blob: 24e870d8d4d47cf6d9f40fa58d27efb8ff00b4fe [file] [log] [blame]
package core
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.Cat
class MemoryStage extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val EX_MEM_alu_output = Input(SInt(32.W))
val EX_MEM_rd_sel = Input(UInt(5.W))
val EX_MEM_RegWr = Input(UInt(1.W))
val EX_MEM_CsrWe = Input(Bool())
val EX_MEM_MemRd = Input(UInt(1.W))
val EX_MEM_MemToReg = Input(UInt(1.W))
val EX_MEM_MemWr = Input(UInt(1.W))
val EX_MEM_rs2 = Input(SInt(32.W))
val func3 = Input(UInt(3.W))
// val EX_MEM_csr_addr = Input(SInt(32.W))
// val EX_MEM_csr_op = Input(UInt(2.W))
val EX_MEM_csr_data = Input(UInt(32.W))
val data_gnt_i = Input(Bool())
val data_rvalid_i= Input(Bool())
val data_rdata_i = Input(SInt(32.W))
val data_req_o = Output(Bool())
val data_be_o = Output(Vec(4, Bool()))
val ctrl_MemWr_out = Output(UInt(1.W)) // data_we_o
val data_wdata_o = Output(Vec(4, SInt(8.W))) // data_wdata_o
val memAddress = Output(SInt(32.W)) // data_addr_o
val data_out = Output(SInt(32.W))
val alu_output = Output(SInt(32.W))
val rd_sel_out = Output(UInt(5.W))
val ctrl_RegWr_out = Output(UInt(1.W))
val ctrl_CsrWen_out = Output(Bool())
val ctrl_MemRd_out = Output(UInt(1.W))
val ctrl_MemToReg_out = Output(UInt(1.W))
// val csr_addr_out = Output(SInt(32.W))
// val csr_op_out = Output(UInt(2.W))
val csr_data_out = Output(UInt(32.W))
val stall = Output(Bool())
val load_unit = Module(new Load_unit())
val data_offset = io.EX_MEM_alu_output(1,0)
val data_wdata = Wire(Vec(4, SInt(8.W)))
// Stalling the pipeline as soon as we get a load or store instruction
// and the data received from memory is not valid.
// As soon as we get a valid data from memory we pull down the stall.
io.stall := (io.EX_MEM_MemWr === 1.U || io.EX_MEM_MemRd === 1.U) && !io.data_rvalid_i
/** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INITIALIZING LOAD UNIT ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
/** ******************************************START****************************************************** */ := io.func3 := io.data_rdata_i := data_offset := false.B
/** ******************************************END****************************************************** */
/** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SETTING MASK BITS FOR WRITE OPERATIONS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
/** ******************************************START****************************************************** */
/** Visualize memory as follows
* 11 10 9 8 -> address
* | d[31:24] | d[23:16] | d[15:8] | d[7:0] |
* 7 6 5 4 -> address
* | d[31:24] | d[23:16] | d[15:8] | d[7:0] |
* 3 2 1 0 -> address
* | d[31:24] | d[23:16] | d[15:8] | d[7:0] | */
when(io.func3 === "b010".U && io.EX_MEM_MemWr === 1.U) {
/** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STORE WORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
when(data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing 0,4,8... location of memory, enable all mask bits to write 32 bits data.
for(i <- 0 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1111
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing 1,5,9... location of memory, enable 3 MSB mask bits to write data, ignore the first byte location
io.data_be_o(0) := false.B
for(i <- 1 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1110
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing 2,6,10... location of memory, enable first and second bytes to write data. Ignore the first two bytes
for(i <- 0 until 2) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
for(i <- 2 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1100
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing 3,7,11... location of memory, enable just 1 MSB bit to write data. Ignore 3 LSB bytes.
for(i <- 0 until 3) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
io.data_be_o(3) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1000
} .otherwise {
for(i <- 0 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B // by default setting all bits of mask to 1.
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b001".U && io.EX_MEM_MemWr === 1.U) {
/** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STORE HALF WORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
when(data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing 0,4,8... location of memory, enable two LSB mask bits to write 16 bits data.
for(i <- 0 until 2) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B
for(i <- 2 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
// data_be_o -> 0011
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing 1,5,9... location of memory, enable 1st and 2nd MSB mask bits to write data, ignore the first and last byte location
io.data_be_o(0) := false.B
for(i <- 1 until 3) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B
io.data_be_o(3) := false.B
// data_be_o -> 0110
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing 2,6,10... location of memory, enable 2 MSB mask bits to write data. Ignore the first two bytes
for(i <- 0 until 2) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
for(i <- 2 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1100
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing 3,7,11... location of memory, enable just 1 MSB bit to write data. Ignore 3 LSB bytes.
for(i <- 0 until 3) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
io.data_be_o(3) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1000
} .otherwise {
for(i <- 0 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B // by default setting all bits of mask to 1.
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b000".U && io.EX_MEM_MemWr === 1.U) {
/** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STORE BYTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
when(data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing 0,4,8... location of memory, enable zeroth LSB mask bit to write 8 bits data.
io.data_be_o(0) := true.B
for(i <- 1 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
// data_be_o -> 0001
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing 1,5,9... location of memory, enable 1st mask bit to write 8 bits data, ignore the zeroth, second and last byte location
io.data_be_o(0) := false.B
io.data_be_o(1) := true.B
for(i <- 2 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
// data_be_o -> 0010
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing 2,6,10... location of memory, enable 2 MSB mask bits to write data. Ignore the first two bytes
for(i <- 0 until 2) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
io.data_be_o(2) := true.B
io.data_be_o(3) := false.B
// data_be_o -> 0100
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing 3,7,11... location of memory, enable just 1 MSB bit to write data. Ignore 3 LSB bytes.
for(i <- 0 until 3) {
io.data_be_o(i) := false.B
io.data_be_o(3) := true.B
// data_be_o -> 1000
} .otherwise {
for(i <- 0 until 4) {
io.data_be_o(i) := true.B // by default setting all bits of mask to 1.
} .otherwise {
io.data_be_o := DontCare
/** ******************************************END****************************************************** */
/** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ALIGNING DATA TO BE WRITTEN INTO THE MEMORY |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
/** ******************************************START****************************************************** */
when(data_offset === "b00".U) {
data_wdata(0) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(7,0).asSInt()
data_wdata(1) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(15,8).asSInt()
data_wdata(2) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(23,16).asSInt()
data_wdata(3) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(31,24).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b01".U) {
data_wdata(0) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(31,24).asSInt()
data_wdata(1) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(7,0).asSInt()
data_wdata(2) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(15,8).asSInt()
data_wdata(3) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(23,16).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b10".U) {
data_wdata(0) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(31,24).asSInt()
data_wdata(1) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(23,16).asSInt()
data_wdata(2) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(7,0).asSInt()
data_wdata(3) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(15,8).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(data_offset === "b11".U) {
data_wdata(0) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(31,24).asSInt()
data_wdata(1) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(23,16).asSInt()
data_wdata(2) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(15,8).asSInt()
data_wdata(3) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(7,0).asSInt()
} .otherwise {
data_wdata(0) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(7,0).asSInt()
data_wdata(1) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(15,8).asSInt()
data_wdata(2) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(23,16).asSInt()
data_wdata(3) := io.EX_MEM_rs2(31,24).asSInt()
/** ******************************************END****************************************************** */
/** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| GENERATING WRITE/READ REQUEST TO TILELINK |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
/** ******************************************START****************************************************** */
io.memAddress := io.EX_MEM_alu_output
when(io.data_gnt_i && (io.EX_MEM_MemWr===1.U))
io.data_req_o := true.B
//io.memAddress := io.EX_MEM_alu_output(13, 0).asSInt
io.data_wdata_o := data_wdata
} .elsewhen(io.data_gnt_i && (io.EX_MEM_MemRd === 1.U)) {
io.data_req_o := true.B
//io.memAddress := io.EX_MEM_alu_output(13, 0).asSInt
io.data_wdata_o := DontCare
} .otherwise
io.data_req_o := false.B
//io.memAddress := DontCare
io.data_wdata_o := DontCare
/** ******************************************END****************************************************** */
/** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| READING DATA FROM MEMORY IN NEXT CLOCK CYCLE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
/** ******************************************START****************************************************** */
// TODO lh,lhu,lb,lbu working correctly for word-aligned addresses only, need to align it with un-aligned addresses as well
when(io.data_rvalid_i && io.EX_MEM_MemRd === 1.U)
{ := true.B // enabling the load_unit to now read and sign extend the valid data
// io.data_out := io.data_rdata_i
io.data_out :=
io.data_out := DontCare
/** ******************************************END****************************************************** */
/** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PASSING SIGNALS TO THE MEM/WB REGISTER |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| */
/** ******************************************START****************************************************** */
io.ctrl_MemWr_out := io.EX_MEM_MemWr
io.alu_output := io.EX_MEM_alu_output
io.rd_sel_out := io.EX_MEM_rd_sel
io.ctrl_RegWr_out := io.EX_MEM_RegWr
io.ctrl_CsrWen_out := io.EX_MEM_CsrWe
io.ctrl_MemRd_out := io.EX_MEM_MemRd
io.ctrl_MemToReg_out := io.EX_MEM_MemToReg
// io.csr_addr_out := io.EX_MEM_csr_addr
// io.csr_op_out := io.EX_MEM_csr_op
io.csr_data_out := io.EX_MEM_csr_data
/** ******************************************END****************************************************** */