blob: 58693824e3f28450d26b725ee5deb6bc105d35e5 [file] [log] [blame]
reading lef ...
units: 1000
#layers: 13
#macros: 437
#vias: 25
#viarulegen: 25
reading def ...
defIn read 10000 components
defIn read 20000 components
defIn read 30000 components
defIn read 40000 components
defIn read 10000 nets
design: DFFRAM
die area: ( 0 0 ) ( 750000 525000 )
trackPts: 12
defvias: 3
#components: 40286
#terminals: 80
#snets: 2
#nets: 12107
reading guide ...
guideIn read 100000 guides
#guides: 130405
Warning: met2 does not have viaDef align with layer direction, generating new viaDef via2_FR...
Warning: met4 does not have viaDef align with layer direction, generating new viaDef via4_FR...
done initConstraintLayerIdx
List of default vias:
Layer mcon
default via: L1M1_PR_MR
Layer via
default via: M1M2_PR
Layer via2
default via: via2_FR
Layer via3
default via: M3M4_PR_M
Layer via4
default via: via4_FR
Writing reference output def...
libcell analysis ...
instance analysis ...
complete 10000 instances
complete 20000 instances
complete 30000 instances
complete 40000 instances
#unique instances = 49
init region query ...
complete 10000 insts
complete 20000 insts
complete 30000 insts
complete 40000 insts
complete FR_VIA
complete li1
complete mcon
complete met1
complete via
complete met2
complete via2
complete met3
complete via3
complete met4
complete via4
complete met5
FR_MASTERSLICE shape region query size = 0
FR_VIA shape region query size = 0
li1 shape region query size = 981903
mcon shape region query size = 663084
met1 shape region query size = 245592
via shape region query size = 3720
met2 shape region query size = 1924
via2 shape region query size = 3720
met3 shape region query size = 1874
via3 shape region query size = 3720
met4 shape region query size = 942
via4 shape region query size = 0
met5 shape region query size = 0
start pin access
Error: no ap for B_0_0.WORD\[10\].W.B0.CG/CLK
Error: no ap for B_0_0.WORD\[0\].W.B0.CG/CLK
complete 100 pins
complete 112 pins
Error: pin does not have access point
Error: pin does not have access point
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
Error: pin does not have valid ap
complete 43 unique inst patterns
complete 1000 groups
complete 2000 groups
complete 3000 groups
complete 4000 groups
complete 5000 groups
complete 6000 groups
complete 7000 groups
complete 8000 groups
complete 9000 groups
complete 10000 groups
complete 11418 groups
Expt1 runtime (pin-level access point gen): 0.316817
Expt2 runtime (design-level access pattern gen): 2.30996
#scanned instances = 40286
#unique instances = 49
#stdCellGenAp = 817
#stdCellValidPlanarAp = 24
#stdCellValidViaAp = 509
#stdCellPinNoAp = 2
#stdCellPinCnt = 60226
#instTermValidViaApCnt = 0
#macroGenAp = 0
#macroValidPlanarAp = 0
#macroValidViaAp = 0
#macroNoAp = 0
complete pin access
cpu time = 00:00:07, elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 127.28 (MB), peak = 151.29 (MB)
post process guides ...
GCELLGRID X -1 DO 76 STEP 6900 ;
GCELLGRID Y -1 DO 108 STEP 6900 ;
complete 10000 orig guides
complete 20000 orig guides
complete 30000 orig guides
complete 40000 orig guides
complete 50000 orig guides
complete 60000 orig guides
complete 70000 orig guides
complete 80000 orig guides
complete 90000 orig guides
complete 100000 orig guides
complete FR_VIA
complete li1
complete mcon
complete met1
complete via
complete met2
complete via2
complete met3
complete via3
complete met4
complete via4
complete met5
complete 10000 nets
building cmap ...
init guide query ...
complete 10000 nets (guide)
complete FR_MASTERSLICE (guide)
complete FR_VIA (guide)
complete li1 (guide)
complete mcon (guide)
complete met1 (guide)
complete via (guide)
complete met2 (guide)
complete via2 (guide)
complete met3 (guide)
complete via3 (guide)
complete met4 (guide)
complete via4 (guide)
complete met5 (guide)
FR_MASTERSLICE guide region query size = 0
FR_VIA guide region query size = 0
li1 guide region query size = 47235
mcon guide region query size = 0
met1 guide region query size = 40468
via guide region query size = 0
met2 guide region query size = 22957
via2 guide region query size = 0
met3 guide region query size = 433
via3 guide region query size = 0
met4 guide region query size = 31
via4 guide region query size = 0
met5 guide region query size = 0
init gr pin query ...
start track assignment
Done with 70223 vertical wires in 3 frboxes and 40901 horizontal wires in 2 frboxes.
Done with 14661 vertical wires in 3 frboxes and 18327 horizontal wires in 2 frboxes.
complete track assignment
cpu time = 00:00:14, elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 246.97 (MB), peak = 376.77 (MB)
post processing ...
start routing data preparation
initVia2ViaMinLen_minSpc li1 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (0, 0, 0, 370)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minSpc met1 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (430, 445, 445, 460)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minSpc met2 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (460, 485, 485, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minSpc met3 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (630, 655, 655, 680)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minSpc met4 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (630, 1055, 1055, 3020)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minSpc met5 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (1480, 0, 0, 0)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut li1 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (0, 0, 0, 370)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut li1 zerolen (b, b, b, b) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met1 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (430, 445, 445, 460)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met1 zerolen (b, b, b, b) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met2 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (460, 485, 485, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met2 zerolen (b, b, b, b) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met3 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (630, 655, 655, 680)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met3 zerolen (b, b, b, b) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met4 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (630, 1055, 1055, 3020)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met4 zerolen (b, b, b, b) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met5 (d2d, d2u, u2d, u2u) = (1480, 0, 0, 0)
initVia2ViaMinLen_minimumcut met5 zerolen (b, b, b, b) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minSpc li1 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 430, 370)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minSpc met1 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (430, 370, 445, 385, 445, 385, 460, 460)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minSpc met2 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (460, 460, 410, 485, 410, 485, 630, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minSpc met3 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (630, 630, 655, 625, 655, 625, 680, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minSpc met4 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (680, 630, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 3020, 3020)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minSpc met5 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (1480, 1480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minimumcut li1 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 430, 370)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minimumcut met1 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (430, 370, 445, 385, 445, 385, 460, 460)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minimumcut met2 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (460, 460, 410, 485, 410, 485, 630, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minimumcut met3 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (630, 630, 655, 625, 655, 625, 680, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minimumcut met4 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (680, 630, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 3020, 3020)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_minimumcut met5 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (1480, 1480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_cutSpc li1 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 430, 370)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_cutSpc met1 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (430, 370, 445, 385, 445, 385, 460, 460)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_cutSpc met2 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (460, 460, 410, 485, 410, 485, 630, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_cutSpc met3 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (630, 630, 655, 625, 655, 625, 680, 630)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_cutSpc met4 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (680, 630, 1055, 1055, 1055, 1055, 3020, 3020)
initVia2ViaMinLenNew_cutSpc met5 (d2d-x, d2d-y, d2u-x, d2u-y, u2d-x, u2d-y, u2u-x, u2u-y) = (1600, 1600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
cpu time = 00:00:00, elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 246.97 (MB), peak = 376.77 (MB)
start detail routing ...
start 0th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:21, memory = 326.02 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:44, memory = 380.72 (MB)
completing 30% with 9960 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:04, memory = 339.75 (MB)
completing 40% with 9960 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:34, memory = 354.33 (MB)
completing 50% with 9960 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:59, memory = 343.40 (MB)
completing 60% with 14187 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:27, memory = 369.15 (MB)
completing 70% with 14187 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:52, memory = 372.82 (MB)
completing 80% with 17888 violations
elapsed time = 00:03:13, memory = 376.90 (MB)
completing 90% with 17888 violations
elapsed time = 00:03:48, memory = 415.24 (MB)
completing 100% with 17154 violations
elapsed time = 00:04:15, memory = 290.25 (MB)
number of violations = 39644
cpu time = 00:12:12, elapsed time = 00:04:17, memory = 666.91 (MB), peak = 667.04 (MB)
total wire length = 680924 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 401 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 318118 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 314480 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 45207 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 2716 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 134033
up-via summary (total 134033):
li1 59852
met1 71687
met2 2411
met3 83
met4 0
start 1st optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 39644 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:14, memory = 743.83 (MB)
completing 20% with 39644 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:31, memory = 758.78 (MB)
completing 30% with 31349 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:46, memory = 744.61 (MB)
completing 40% with 31349 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:02, memory = 751.48 (MB)
completing 50% with 31349 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:19, memory = 744.78 (MB)
completing 60% with 23167 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:36, memory = 745.00 (MB)
completing 70% with 23167 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:53, memory = 760.98 (MB)
completing 80% with 15862 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:07, memory = 756.05 (MB)
completing 90% with 15862 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:25, memory = 746.52 (MB)
completing 100% with 9163 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:38, memory = 683.43 (MB)
number of violations = 9163
cpu time = 00:07:45, elapsed time = 00:02:39, memory = 683.43 (MB), peak = 786.54 (MB)
total wire length = 673296 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 438 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 316416 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 310712 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 43024 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 2705 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133093
up-via summary (total 133093):
li1 59952
met1 70765
met2 2292
met3 84
met4 0
start 2nd optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 9163 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:14, memory = 759.88 (MB)
completing 20% with 9163 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:32, memory = 750.86 (MB)
completing 30% with 9796 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:41, memory = 748.73 (MB)
completing 40% with 9796 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:57, memory = 751.48 (MB)
completing 50% with 9796 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:12, memory = 754.25 (MB)
completing 60% with 9419 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:27, memory = 754.88 (MB)
completing 70% with 9419 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:46, memory = 750.64 (MB)
completing 80% with 9500 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:04, memory = 743.00 (MB)
completing 90% with 9500 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:20, memory = 742.48 (MB)
completing 100% with 8591 violations
elapsed time = 00:02:35, memory = 667.04 (MB)
number of violations = 8592
cpu time = 00:07:36, elapsed time = 00:02:37, memory = 667.04 (MB), peak = 786.54 (MB)
total wire length = 669155 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 456 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 316351 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308298 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 41365 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 2682 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 132037
up-via summary (total 132037):
li1 59982
met1 69977
met2 1997
met3 81
met4 0
start 3rd optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 8592 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:12, memory = 754.61 (MB)
completing 20% with 8592 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:24, memory = 775.58 (MB)
completing 30% with 6946 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:35, memory = 728.94 (MB)
completing 40% with 6946 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:48, memory = 755.83 (MB)
completing 50% with 6946 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:00, memory = 744.75 (MB)
completing 60% with 5111 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:09, memory = 751.48 (MB)
completing 70% with 5111 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:22, memory = 767.76 (MB)
completing 80% with 3315 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:29, memory = 742.39 (MB)
completing 90% with 3315 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:41, memory = 764.58 (MB)
completing 100% with 1427 violations
elapsed time = 00:01:51, memory = 667.04 (MB)
number of violations = 1432
cpu time = 00:05:18, elapsed time = 00:01:52, memory = 667.04 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666465 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 342 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 291606 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308422 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 63116 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 2976 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133600
up-via summary (total 133600):
li1 59847
met1 69093
met2 4557
met3 103
met4 0
start 4th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 1432 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 746.30 (MB)
completing 20% with 1432 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 740.89 (MB)
completing 30% with 1110 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:14, memory = 730.78 (MB)
completing 40% with 1110 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:19, memory = 747.97 (MB)
completing 50% with 1110 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:22, memory = 740.75 (MB)
completing 60% with 830 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:26, memory = 757.61 (MB)
completing 70% with 830 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:31, memory = 772.30 (MB)
completing 80% with 499 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:33, memory = 739.65 (MB)
completing 90% with 499 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:36, memory = 750.18 (MB)
completing 100% with 146 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:39, memory = 667.04 (MB)
number of violations = 146
cpu time = 00:01:50, elapsed time = 00:00:40, memory = 667.04 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666619 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 333 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289982 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308153 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 64860 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3290 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133902
up-via summary (total 133902):
li1 59830
met1 69121
met2 4809
met3 142
met4 0
start 5th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 146 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 739.60 (MB)
completing 20% with 146 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 751.61 (MB)
completing 30% with 93 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 683.90 (MB)
completing 40% with 93 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 736.81 (MB)
completing 50% with 93 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 742.74 (MB)
completing 60% with 73 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 738.01 (MB)
completing 70% with 73 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 740.76 (MB)
completing 80% with 21 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 682.71 (MB)
completing 90% with 21 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:10, memory = 715.98 (MB)
completing 100% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:11, memory = 666.68 (MB)
number of violations = 1
cpu time = 00:00:34, elapsed time = 00:00:12, memory = 666.68 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666648 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289764 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308095 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 6th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 692.70 (MB)
completing 20% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 693.02 (MB)
completing 30% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 671.49 (MB)
completing 40% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 693.95 (MB)
completing 50% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 681.95 (MB)
completing 60% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 696.70 (MB)
completing 70% with 1 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 693.49 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 671.17 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 693.80 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 668.46 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:21, elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 668.46 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 17th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 689.58 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 693.02 (MB)
completing 30% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 670.95 (MB)
completing 40% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 695.22 (MB)
completing 50% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 681.99 (MB)
completing 60% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 696.50 (MB)
completing 70% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 689.34 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 676.62 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 696.73 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 668.46 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:20, elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 668.46 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 25th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 679.46 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 681.23 (MB)
completing 30% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 683.30 (MB)
completing 40% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 680.83 (MB)
completing 50% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 675.28 (MB)
completing 60% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 681.88 (MB)
completing 70% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 678.36 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 681.55 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 680.38 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 673.50 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:22, elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 673.50 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 33rd optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 670.62 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 672.30 (MB)
completing 30% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 673.12 (MB)
completing 40% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 673.24 (MB)
completing 50% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 667.81 (MB)
completing 60% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 671.05 (MB)
completing 70% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 673.31 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 672.46 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 670.57 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 672.86 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:26, elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 672.86 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 41st optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 671.54 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 672.54 (MB)
completing 30% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 670.55 (MB)
completing 40% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 672.71 (MB)
completing 50% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 667.78 (MB)
completing 60% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 672.46 (MB)
completing 70% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 673.33 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 672.82 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 671.73 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 670.28 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:26, elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 670.28 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 49th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 672.31 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 670.46 (MB)
completing 30% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 673.57 (MB)
completing 40% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 670.52 (MB)
completing 50% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 673.08 (MB)
completing 60% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 671.79 (MB)
completing 70% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 673.05 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 673.11 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 670.51 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 672.05 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:26, elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 672.05 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
start 57th optimization iteration ...
completing 10% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:00, memory = 672.92 (MB)
completing 20% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:01, memory = 671.32 (MB)
completing 30% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:02, memory = 673.12 (MB)
completing 40% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:03, memory = 673.62 (MB)
completing 50% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:04, memory = 670.87 (MB)
completing 60% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:05, memory = 670.63 (MB)
completing 70% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:06, memory = 672.47 (MB)
completing 80% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:07, memory = 671.43 (MB)
completing 90% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:08, memory = 673.29 (MB)
completing 100% with 0 violations
elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 670.67 (MB)
number of violations = 0
cpu time = 00:00:26, elapsed time = 00:00:09, memory = 670.67 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
complete detail routing
total wire length = 666660 um
total wire length on LAYER li1 = 331 um
total wire length on LAYER met1 = 289772 um
total wire length on LAYER met2 = 308098 um
total wire length on LAYER met3 = 65033 um
total wire length on LAYER met4 = 3423 um
total wire length on LAYER met5 = 0 um
total number of vias = 133930
up-via summary (total 133930):
li1 59826
met1 69110
met2 4844
met3 150
met4 0
cpu time = 00:38:10, elapsed time = 00:13:18, memory = 670.67 (MB), peak = 790.45 (MB)
post processing ...
Runtime taken (hrt): 813.377