blob: f6b74f9c1fa8cd4c7b1beab568dafe1fd0fd1c68 [file] [log] [blame]
package primitives
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.Fill
class IntrHardware(width: Int = 1, flopOutput: Boolean = true) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val event_intr_i = Input(UInt(width.W))
val reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i = Input(UInt(width.W))
val reg2hw_intr_test_q_i = Input(UInt(width.W))
val reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i = Input(Bool())
val reg2hw_intr_state_q_i = Input(UInt(width.W))
val hw2reg_intr_state_de_o = Output(Bool())
val hw2reg_intr_state_d_o = Output(UInt(width.W))
val intr_o = Output(UInt(width.W))
// generating an event if software writes to INTR_TEST register as well as peripheral logic
// is generating an event
// Replicating qe from software for all the q bits and ANDing it with q to see which
// events are triggered through software.
val new_event = Wire(UInt(width.W))
new_event := Fill(width, io.reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i) & io.reg2hw_intr_test_q_i | io.event_intr_i
io.hw2reg_intr_state_de_o := new_event.orR()
io.hw2reg_intr_state_d_o := new_event | io.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i
if (flopOutput) {
val reg = RegInit(0.U(width.W))
reg := io.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i & io.reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i
io.intr_o := reg
} else {
io.intr_o := io.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i & io.reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i