blob: a87c361771cfad5243b6258648b45f50431d6726 [file] [log] [blame]
package core
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.Cat
import chisel3.util._
import common._
class Alu extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val oper_a = Input(SInt(32.W))
val oper_b = Input(SInt(32.W))
val aluCtrl = Input(UInt(5.W))
val output = Output(SInt(32.W))
// val branch = Output(UInt(1.W))
when(io.aluCtrl === "b00000".U) {
// ADD
io.output := io.oper_a + io.oper_b
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00001".U) {
// SLL/SLLI // works for both signed and unsigned numbers
val shift_left_by = io.oper_b(4,0)
io.output := io.oper_a << shift_left_by
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00010".U) {
when(io.oper_a < io.oper_b) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00011".U || io.aluCtrl === "b10110".U) {
when(io.oper_a.asUInt < io.oper_b.asUInt) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00100".U) {
io.output := io.oper_a ^ io.oper_b
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00101".U || io.aluCtrl === "b01101".U) {
// Since SRL/SRLI deals shifting unsigned numbers right and SRA/SRAI deals with shifting
// signed numbers right, chisel has the same operator of doing right shift for
// both the signed and unsigned numbers. So we combined the alu control signals
// of both the instructions here and performed the right shift.
val shift_right_by = io.oper_b(4,0)
io.output := io.oper_a >> shift_right_by
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00110".U) {
io.output := io.oper_a | io.oper_b
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b00111".U) {
io.output := io.oper_a & io.oper_b
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b01000".U) {
// SUB
io.output := io.oper_a - io.oper_b
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b10000".U) {
// BEQ
when(io.oper_a === io.oper_b) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b10001".U) {
// BNE
when(~(io.oper_a === io.oper_b)) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b10100".U) {
// BLT
when(io.oper_a < io.oper_b) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b10101".U) {
// BGE
when(io.oper_a >= io.oper_b) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b10111".U) {
when(io.oper_a.asUInt >= io.oper_b.asUInt) {
io.output := 1.S
} .otherwise {
io.output := 0.S
} .elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === "b11111".U) {
io.output := io.oper_a
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 11.U)
io.output := io.oper_b
// M extension
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 30.U)
io.output := io.oper_a * io.oper_b // MUL
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 29.U)
io.output := io.oper_a / io.oper_b // DIV
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 27.U)
io.output := ((io.oper_a.asUInt) / (io.oper_b.asUInt)).asSInt // DIVU
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 26.U)
io.output := io.oper_a % io.oper_b // REM
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 25.U)
io.output := ((io.oper_a.asUInt) % (io.oper_b.asUInt)).asSInt // REMU
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 24.U)
val result_in_64bits_MULH = io.oper_a * io.oper_b // MULH
io.output := result_in_64bits_MULH(63,32).asSInt
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 19.U)
val result_in_64bits_MULHSU = io.oper_a * io.oper_b.asUInt // MULHSU
io.output := result_in_64bits_MULHSU(63,32).asSInt
.elsewhen(io.aluCtrl === 18.U)
val result_in_64bits_MULHU = io.oper_a.asUInt * io.oper_b.asUInt // MULHU
io.output := result_in_64bits_MULHU(63,32).asSInt
.otherwise {
io.output := DontCare