blob: 9c712166ceaf4ba40bf387484e3950520390887b [file] [log] [blame]
package merl.uit.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
class TL_ErrResp(implicit val conf: TLConfiguration) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val tl_h_i = Flipped(new TL_H2D)
val tl_d_o = new TL_D2H
val err_opcode = RegInit(TL_A_Opcode.get)
val err_source = RegInit(0.U)
val err_size = RegInit(0.U)
val err_reqPending = RegInit(false.B)
val err_rspPending = RegInit(false.B)
when(io.tl_h_i.a_valid && io.tl_d_o.a_ready) {
// the host sends a valid request and the device is ready to accept it
// which means the request is accepted and is pending now if there is another response pending
err_reqPending := true.B
err_source := io.tl_h_i.a_source
err_opcode := io.tl_h_i.a_opcode
err_size := io.tl_h_i.a_size
} .elsewhen(!err_rspPending) {
// if no response is pending then the request pending is set to false which means no request is pending
err_reqPending := false.B
when((err_reqPending || err_rspPending) && !io.tl_h_i.d_ready) {
// if any req is accepted then err_reqPending = true which means if the host is not ready to receive it
// then err_rspPending will get true.
err_rspPending := true.B
} .otherwise {
err_rspPending := false.B
io.tl_d_o.a_ready := ~err_rspPending & ~(err_reqPending & ~io.tl_h_i.d_ready)
io.tl_d_o.d_valid := err_reqPending || err_rspPending
io.tl_d_o.d_data := Fill(conf.TL_DW/4, "hf".U) //Return all F. If dw = 32 then 32/4 = 8 characters all 0xf
io.tl_d_o.d_source := err_source
io.tl_d_o.d_sink := 0.U
io.tl_d_o.d_param := 0.U
io.tl_d_o.d_size := err_size
io.tl_d_o.d_opcode := Mux(err_opcode === TL_A_Opcode.get, TL_D_Opcode.accessAckData, TL_D_Opcode.accessAck)
io.tl_d_o.d_error := true.B