blob: 86340e5b4b5388b7797049ea98686f8eb98b20cb [file] [log] [blame]
package primitives
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.Fill
class SubReg(DW: Int = 32, SWACCESS: String = "RW")(RESVAL: UInt = 0.U(DW.W)) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
// From software
val we = Input(Bool()) // Indicates the software wants to write in the register
val wd = Input(UInt(DW.W)) // The data software wants to write
// From hardware
val de = Input(Bool()) // Indicates the peripheral logic wants to write in the register
val d = Input(UInt(DW.W)) // The data peripheral logic wants to write
// To hardware and software reads
val qe = Output(Bool()) // Indicates the peripheral logic that software has written in register
val q = Output(UInt(DW.W)) // Output of data in the register for peripheral logic
val qs = Output(UInt(DW.W)) // Output of data in the register for software read
val wr_en = Wire(Bool())
val wr_data = Wire(UInt(DW.W))
val qe_reg = RegInit(false.B)
val q_reg = RegInit(RESVAL)
if((SWACCESS == "RW") || (SWACCESS == "WO")) {
wr_en := io.we ||
wr_data := Mux(io.we, io.wd, io.d)
} else if(SWACCESS == "RO") {
wr_en :=
wr_data := io.d
} else if(SWACCESS == "W1C") {
wr_en := io.we ||
wr_data := Mux(, io.d, q_reg) & Mux(io.we, ~io.wd, Fill(DW, 1.U))
} else if(SWACCESS == "W0C") {
wr_en := io.we ||
wr_data := Mux(, io.d, q_reg) & Mux(io.we, io.wd, Fill(DW, 1.U))
} else if(SWACCESS == "W1S") {
wr_en := io.we ||
wr_data := Mux(, io.d, q_reg) | Mux(io.we, io.wd, Fill(DW, 0.U))
} else {
wr_en :=
wr_data := io.d
qe_reg := io.we
when(wr_en) {
q_reg := wr_data
io.qs := q_reg
io.q := q_reg
io.qe := qe_reg