blob: 8127ac90089d1e90cbfec446217bebb6c387ecc3 [file] [log] [blame]
package core
import chisel3._
class ForwardUnit extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val EX_MEM_REGRD = Input(UInt(5.W))
val MEM_WB_REGRD = Input(UInt(5.W))
val ID_EX_REGRS1 = Input(UInt(5.W))
val ID_EX_REGRS2 = Input(UInt(5.W))
val ID_EX_inst_op = Input(UInt(7.W))
val EX_MEM_REGWR = Input(UInt(1.W))
val MEM_WB_REGWR = Input(UInt(1.W))
val forward_a = Output(UInt(2.W))
val forward_b = Output(UInt(2.W))
io.forward_a := "b00".U
io.forward_b := "b00".U
// additional checking by opcode 0110111 because this is lui and it does not have any rs1, rs2 so we will not forward in that scenario
when(io.EX_MEM_REGWR === "b1".U && io.EX_MEM_REGRD =/= "b00000".U && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS1) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS2) && io.ID_EX_inst_op =/= "b0110111".U) {
// if both the source register 1 and source register 2 are dependent on the destination
// register of previous instruction we forward the destination register value
// in both the operands of ALU for example: addi x2, x0, 2
// add x2, x2, x2
io.forward_a := "b01".U
io.forward_b := "b01".U
} .elsewhen(io.EX_MEM_REGWR === "b1".U && io.EX_MEM_REGRD =/= "b00000".U && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS2) && io.ID_EX_inst_op =/= "b0110111".U) {
io.forward_b := "b01".U
//io.forward_a := "b00".U
} .elsewhen(io.EX_MEM_REGWR === "b1".U && io.EX_MEM_REGRD =/= "b00000".U && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS1) && io.ID_EX_inst_op =/= "b0110111".U) {
io.forward_a := "b01".U
// io.forward_b := "b00".U
when(io.MEM_WB_REGWR === "b1".U && io.MEM_WB_REGRD =/= "b00000".U && ~((io.EX_MEM_REGWR === "b1".U) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD =/= "b00000".U) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS1) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS2)) && (io.MEM_WB_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS1) && (io.MEM_WB_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS2) && io.ID_EX_inst_op =/= "b0110111".U) {
io.forward_a := "b10".U
io.forward_b := "b10".U
} .elsewhen(io.MEM_WB_REGWR === "b1".U && io.MEM_WB_REGRD =/= "b00000".U && ~((io.EX_MEM_REGWR === "b1".U) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD =/= "b00000".U) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS2)) && (io.MEM_WB_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS2) && io.ID_EX_inst_op =/= "b0110111".U) {
io.forward_b := "b10".U
//io.forward_a := "b00".U
} .elsewhen(io.MEM_WB_REGWR === "b1".U && io.MEM_WB_REGRD =/= "b00000".U && ~((io.EX_MEM_REGWR === "b1".U) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD =/= "b00000".U) && (io.EX_MEM_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS1)) && (io.MEM_WB_REGRD === io.ID_EX_REGRS1) && io.ID_EX_inst_op =/= "b0110111".U) {
io.forward_a := "b10".U
// io.forward_b := "b00".U