFeedback} {
set files [glob -nocomplain -types {f} -- ./*.drtcl]
if {$flatten} {
# only delete topcell's .drtcl in flatten mode, if there is one
set files [lsearch -all -inline -exact $files ./$topc.drtcl]
if {$files != {}} {
# TODO: detect/report failure details better here?
puts "${::Prog}: deleting preexisting *.drtcl"
set msg {}
set delfail [catch {eval {file delete} $files} msg]
set files [glob -nocomplain -types {f} -- ./*.drtcl]
if {$delfail || $files != {}} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: failed to clean old ./*.drtcl files. $msg"
incr nbrErr
# 1st "select top cell": without it drc-list-count is blank, and error count reduced.
select top cell
set bbox0 [view bbox]
set outScale [cif scale out]
# set bbox1 [view bbox]
# "select top cell" and box [view bbox] should be equivalent in
# placing a box around whole cell extent.
# The box cmd ALSO prints lambda and micron user-friendly box data,
# but it prints microns with not enough resolution,
# (and no option to disable that flawed print out).
# todo: emulate box output in full, except for higher resolution,
# here we only scale/print the overall bbox in microns.
set bbs {}
foreach oord $bbox0 {
lappend bbs [format "%.3f" [expr {$outScale * $oord}]]
puts "info: outScale: [format "%.6f" $outScale], view-bbox: $bbox0"
puts "info: Root cell box: ([lindex $bbs 0] [lindex $bbs 1]), ([lindex $bbs 2] [lindex $bbs 3])"
drc check
drc catchup
drc statistics
drc rulestats
# puts "doing plain: drc count"
drc count
# 2nd select top cell needed else error count may be reduced (why? bbox does not change due to DRC)
select top cell
set celllist [drc listall count]
set drcListCountTot [drc list count total]
# puts stdout "(drc listall count) is << " nonewline; puts stdout [list $celllist] nonewline; puts " >>"
# puts stdout "(drc list count) is << " nonewline; puts stdout [list [drc list count]] nonewline; puts " >>"
# puts stdout "(drc list count total) is << " nonewline; puts stdout [list $drcListCountTot] nonewline; puts " >>"
# puts stdout "(drc listall count total) is << " nonewline; puts stdout [list [drc listall count total]] nonewline; puts " >>"
# puts stdout "(drc list why) is << " nonewline; puts stdout [list [drc list why]] nonewline; puts " >>"
# puts stdout "(drc listall why) is << " nonewline; puts stdout [list [drc listall why]] nonewline; puts " >>"
set bbox2 [view bbox]
if {$bbox2 != $bbox0} {
set bbs {}
foreach oord $bbox2 {
lappend bbs [format "%.3f" [expr {$outScale * $oord}]]
puts "info: outScale: [format "%.6f" $outScale], view-bbox: $bbox2"
puts "info: Root cell box2: ([lindex $bbs 0] [lindex $bbs 1]), ([lindex $bbs 2] [lindex $bbs 3])"
# canonicalize order of celllist, move topc to last (if present whatsoever).
# force our own artificial entry for topc (zero errors) if not present (was clean)
# puts "celllist before: $celllist"
set nbrErrCells [llength $celllist]
set topcPair [lsearch -inline -index 0 -exact $celllist $topc]
set celllist [lsearch -not -all -inline -index 0 -exact $celllist $topc]
set celllist [lsort -index 0 -dictionary $celllist]
if {$topcPair == {}} {
# puts "info: ${::Prog}: $topc clean, forcing celllist entry for it"
set topcPair [list $topc 0]
lappend celllist $topcPair
# puts stdout "adjusted celllist(drc list count) is << " nonewline; puts stdout $celllist nonewline; puts " >>"
array set kmErr2catNm {}
array set kmErr2catDesc {}
array set kmCell2item {}
if {$celllist != {} && [info exists enumOutKm]} {
# Header example of .lyrdb klayout Marker format
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# <report-database>
# <description>Diff of 'x.gds, Cell RINGO' vs. 'x.gds[1], Cell INV2'</description>
# <original-file/>
# <generator/>
# <top-cell>RINGO</top-cell>
# <tags>
# <tag>
# <name>red</name>
# <description>Red flag</description>
# </tag>
# ...
# </tags>
puts $enumOutKm {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><report-database>}
puts $enumOutKm "<description>$topc DRC timestamp: $timestamp, arguments: $argv</description>"
puts $enumOutKm {<original-file/><generator/>}
puts $enumOutKm "<top-cell>$topc</top-cell>"
puts $enumOutKm {<tags/>}
puts $enumOutKm {<cells>}
# multiple <cells>...</cells> sections do accumulate, but cells and categories need
# to be defined before use in an item (specific error), and we know cell names here,
# so declare all cells to klayout here.
# Cell-specific header of klayout marker file
# <cell>
# <name>CELLNAME1</name>
# <variant>1</variant> (don't need)
# </cell>
foreach pair $celllist {
set acell [lindex $pair 0]
# for -tt, no subcell error-detail: don't write subcells in <cells>...</cells> section.
if {$acell ne $topc && ! $subcellTab} { continue }
puts $enumOutKm " <cell><name>$acell</name></cell>"
set kmCell2item($acell) {}
puts $enumOutKm {</cells>}
# loop over celllist
set gtotal 0
set gcells 0
set lumpedHeader 0
foreach pair $celllist {
set acell [lindex $pair 0]
set acount [lindex $pair 1]
if {$acell ne $topc && ! $subcellTab} {
if {! $lumpedHeader} {
puts "--- #err|cell, lumped total counts"
set lumpedHeader 1
puts "[format {%8d} $acount] $acell"
incr gcells
incr gtotal $acount
if {$acell eq $topc && ! $topcellTab} {
if {! $lumpedHeader} {
puts "--- #err|cell, lumped total counts"
set lumpedHeader 1
puts "[format {%8d} $acount] $acell"
incr gcells
incr gtotal $acount
puts ""
# todo: need useful error check of load command
if {[catch {set res [load $acell]} msg]} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: 'load $acell' threw error, $msg"
return [incr nbrErr] ;# outside of main, we print termination with errors message
# instead use quiet version for per-cell selects
select top cell
set drcListCountTot [drc listall count total]
# enumerate errors under box, plain "drc why" only reports unique types, no quantities
# as-yet-undocumented "drc listall why" will give: {errStr1 {errBox1 ...} errStr2 {errBox1 ...} ... }
set pareto {}
set total 0
set enumTotal 0
set types 0
set typeDup 0
set dups 0
set fbOut {}
if {$acount != 0} {
# file path for feedback, keep in CWD
if {$doFeedback && $fbOut == {}} {
set fbOut "./$acell.drtcl"
if {![file writable $fbOut] &&
([file exists $fbOut] || ![file writable [file dir $fbOut]])} {
puts stderr "ERROR: ${::Prog}: feedback output not writable, $fbOut"
incr nbrErr
set fbOut {}
} elseif {[catch {set outfb [open $fbOut w]} msg]} {
puts stderr "ERROR: ${::Prog}: failed to truncate previous feedback output, $fbOut : $msg"
incr nbrErr
set fbOut {}
foreach {str boxes} [drc listall why] {
# sort errors
set boxes [lsort -dictionary $boxes]
# for our pareto, gather data
set this [llength $boxes]
incr total $this
incr types
lappend pareto [list $this $str]
# for enumOut, emulate formatting of $CAD_ROOT/magic/tcl/drc.tcl, which is
# not tk pure: fails with complaint about winfo
# note: we walk these errors also in order to count/report stats on duplicates, even if not outputing enumerations
if {[info exists enumOut]} {
if {$types == 1} {
puts $enumOut "[join $pair]\n----------------------------------------"
puts $enumOut "${str}\n----------------------------------------"
if {[info exists enumOutL]} {
if {$types == 1} {
puts $enumOutL "[join $pair]\n----------------------------------------"
puts $enumOutL "${str}\n----------------------------------------"
if {[info exists enumOutKm]} {
# category names must be declared all together up front before use in items
# so we only store their names (error strings) and error detail (items)
# to dump after all cells and errors are processed.
# TODO: Only quote catName in item if embeds dot, instead of full-time
# TODO: test klayout handles literal (non-entity) single-quote in double-quoted name
set strKmNm $str
set strKmDesc $str
regsub -all -- {&} $strKmDesc {\&amp;} strKmDesc ;# perhaps not needed; just in case
regsub -all -- {<} $strKmDesc {\&lt;} strKmDesc ;# description does not have such bug, so use correct entity
regsub -all -- {>} $strKmDesc {\&gt;} strKmDesc ;# perhaps not needed; just in case
regsub -all -- {&} $strKmNm {-and-} strKmNm ;# perhaps not needed; just in case
regsub -all -- {>} $strKmNm {-gt-} strKmNm ;# perhaps not needed; just in case
regsub -all -- {<} $strKmNm {-lt-} strKmNm ;# catName klayout bug: info win truncates at '<' as &lt; entity
regsub -all -- "\"" $strKmNm {'} strKmNm ;# we dqoute each catNm in item, so change embedded double to single
set kmErr2catNm($str) $strKmNm
set kmErr2catDesc($str) $strKmDesc
# example klayout Marker format, header of one item (one error instance)
# <item>
# <tags/> (don't need?)
# <image/> (don't need?)
# <category>'DRC-MSG-STR'</category> (cat1.cat2 path delimit by dot: names with dot need single|double quotes)
# <cell>RINGO:1</cell> (don't need :N variant suffix)
# <visited>false</visited> (optional? start with false?)
# <multiplicity>1</multiplicity> (not boolean, if error "represents" more that are NOT enumerated)
# <values> ... </values>
# </item>
set itemStr "<item><category>\"$strKmNm\"</category><cell>$acell</cell><values>"
set lastq {}
set thisDup 0
foreach quad $boxes {
set quadUM {}
set kmBoxUM {}
foreach coord $quad {
set valum [expr {$coord * $outScale}]
set valumf [format "%.3f" $valum]
lappend quadUM "${valumf}um"
lappend kmBoxUM ${valumf}
set dup [expr {$quad == $lastq}]
incr thisDup $dup
set line $quadUM
if {[info exists enumOut]} {
if {$dup} {
puts $enumOut "[join $line] #dup"
} else {
puts $enumOut [join $line]
if {[info exists enumOutL]} {
if {$dup} {
puts $enumOutL "$quad #dup"
} else {
puts $enumOutL $quad
if {[info exists enumOutKm]} {
# <value>text: 'item: polygon'</value> (text is optional? Repeat the box coordinates here in um?)
# <value>polygon: (1.4,1.8;-1.4,1.8;-1.4,3.8;1.4,3.8)</value>
# <value>box: (1.4,1.8;-1.4,3.8)</value>
# </values>
set kmItem $itemStr
append kmItem " <value>box: ([lindex $kmBoxUM 0],[lindex $kmBoxUM 1];[lindex $kmBoxUM 2],[lindex $kmBoxUM 3])</value>"
if {$dup} {
append kmItem " <value>text: 'dup'</value>"
append kmItem " </values></item>"
lappend kmCell2item($acell) $kmItem
if {$fbOut != {}} {
set line [join $quadUM]
regsub -all -- "(\[\[\"\$\\\\])" $str {\\\1} strdq
puts $outfb "[concat box $line]" nonewline
puts $outfb " ; feedback add \"$strdq\" medium" nonewline
if {$dup} {
puts $outfb " ;#dup"
} else {
puts $outfb ""
incr enumTotal
set lastq $quad
if {$thisDup} {
incr typeDup
incr dups $thisDup
if {[info exists enumOut]} {
puts $enumOut "----------------------------------------\n"
if {[info exists enumOutL]} {
puts $enumOutL "----------------------------------------\n"
if {$fbOut != {}} {
close $outfb
set outfb {}
set pareto [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 0 $pareto]
if {$total > 0} {
puts "--- #err|description, table for cell: $acell"
foreach pair $pareto {
puts "[format {%8d} [lindex $pair 0]] [lindex $pair 1]"
if {$typeDup} {
puts "[format {%8d} $dups] total duplicate error(s) among $typeDup error type(s), cell: $acell"
puts "[format {%8d} $total] total error(s) among $types error type(s), cell: $acell"
# add to grand-totals
incr gcells
incr gtotal $total
# always compare the total from the enum to the pareto as error check
if {$total != $enumTotal} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: cell: $acell, internal error, pareto vs enum count mismatch: $total != $enumTotal"
incr nbrErr
# wish to compare the drc-list-count-total to the pareto total.
# Per te 2014-08-27 : it is not an error.
if {$total != $drcListCountTot} {
# puts "info: ${::Prog}: cell: $acell, drc-list-count-total vs drc-listall-why mismatch {drc list count total} gave $drcListCountTot, but {drc listall why} gave $total"
# grand totals
puts "[format {%8d} $nbrErrCells] of $nbrAllCells cell(s) report error(s)"
puts "[format {%8d} $gtotal] grand-total error(s) across $gcells cell(s)"
if {[info exists enumOut]} {
close $enumOut
if {[info exists enumOutL]} {
close $enumOutL
if {[info exists enumOutKm]} {
# declare all category names and descriptions, note '<' in name vs description are represented differently
# <categories><category><name>layerN width -lt- 1.0um</name>
# <description>layerN width &lt; 1.0um</description></category>
# <category> ... </category></categories>
puts $enumOutKm "<categories>"
foreach errStr [array names kmErr2catNm] {
set nm $kmErr2catNm($errStr)
set desc $kmErr2catDesc($errStr)
puts $enumOutKm " <category><name>$nm</name><description>$desc</description></category>"
puts $enumOutKm "</categories>"
# dump all items (after all cells and all categories have been defined up front)
puts $enumOutKm "<items>"
foreach {acell items} [array get kmCell2item] {
foreach item $items {
puts $enumOutKm $item
puts $enumOutKm "</items>"
# footer example .lyrdb klayout Marker file
# </report-database>
puts $enumOutKm {</report-database>}
close $enumOutKm
# todo: implement super-pareto, ranked table of SUM of all DRC errs/counts from ALL cells.
# (It still would not reflect as-if-flat hierarchical expansion due to repetition of instances).
set nbrErr ;# return value
} ;# end main
# non-zero exit-status on errors, either if thrown by main, or counted and returned by main
set nbrErr 0
if {[catch {set nbrErr [main $argv]} msg]} {
puts stderr $msg
set nbrErr 1
} elseif {$nbrErr > 0} {
puts "ERROR: ${::Prog}: script terminated with errors reported above."
exit $nbrErr
# for emacs syntax-mode:
# Local Variables:
# mode:tcl
# End: