blob: 10dfd928cea67c2f90ab5241c2f6c2f5f6d30c0a [file] [log] [blame]
package core
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.Cat
import chisel3.util.Fill
class Load_unit extends Module {
val io=IO(new Bundle{
val func3 = Input(UInt(3.W))
val en = Input(Bool())
val data_offset = Input(UInt(2.W))
val memData = Input(SInt(32.W))
val LoadData = Output(SInt(32.W))
val lb = io.memData(7,0)
val lh = io.memData(15,0)
val zero = 0.U
/** Visualize memory as follows
* 11 10 9 8 -> address
* | d[31:24] | d[23:16] | d[15:8] | d[7:0] |
* 7 6 5 4 -> address
* | d[31:24] | d[23:16] | d[15:8] | d[7:0] |
* 3 2 1 0 -> address
* | d[31:24] | d[23:16] | d[15:8] | d[7:0] | */
when(io.en) {
when(io.func3 === "b000".U) {
// load byte
when(io.data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing memory with 0,4,8...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24,io.memData(7)),io.memData(7,0)).asSInt
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing memory with 1,5,9...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, io.memData(15)),io.memData(15,8)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing memory with 2,6,10...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, io.memData(23)),io.memData(23,16)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing memory with 3,7,11...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, io.memData(31)),io.memData(31,24)).asSInt()
} .otherwise {
// this condition would never occur but using to avoid Chisel generating VOID errors
io.LoadData := DontCare
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b001".U) {
// load halfword
when(io.data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing memory with 0,4,8...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16,io.memData(15)),io.memData(15,0)).asSInt
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing memory with 1,5,9...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16, io.memData(23)),io.memData(23,8)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing memory with 2,6,10...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16, io.memData(31)),io.memData(31,16)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing memory with 3,7,11...
/** xxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS MIS-ALIGNMENT ALERT xxxxxxxxx */
// TODO: Stop such misaligned addresses from the software ide.
// this is misaligned access because we want to read two bytes and addressing
// the memory in this location gives us just a byte. Right now we don't handle
// such mis-alignments and just read the byte and sign extend it with 000s
// to ignore the other byte that must have been read from the next memory row.
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, 0.U),io.memData(31,24)).asSInt()
} .otherwise {
// this condition would never occur but using to avoid Chisel generating VOID errors
io.LoadData := DontCare
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b110".U) {
// load word unsigned
/** TODO: Figure out whether this instruction is supported by the RISC-V Spec or not and then implement the functionality
* The RISC-V Green Card shows this instruction as "lwu"
* But cannot find it in the RISC-V spec and Venus does not support it as well */
io.LoadData := io.memData
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b100".U) {
// load byte unsigned (LBU)
when(io.data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing memory with 0,4,8...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24,0.U),io.memData(7,0)).asSInt
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing memory with 1,5,9...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, 0.U),io.memData(15,8)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing memory with 2,6,10...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, 0.U),io.memData(23,16)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing memory with 3,7,11...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, 0.U),io.memData(31,24)).asSInt()
} .otherwise {
// this condition would never occur but using to avoid Chisel generating VOID errors
io.LoadData := DontCare
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b101".U) {
// load halfword unsigned
when(io.data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing memory with 0,4,8...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16, 0.U),io.memData(15,0)).asSInt
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing memory with 1,5,9...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16, 0.U),io.memData(23,8)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing memory with 2,6,10...
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16, 0.U),io.memData(31,16)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing memory with 3,7,11...
/** xxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS MIS-ALIGNMENT ALERT xxxxxxxxx */
// TODO: Stop such misaligned addresses from the software ide.
// this is misaligned access because we want to read two bytes and addressing
// the memory in this location gives us just a byte. Right now we don't handle
// such mis-alignments and just read the byte and sign extend it with 000s
// to ignore the other byte that must have been read from the next memory row.
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, 0.U),io.memData(31,24)).asSInt()
} .otherwise {
// this condition would never occur but using to avoid Chisel generating VOID errors
io.LoadData := DontCare
} .elsewhen(io.func3 === "b010".U) {
// load word
when(io.data_offset === "b00".U) {
// addressing memory with 0,4,8...
io.LoadData := io.memData(31,0).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b01".U) {
// addressing memory with 1,5,9...
/** xxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS MIS-ALIGNMENT ALERT xxxxxxxxx */
// TODO: Stop such misaligned addresses from the software ide.
// this is misaligned access because we want to read full word and addressing
// the memory in this location would at max give us three bytes and the fourth
// one would need to be read from the next memory row. Right now we don't handle
// such mis-alignments and just read the available three bytes with sign extending
// the 000s for the remaining fourth byte.
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(8, 0.U),io.memData(31,8)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b10".U) {
// addressing memory with 2,6,10...
/** xxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS MIS-ALIGNMENT ALERT xxxxxxxxx */
// TODO: Stop such misaligned addresses from the software ide.
// another misaligned access because now we have just two bytes available to be read.
// just reading the two bytes and sign extending the other two bytes with 000s.
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(16, 0.U),io.memData(31,16)).asSInt()
} .elsewhen(io.data_offset === "b11".U) {
// addressing memory with 3,7,11...
/** xxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS MIS-ALIGNMENT ALERT xxxxxxxxx */
// TODO: Stop such misaligned addresses from the software ide.
// another misaligned access because now we have just one byte available to be read.
// just reading the one byte and sign extending the other three bytes with 000s.
io.LoadData := Cat(Fill(24, 0.U), io.memData(31,24)).asSInt()
} .otherwise {
// this condition would never occur but using to avoid Chisel generating VOID errors
io.LoadData := DontCare
} .otherwise {
// unknown func3 bits
io.LoadData := DontCare
} .otherwise {
io.LoadData := DontCare