blob: 1c992d77da7ef81e3b2c48df3b48aa7d63ab1885 [file] [log] [blame]
package merl.uit.tilelink
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import scala.collection.immutable._
case class TLConfiguration() {
val TL_AW = 32 // AW -> the default width of address bus
val TL_DW = 32 // DW -> the default width of data bus
val TL_AIW = 4 // AIW -> Address source identifier bus width
val TL_DIW = 1 // DIW -> Sink bits width
val TL_DBW = (TL_DW >> 3) // Number of data bytes generated (DW/8)
val TL_SZW = log2Ceil(TL_DBW) // The size width of operation in power of 2 represented in bytes
case class AddressMap() {
val ADDR_SPACE_UART = "h40000000".U(32.W)
val ADDR_MASK_UART = "h00000fff".U(32.W)
val ADDR_SPACE_GPIO = "h40010000".U(32.W)
val ADDR_MASK_GPIO = "h00000fff".U(32.W)
object TL_Peripherals {
// The device map will have N-1 devices data for the 1:N socket.
// So if we have a 1:4 socket then the device map should have 4 devices from 0 to 3.
val deviceMap: Map[String, UInt] = Map("gpio" -> 0.U, "uart" -> 1.U)